Week nine at Wild Dunes Resort consisted of 5 mid shifts: 10:00AM – 6:30AM again. This scheduled compiled with the capstone course and the project requirements has been a challenge as I have no off days and am not allowed to ask for any until April 10th which marks the end of the official spring break season. Juggling and organizing and obtaining very little sleep has become the norm for this last semester at Trident. I am definitely anticipating the end of this semester so life can return to some form of normalcy.
Week nine put me working in the Boardwalk Hotel for two of the five shifts which is vastly different than working at the Village. The office at the Village exist for the purpose of checking in and checking out guests. At the Boardwalk Hotel, guests are constantly running through the lobby and most of them have questions or are making purchases from the little market located by the front desk. The activity level is much higher and the guest interaction is pretty constant. The Boardwalk Hotel continues to undergo renovations and the main restaurant is still weeks away from completion. The hotel’s main pool finally opened this past week which did seem to cheer up some of the guests who were disappointed with the hotel’s renovations. Apparently, reservations is not informing
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It was a mistake and the managers apologized but it was terrifying. At one point, I had at least twenty people waiting in the lobby to be checked in as I seemed to be asked at least a hundred questions that I had never heard before and had no answer to provide to the guest. It was a nightmare for me but I survived those three hours and certainly hope that they do a better job of scheduling in the future. Luckily, I have many resources when I encounter those questions where I have no answer – I dial our WENDI system and many times they can assist me with
Congratulations on stepping into one of the most significant of the weeks in a woman’s pregnancy period, the week twelve! This is a significant week for any pregnant woman due to the fact that it marks the end of the first tri- semester and also ends the most crucial and important stage of the baby’s development and growth phase.
Request for interpreting services should be received at least one week prior to the assignment. Request for interpreting services with a 1 day or less notification will be billed at the rate $ 95.00 per hour. A three-hour minimum will be
I found the central tendencies, the 5-point summary and the standard deviation of both of my variables; including for the variable that has data for 2 years. Interestingly, the variables had some common results. However, there were more differences then similarities, as each calculation had a variety of results. For example, variable X I calculated both years (1990 and 2012) and I knew already that each country had major differences between the two, but I think that affected the results in each step (the central tendencies, the 5-point summary and the standard deviation). It is noticeable to see how the mean and median in 1990 is lower than the mean in 2012, and this carried out through the rest of the next calculations. Comparing these findings to variable Y, I see that there is a tremendous
Attached is a copy of the EPIC glossary. I included the entire glossary only because the Event and Type of the 10/4/14 and 10/15/14 spreadsheet are abbreviated explanations of what actually occurred within the patient's medical record.
Mom was very receptive in discussing Thomas’s behavior and services that will be provide to him. Mom stated Thomas, continue to have physical and verbal confrontation with his brother, which cusses her to feel stress out and overwhelmed. Mom stated that she has to yell and give out punishment to the boys almost every day and all day. Mom stated, she is encouraging Thomas to eat more nutritious foods, to help with gaining weight. Mom stated that she does have reliable transportation to take her kids to their appointments. Mom Thomas need to control his impulse and think before he reacts to anger situations. Mom stated she does not understand why Thomas fights and argues with his brother. Mom stated that Thomas behavior can go from zero to
There are a lot of crimes happening around the world. There are some that are solved and the rest is still unresolved as of present times. This is the very reason why people result to getting private investigators, to get the right information for them. They should be able to get the details that are needed to solve the cases that are not resolved. We should also know the credentials of the investigators and the company. They should be licensed by the government above all.
I have reviewed our records, and they do not reflect a surrender request being made on your policy. Enclosed is the required form to cancel your policy. Please sign and return in the pre-paid postage envelope provided. Currently the cash value on your policy is $12,073.40 with no taxable gain
It all started when we decided to go on a trip to Oahu on a charter plane. We thought it would be fun, that it would be really cool to climb Diamond Head and go to a luau. Oh boy were we wrong. While we were in the plane, Nathan noticed that the wing was on fire. We all grabbed a parachute and we grabbed a rope, hatchet, dinghy, flint, twelve cans of food, sleeping bags, tent, and a water sack. We all jumped out successfully, one after the other. Nathan jumped first and opened his parachute successfully with the dinghy and flint. I did the same with the tent and water sac. But when Roene jumped out with the canned food and sleeping bag and tried to open her parachute it didn’t open! ROENE WAS FALLING FROM THE SKY AND THERE WAS A CHANCE THAT SHE COULD HAVE
One of the examples would be in a school. When you are put into a group to complete an big assignment that is due at the end of the class period. It is important that you either have to do the assignment, or get a 0 on the assignment. So some of us in the group see other people working way ahead of us, so there is nothing we can do but to complete the assignment carefully to get a good score, as well just like the people that worked ahead of us that thinks the same. So at the end of the assignment everyone received a perfect good score. While everyone is working in your group and you don’t know what to do, but the only thing you can do is to work like the others. When I was in a group with friends discussing about creating a small business,
I belive that what each of us could do is to look at ourselves and let the change start with us from within, we each could pay more attention to how we treat people and what we say to others. Be mindful of how you see speak and treat other people even if they are not from another culture. Yes I have been talked down to because I was a woman. While remaining professional I answered the question and let the person talking to me which happened to be my boss at the time and kindly said to him not only women cook good but men can cook good to.
The process evaluation activities that were incorporation to this implementation process were a verbal quiz pre/post test, answering anonymous questions, and re going over the quiz at the end. While some of the objectives were achieved and others were not due to the fact we only held this class once and won’t be able to follow up.
Write of what parts of the text were the most difficult to read, and to identify how many times a passage was read before some understanding was achieved.
Thank you for sharing this story with us. Your client has a very sad story. Through your kind words, I can see that she is a strong individual who does not want to show any signs of weakness. However, she is putting on a brave face even though she is going through the darkest part of her life right now. Although it may seem like she will eventually get past this, recovery for athletes with eating disorder are highly unlikely. She will fall into a cycle of doing poorly in competitions which will cause more pressure, this pressure will lead to being more reliant on control of her intake of food. She needs everyone important in her life to gather for an intervention for her. However, by the looks of this case it seems she has very few people in
Last semester I took PSY-P 211 class, which is method of experimental psychology class. In that class, I learned how to design and run an experiment and how to collect data. Besides, I also learned about the p-value. However, it is not detailed enough as I am not so understand about the p-value and the 95% confidence interval. When I am taking this K300 class this semester, now I know the real meaning of the p-value and the confidence interval in the experiment. Hence, I think this class really helped me to fully understand almost all of the basic stuff about experiment and writing research paper—about the 95% confidence interval, p-value, types of experiments and many more. I also love the fact that it is a statistic class that based on running simulation and not too much involved mathematics because I think this kind of class is more helpful especially for psychology major because it is so related to what we will do in the higher level psychology class, especially if someone is joining lab as we will use this knowledge on writing research paper and do analysis.
clock out sometimes twice a week, which apparently affected my paycheck, every payday. They prioritized the regular employees of the hotel.