
Psychical Changes In Early Childhood

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In the first two years of childhood many changes happen. Psychical growth is fast and it’s an adventurous time as the infant learns about their abilities and about the world around them. Infant/toddler years are the most impressionable years. During this time learning is critical and relationships begin to form. Parents and environment play a role in how the child will development. According to Albert Bandura’s social learning theory, infants learn by observation and modeling. The video “Social Clay” shows this theory. The teacher is sitting with eight 15-month-year-olds and shows them different ways to roll the clay. The infant on her right sees the teacher rolling the clay on the table and then imitates it. After an infant tastes the clay, the other children see this and also …show more content…

Stage three is the infants response to objects and peoples. At 4-8 months the infant will try to make interesting events last. In stage four the infants will try to reach their goal. Stage three babies barely understand how to continue an experience, but by stage four they can. In stage five in Tertiary Circular Reactions, Piaget refers to infants of 12-18 months as “little scientist” where the infant explores and uses trial and error. In stage six the child begins to try to solve problems and unlike stage five, they think before they act. The infant Olivia in “Infants Explore the Harp” displays stage four in sensorimotor intelligence. She fingers a harp and after her caregiver models how to use it, Olivia imitates the same movement. The sound catches Olivia’s attention and she tries to make the sound again herself. She keeps trying to finger the harp until she hears the sound again. Another infant Michael takes his maraca and bangs it on the harp. He hears the sound it makes and he continues to bang and strum his maraca on the harp. Both of these infants wanted to make these sounds last and they achieved their

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