
Psychoanalysis of Dexter

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Transcripción de Psycho analysis of Dexter Morgan Dexter Morgan: The mind of a monster Who is Dexter? Dexter Morgan (early 30 's) is a blood spatter analyst for Miami Metro police department (His younger sister Debra is a detective in the department) but he has a secret. He murders people in his free time. He sticks to a strict code that was taught to him by his foster father who knew that Dexter would be a killer since he was a child. This code is a guide that tells him to only kill other killers but not get caught in the process. Although Dexter only kills bad people, he still takes pleasure in killing and has his own ritual that he executes on his victims. He is a master of disguising his true self from the rest of society so on the …show more content…

He finally reached a point in his life where he can feel comfortable. At this point he had the urge to feel more power and control but was treated with more fragility than with discipline because his parents understood the trauma he underwent. This led to him doing whatever he wanted but without feeling remorse or guilt School Age (6 to 11 years) Industry vs. inferiority Dexter has always been a very intelligent person and has excelled in academics. On the other hand, he has never really understood other people and why they feel so much emotion while he feels empty inside. His social life was as successful as his academic life because he had not yet been taught by his father how to blend in with the rest of society in order to hide his true self. Adolescence (12 to 18 years) Identity vs. role confusion Dexter knows who he truly is but he has been taught to act a specific way in life and he recognizes that identity as well. He has learned to balance out his murderous self and his socially acceptable facade. His identity has basically become his 2 identities, his real self and his fake self. He knows to separate the 2. Young Adulthood (19 to 40 years) Intimacy vs. isolation This is the current stage that Dexter is in and since his father died when he was 20, he felt that he hasn 't had many people that he cares about or that care about him. He has always had a

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