Psychodynamic theories may vary in their individual descriptions of intrapsychic and psychosocial processes and forces, but most follow concepts from Freudian psycho-analysis. There are five main key concepts regarding the psychodynamic theory. The first, the importance of early childhood experiences in personality development. Second, the existence of unconscious and preconscious motivation, unconscious is the part of the mind that holds ideas, thoughts, and memories that we cannot access and bring into our conscious awareness (Canda, Chatterjee, and Robbins, 2012). In contrast, preconscious holds ideas, thoughts, and memories that we are not currently thinking of, but if we concentrate, we can bring those to our conscious part of mind (Canda, …show more content…
The focus of most psychodynamic theory is on pathology rather than well-being and on deficiency rather than strengths (Canda, Chatterjee, and Robbins, 2012). This theory does not adequately address diversity, due to inherently, intrapsychic, and interpersonal focus, issues of diversity in race, ethnicity, culture, and social class are largely ignored (Canda, Chatterjee, and Robbins, 2012). According to NASW (2008), 1.05 cultural competence and social diversity it states, “Social workers should obtain education about and seek to understand the nature of social diversity and oppression with respect to race, ethnicity, national origin, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, marital status, political belief, religion, immigration status, and mental or physical disability.” The complexity of human behavior and the internal, interactional, and environmental factors shape the individual; this cannot and should not be reduced to intrapsychic processes and early childhood experiences (Canda, Chatterjee, and Robbins, 2012). However, it is argued that they cannot be ignored as they are a part of the larger puzzle of both normal and pathological development (Canda, Chatterjee, and Robbins,
In the counseling world today understanding psychodynamic approaches is more crucial than ever in the assessment and treatment of any psychological issue. Psychodynamic approaches such as Individual therapy, analytical therapy and psychoanalysis are similar in many ways but also differ based on the individuals own perception and circumstances. I will discuss the similarities as well difference’s and why these forms of therapy are critical in the assessment and treatment of clients.
The psychodynamic perspective focuses on the motivation of human behavior by a person’s inner personality through their emotions, childhood experiences, or environmental demands (Hutchison, 2015). As the root of all psychodynamic theories, psychologist Sigmund Freud used his interrelated points of view to develop approaches for human
ID, ego and superego. He said you were born with ID which was in your
To begin, the psychodynamic theory is based on Freud’s psychoanalytic theory and primarily focuses on the role of the unconscious mind in the development of personality. The psychodynamic theory includes the idea that people have defense mechanisms. Psychological defense mechanisms are ways of dealing with anxiety through unconsciously distorting one’s perception of reality, such as denial and repression. In addition, sexual impulses play a large role in the psychodynamic theory. According to Freud, part of personality is outside of awareness, unconscious. The unconscious has difficulty retrieving material and is well below the surface of awareness. Also, the past is important in the psychodynamic theory. There are some advantages and disadvantages to this theory. For instance, the advantages are: psychodynamic theory recognizes the importance of childhood; other theorists after Freud have revised the approach to be less controversial, and this theory has been
The people in the world that we live in are extremely diverse, in terms of the nationalities, religions, gender classifications and physical abilities. Social workers must have a clear understanding of the consequences of diversity and difference and the mechanisms of oppression and discrimination as they relate to human development. The range of different ethnic and cultural backgrounds that social workers will practice in is huge. Because of this, social workers must have an understanding of the values and attitudes of a multitude of different cultures as well as an understanding of their own attitudes and
Joseph’s unhappy childhood can be linked to his parent’s argument and he seems to have associated the darkness as a trigger for that events. Furthermore, splitting with his girlfriend may also have prompted him to feel lonely. This might have instilled fear on him, causing anxiety, panic attacks and depression. Biomedical, cognitive behavioural and psychodynamic approach can be used alongside, as treatment methods to help Joseph with his disorder.
The contemporary psychodynamic theory focuses on the unconscious drives and forces within human functioning. The original psychodynamic theory was considered to be psychoanalysis which was created by Freud. However, now psychodynamic theory embodies ideas not only from Freud, but from many of his followers as well. Some of the assumptions that are made by the psychodynamic approach include that all behavior has a cause whether it is conscious or unconscious; adult behavior is rooted in childhood experiences; and that people are strongly shaped by unconscious motives. These assumptions are addressed in a therapeutic setting by utilizing dream analysis, free association, projective tests, and even hypnosis. The primary focus in the therapeutic process is helping the client to become more aware of the self as well as helping them to understand how their past experiences have influenced their existing behavior. The psychodynamic theory assumes that the personality is made up of three
Depending on the type of group treatment techniques and strategies may differ in order to better help patients with PTSD and solutions vary with whatever technique and strategies is used, for example, Sloan, Bovin, & Schnurr (2012) says, “Approaches to group treatment fall into one of three broad categories: psychodynamic and interpersonal groups, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) groups, and supportive groups. The key component of psychodynamic and interpersonal groups is the focus on increasing awareness about internal conflicts and defense mechanisms” (p. 690).
The psychodynamic approach uses personality as its main focus to describe leadership. The psychodynamic approach is to raise awareness for leaders to know and understand their strengths and weakness in their personality traits. This approach allows individuals to identify their Myers-Briggs typologies which will help them understand their leadership qualities and disadvantages. The Myers-Briggs typologies are extraversion versus introversion, sensing versus intuiting, thinking versus feeling, and judging versus perceiving. The Psychodynamic Approach Survey states my four Myers-Briggs typologies are extravert, sensor, thinker and judger and I agree with my results.
This paper attempts to explore psychodynamic theory in depth as well as its presentation in real life as presented by Sigmund Freud. It presents an analysis of the theory in terms of its historical developments and perspectives as well as the ideas of its main supporters. Further, the paper also attempts to bring to light the hidden and unambiguous assumptions made by the theory concerning individuals, groups, families, systems and communities. Additionally, It will attempt to highlight the relationship that exists between the theory and other theories. The key concepts discussed by Feuds psychodynamic theory have also been discussed in this paper. In addition, the paper also focuses on the application of the psychodynamic theory in social work direct practice and how the theory has influenced various aspects and beliefs in the field. Finally, the paper will attempt to expose the main criticisms of the psychodynamic theory as presented by various psychological researchers. Amongst these three theories this paper will explore and explain family counseling approach of the Psychoanalytic therapy and its approach. This paper will also explain five commonly used family therapy theories which are strategic, systematic, intergenerational, structural, and experimental. This paper will also go into biblical views to the psychodynamic theory and its biblical approach.
The psychodynamic perspective was originally theorised by Sigmund Freud. Psychodynamic theory suggests that much of human motivation, action, and thought, are governed by unconscious mental processes. These processes can conflict with one another causing compromises between the contending motives. Freud argued that these mental processes and motivations are determined by two biological drives: aggression and sex. These drives, Freud suggests, are internal states of tension that augment in pressure until satisfied (Burton et al., 2009).
The psychoanalytic perspective, is the outlook that behavior and personality are effected by the conflict between one’s inner dreams n and expectation of society. Most of this conflict occurs in unconscious, which is outside the knowledge of an individual. Renowned psychologist, Freud established the psychoanalytic theory as an explanation for perplexed phenomena such as the meaning behind dreams, slips of the tongue, and behavioral reflex reactions to stressful situations. The unconscious is a primary focus in psychoanalytic theory due to its typical development in childhood and the ways in which it influences nearly every detail of an individual’s life. The unconscious mind also holds unvented memories and unexpressed urges that make their process into the conscious mind through a variety of different means. However, topographical theory of the mind states that conscious, preconscious, and unconscious serve as motivating forces in human behavior. Corsin & Wedding (2011) define the conscious as mental activity which individuals are fully aware of, preconscious as thoughts and feelings that could be easily brought to mind and unconscious as thoughts, feelings, and desires of which one is unaware of.
In this era, diversity and cultural competence are extremely important to understand, regarding the foundations of human development in the social environment. Diversity can alter or affect an individual’s behavior in many ways. Diversity is considered when an individual is different, or composed of differing elements. Therefore, diversity can include different nationality, gender, sexual orientation, age, class, disability, gender identity, immigration status, political ideology, and religion. At any time, an individual is determined as belonging to another group, different from the majority, the individual is considered to be subject to the effects of diversity. Many children coming from different countries have a problem with language. Not being able to speak the language of the community can cause huge barriers for the children to overcome. Many parents believe that the key to a successful life and fulfillment is to get an education. These parents encourage their kids, that with an education nothing can defeat you. It is also very important for the social worker, or human service provider to be comfortable with diversity, and is culturally competent. Cross-cultured means the individual appreciates and compares the differences and the similarities of different cultures as well as their own.
The history of Psychodynamic psychology originated with Sigmund Freud in the late 19th century. Freud proposed a psychodynamic theory to which personality consists of the id. The Id is present at birth and it resides in the world of unconsciousness. Freud also said that the unconscious is also a place where human instinctual biological drives reside. The drives direct our behaviour towards choices that promise to satisfy our basic human needs. The drives ensure our survival like drinking water and eating food, the desire for reproduction and the necessity for aggression.
The psychodynamic approach to psychology is the study of human behaviour from the point of view of motivation and drives. The original beliefs of this approach were created by Sigmund Freud in the 1800s. Although it is now generally seen negatively in the common view, sometimes comically, it has provided the inspiration for a few of the current leading approaches to psychology.