The use of animals in psychological research Oliver Mancera Yr12
The use of animals in psychology research has been a subject of debate since we started understanding animals better and knowing they feel too. I´m going to look at the pros and cons, the ethics involved, and the actual usefulness of the research. After this I will make a conclusion based on the research I’ve made.
Pros of the use of animals in psychology research are: it provides a more “ethical” alternative to testing on humans since most of today’s society considers the invasion and death of human life really unethical. The use of animals also enables the researches to study subjects for an entire life span; an example of this is mice which have life spans of 2-3 years this makes it easier for researchers to study the effects on their lives instead of observing a human during 80 years. Also researchers can use animals that are really similar to humans like mice which according to shares 85% of their DNA code with humans; other examples of this is the bonobos which says share 99% of DNA with humans this provides a more ethical alternative to conduct research that can sometimes be applied to humans.
Meanwhile there is some strong cons: The bad treatment animals suffer some through experiments is really horrible like being deprived or
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There is laws that protect them to a certain extent like only using them when its necessary and there is no other way around it, also that scientists are bound to minimize pain and stress is good. Also the research has to do more good than harm so they´re not just using them for useless research. This is not perfect though, there needs to be more protection for the unprotected species, but in a near future the in vitro dish will replace animals but until then they’re necessary for advancing in
In August 1914, after the outbreak of World War I, an immense wave of support flooded Britain from her ally, Australia. All Australian political parties, community leaders, newspapers and churches were on-board with this major movement to help the mother country. All believed it was a morally right and necessary commitment . World War I, 1914 – 1918 had a significant and long lasting impact on the Australian home front. ‘The civilian population ’ had to undergo many changes to cater for the war. At this time women’s push for a larger role in the war effort caused a significant and long lasting impact on the Australian home front, which has helped shape workplace gender equality today. Conscription also impacted the Australian home front, meaning, compulsory enlistment of people in military service. As well as the massive impact on Australia’s economy from the many trading cancellations through abandoned or cut off allies, which has helped build Australia’s economy to what it is today.
Birch et al. found that there are benefits of non human research for example his research on animal behaviour on damaged crops, which led to the development of scarecrows to prevent any further damage to both the crops and avoiding poison to kill the animals. This study served a purpose to save both the animal and the crop. Scientific arguments for animal research states tat it has been a major contributor to our knowledge of basic learning processes such as conditioning and motivational systems such as Skinner’s research with pigeons. Also Selye’s experiment on rats showed an important connection between stress and diseases.
Psychologist study both animals and human behavior, and the” research purpose is to help understand people and to improve the quality of human lives.” (Psy.101). Yet, animals experiments used in earlier research like the Harlow’s Monkey Experiments,” stopped in 1985 due to the APA’s rules against the mistreatment of animals.”(Psy.101). However, the Department of Health and Human Services provided the guidelines along with other scientific organizations and the APA, and the Federal Government for ethical standards in research.
Animals should not be used for scientific experiments. According to ‘Should Animals Be Used for Scientific or Commercial Testing?’ Animals are so different from human beings that research
There are over 26 million different types of animal being tested on for research each year in the United States. Animals are used for testing every year for human research. Different animals go through serious pain, in order for humans to facilitate growth in different fields of study. Many animals are used in order to study diseases and potential cures for the diseases. New research chemicals are tested on animals with similar structures to humans, to see if the medicine can help with certain diseases. Tons of scientific advancement has taken place because of animal testing. Without animal testing, many diseases would still exist, without a safe way to test for potential cures. The issue at hand is the type of treatment that animals have to endure because of the different testing methods. They are treated very poorly, go through intense suffering, and normally have very poor living conditions. A pro to animal testing is that many cures and different medicines have been developed through animal testing. Without animal testing, many diseases would still exist without cures. Secondly, animals have a much shorter life span than humans do, so scientists can study the results through the whole life span of the animal. With humans, it is hard to do a full test because we have such high lifespans, while animals tend to live a lot less longer. Thirdly, many animals have been saved because of animal testing. Many diseases animals deal with now have vaccines and cures, as a result of animal testing. Without it, many animals would have rabies or other types of virus that can be detrimental to the animal’s health. On the contrary, a con to animal testing would be the pain many animals go through as a result of the testing. The tests are experimental, so we don’t know exactly what the chemical drug will do to the animal. Many cases have turned bad and many animals have died as a result, or gone through extensive pain. Next, there are many alternative methods of experimental testing that doesn’t require animals. As a result, why are we still using animals for testing when there are other ways to do it. Finally, animals are different from humans, so they make poor testing subjects. We can’t know for sure how the research
To begin, experimenting on animals is good because it helps to create medicines and different health products that are safe for humans. It is crucial to human health. It saves millions of human lives each year. It helps scientists to develop various drugs, vaccines, and antibiotics. Professor Sir George Radda explained in the article “Animal Research: A Necessary Measure” that “Animal research is essential to tackling major twenty first century health problems such as cancer and heart disease. Without the use of animals it would be impossible, in many cases, to develop drugs or any sort of medical treatment” (Radda). Testing on animals is something that is needed to be done to create many different health and medical products. As the quote explains, it has helped experts a lot with tackling the problem of cancer and heart disease. In addition, animals closely resemble humans, which helps scientists to create different medical treatments, and ensure that they are safe for human use. That also helps doctors in the surgical field, to make sure they do not mess up. As Rebecca Weitz explained in the article “Animal Research: A Necessary Measure,” that “Surgical protocol for modern day kidney surgery was only made possible by first experimenting and perfecting it on dogs. Potential cures for cancer that are currently underway would not be possible without the availability of animal experimentation” (Weitz). This quote shows that without the use of animals, various medical treatments would be very difficult, and maybe even impossible. Animal experimentation provides a safe zone, and not having it for things could be potentially deadly. It also makes doctors able to perfect things like surgery without harming humans. Overall, animals play a huge role in making sure
Animal testing is used frequently among the field of research to identify new cures of the modern science field to help cure disease, find cures, or simply identify variables in a theory. Yet, it is brought to question: is it morally wrong to test another living organism that is not a human being? Billions of animals lose their lives each year due to animal testing. Animals should be attributed to help enhance the fields of Psychological Research as long the experiments have a higher gain value than the level of cruelty that is imposed upon the animals that are being used for testing. Although the line between what is considered an effective research or pain caused for human financial benefit; there are two mindsets that are pointed out to continue animal research: the scientific view and the ethical view. But, most importantly to identify the purposes of a choice done by ethical egoism and contractarianism to benefit individuals financially and instead have utilitarianism content of moral norms to use on the animal research field.
Romeo and Juliet is an iconic play that has had a big impact on many of today's entertainment creators. The play Romeo and Juliet was first published in 1597 in the First Quarto and it was and is still to this day a masterpiece. To this day movies are still coming out with different settings and twists but with the same story line of Romeo and Juliet. This story of Romeo and Juliet has come out in many different forms, such as movies, books, and hundreds of plays. Between the two movies, Baz Luhrmann’s 199 Romeo and Juliet and Franco Zeffirelli’s 1968 Romeo and Juliet there are many differences in the movie that changes big things.
Animal experimentation has been at the forefront of brain research for decades. Rats, mice, rabbits, dogs, pigs, and monkeys are all used to develop drugs and treatments to benefit humans. Even though animal brains do not precisely mimic the biology of the human brain, their brains have many of the same basic structures and functions. Animal research, that is, the use of animals as experimental subjects in biomedical and behavioural fields of learning, has been institutionalised on the basis of two key assumptions, one factual and one moral. The factual assumption is that animal research provides a reliable basis for predicting the effects of drugs, products and yield significant scientific conclusions and medical benefits for society. The
The use of animals in psychology research has been a subject of debate since we started understanding animals better and knowing they feel too. I´m going to look at the pros and cons, the ethics involved, and the actual usefulness of the research. After this I will make a conclusion based on the research I’ve made.
Risks are not morally transferable to those who do not choose to take them" (qtd. in Orlans 26). Animals do not willingly sacrifice themselves for the advancement of human welfare and new technology. Their decisions are made for them because they cannot vocalize their own preferences and choices. When humans decide the fate of animals in research environments, the animals' rights are taken away without any thought of their well-being or the quality of their lives. Therefore, animal experimentation should be stopped because it violates the rights of animals.
This is a sensitive issue area in regards to research. There are many types of research that just are not feasible to do with human subjects; therefore the justification for non-human animals come into the experiment. Even though there are many benefits to using animals, many animal rights groups maintain strong opposition to using animals for research. This is why the APA has developed the Committee on Animal Research and Ethics (CARE). It is the responsibility of CARE to audit that all ethics regarding animal usage is followed (“Committee on animal,” 2014). Due to the sensitivity of testing on animals the APA has developed very strict standards regarding usage of animals as subjects. They range from justification, housing of said animal, acquisition, and procedures. These requirements outline absolute necessity in order to reduce the unnecessary usage of animals in testing.
James was referred to the counselling service for chronic low mood in terms of demonstrating depressed mood, worthless and hopeless feeling, and marked diminished interests or pleasure in university activities and social relationship activities. Based on his background information, it seems that James’ early life experiences and his developed core beliefs of self, world and future have huge impacts on his chronic low mood symptoms.
Animal experimentation by scientists can be cruel and unjust, but at the same time it can provide long term benefits for humanity. Animals used in research and experiments have been going on for 2,000 years and keep is going strong. It is a widely debated about topic all over the world. Some say it is inhuman while others say it’s for the good of human kind. There are many different reasons why people perform experiments and why others total disagree with it.
Animals should be used for research and Experimentation because if the animals get sick or show any signs of acting abnormal then the scientists know it isn’t safe for humans to use. Animal research has played a big role in nearly every medical breakthrough over the last decade. Animals have the same organ system that perform the same task, which helps determine if what is being tested is safe for humans to use. Most of the medicines animals use the same medicine as humans like antibiotics, pain killers, and many more this helps to see if the medicine cures the animals without any harmful consequences then it would be safe and useful for humans to use.