
Psycho Opening Scene Analysis

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Psycho (Alfred Hitchcock, 1960) is a horror movie. The plotline of the movie, Psycho, is that Marion Crane, a young employee, who ran away after stealing $40,000 from her office and got murdered in a motel where she was spending the night due to the strong storm. The setting of Psycho told us about its genre. For example, since the dominant setting of the movie was Norman Bates’ house and the motel, and it was in an isolated place with fewer people on space, which suggested that it was a horror movie. The fact that the setting was in an abandoned place, if the characters in the movie wanted to seek the help they would not find anybody around. This abandoned setting of Psycho played an important role to develop the base of horror that helped to create the helpless and fearful atmosphere which aroused fear in the audience. Apart from the setting, the editing of …show more content…

Yet, the story took a different turn when Marion was killed in the shower. The choice in Mise-En-Scene in terms of lightning and shooting angle in the shower scene where Marion was killed was very interesting. When the killer was trying to kill Marion, the killer's face was not shown because of the choices made in lighting and shooting angle, which left the audience in suspense about the killer's identity. For example, there were some high angled shots, where only Marion could be seen while she was trying to defend herself from the killer. Moreover, when the killer entered the shower, low key lightning was used which created a shadowy effect and the audience could not see the face of the killer. Also, the choices made in dressing the murderer as an old lady convinced the audience to believe that it was Norman's mother who had killed

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