1) Is this a qualitative or quantitative study?
In my opinion, this study is quantitative. First of all, the research is based on cause and effect relationship. In this study, the researcher wants to see the effect of the computer intervention on the psychological status of the chronically ill rural women. “If the researcher desires to test a cause and effect relationship, quantitative methods are most suitable.” (LoBiondo-Wood, Haber, Cameron, & Singh, 2013, p. 31). Besides this, this study shows the cause and effect interaction among variables. “While doing quantitative research, most of the time researchers direct this by providing its purpose and they use specific and highly precise measurement techniques to gather the information
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If no hypotheses were stated, what would one be?
The whole report gives information related to the hypothesis. However, in this whole study there is no specific hypothesis. Hypothesis could be given in introductions or in the background of the study (LoBiondo-Wood et al., 2013. p. 59). As I wrote earlier, this is a quantitative study. In this case, hypothesis could be in the “results” or “findings” section (LoBiondo-Wood et al., 2013. p. 59). At the end of the discussion part in this study, the researcher has written “Although statistically significant differences between intervention and control groups were found only for social support, self-esteem, and empowerment, all psychosocial indicators improved in the intervention group and declined or remained stable among controls”, which is nearly like hypothesis but not appropriately worded. Hypothesis changes the relationship among the dependent and independent variable and provides an answer for the research question (LoBiondo-Wood et al., 2013. p. 75). Inter-relationship is found among research question, hypothesis, theoretical framework, and the literature review (LoBiondo-Wood et al., 2013. p. 60). For this study, hypothesis could be: “Intervention of the computer will significantly influence the psychological status of chronically ill rural women”. In this hypothesis, Intervention of a computer is a independent variable where as psychological status of chronically ill
"There are several different kinds of relationships between variables. Before drawing a conclusion, you should first understand how one variable changes with the other. This means you need to establish how the variables are related - is the relationship linear or quadratic or inverse or logarithmic or something else" ("Relationship Between Variables ", n.d)
When discussing the research question and hypothesis, one might interrelate these two concepts when in fact these terms differ from one another. The research question guides the research by creating a question that pertains to a particular topic one might be interested in gaining more knowledge in that particular area (L. Sabol, personal communication, April, 2016). Research questions can come from values, theories, or previous research (L. Sabol, personal communication, April, 2016). The research question within the article that the researcher wanted to examine is, “To what extent do pre-college characteristics and the academic performance of Black male student-athletes differ from their student-athlete peers?”(Horton, 2015, p. 289). With this research question the author Horton (2015), is attempting to figure out whether there is a relationship between Black male college student
America insists on keeping a strong balance of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for its citizens, no matter their race or ability to participate in what is considered a “normal” society. However, the minority race has become a social construct that essentially hinders the inalienable rights given to American citizens. Christopher Bell, author of “Blackness and Disability” assesses historical context, to analytically and articulately prove how black bodies and disabilities often get discredited. Black people relating to being angry, loud, and dangerous, and ableism, are confined to conflicts that result in a number of unjust situations, including acknowledging their disabilities. These stereotypical ideas do not allow them to operate in their fullest potential. When people see a black person, they automatically gaze over the color of their skin. As a result, African Americans will always be under a socially constructed view that puts more meaning to stereotypes. America has yet to discover that the idea of disability around the African American body remains invisible to their blackness because of the social stratification that they endure.
This study is quantitative because it looks at a large group of people based on scale based on observed indicators. It is also observational because, as I previously stated the scale is based on observed indicators, and looks at independent and dependent variables. Lastly, this study is also longitudinal because, it repeatedly observed the independent variables over time.
College athletics is a big time money maker for universities. Universities sell memorabilia, tickets to games, and great tailgating gear. The games are also aired on television were millions of people watch. Universities bring in tons of revenue every year, but where does it go? Not to the stars of the show. Athletes work hard to make their schools proud, but work so hard on their athletic skills; they have no time to actually work for extra money. Because college athletes have no time to support themselves, the school they attend should provide additional funding.
The topic that I researched was if chewing gum affected concentration. This was interesting to me because I’ve seen things on the internet that says “Chewing gum helps you remember things” or “chewing gum helps you concentrate” and I wanted to know if it was true. A hypothesis is a prediction statement that you can test, about the relationship between two variables. The hypothesis for this research is that I believe that gum does help you concentrate because it helps you stay alert instead of getting distracted or dozing off.
2) State the hypothesis tested – Did the authors state one or is it implied? If there is more than one hypothesis then state those as well.
“Quantitative research involves numbers and measuring quantitative or amounts”. (Whitehouse, M, 2010:425). Methods that involve quantitative data may
I was asked to identify if this research study was quantitative or qualitative and found that it was quantitative in nature. According to Hagan (2010) the definition of quantitative is, “Investigations that involve heavy use of statistical procedures; statistical manipulations of data considered primary in an effort to discover patterns of behavior” (p. 14). Based on this and the fact that the researchers conducted their own research and provided statistics, I believe my finding is factual and sound.
The researchers included both a hypothesis and research questions. They stated a hypothesis, however it is a research hypothesis versus a null hypothesis. A research hypothesis explains there is correlation between two or more variables. A null hypothesis is a classification of hypotheses that states there is no connection between the independent and dependent variables. Statistical testing is performed to determine whether the statement is acceptable or not. Whereas the research question is an analysis statement detailing the variables and population of the specified research study (Adams, 2015). The hypothesis, the authors were hoping to prove, was whether the use of music would reduce pain and anxiety in postoperative pain in a particular patient population during a defined time frame (Allred et al., 2010). An example of a null hypothesis for this study would state music would have no effect on postoperative pain in a particular patient population during a defined time frame. There were four research questions the researchers attempted to answer. Three of the four questioned the effect of music on the patient’s pain, anxiety, and physiologic parameters. However the fourth question pertained to the impact of music on the amount of opioids taken from the beginning of the intervention until six hours later (Allred et al., 2010). The clinicians had not mentioned this component of the study before
Human souls are hungry for meaning, for the sense that they have figured out how to live so that their lives matter, so that the world will be at least a little bit different for them having passed through it. In philosophical sense, the search for Truth with capital T and knowledge marks the journey of a person to enlightenment. Undoubtedly in the Gospel of Luke, Jesus’s illustrations and parables points repeatedly to different audiences and in different contexts conveying the same message in different connections. Through the parable of lamp, it can be inferred that a person should strive to gains knowledge and once enlightened, the knowledge should be shared with other people in order to give their life a purpose. In similar manner, Plato’s allegory of the Cave sheds a light upon the paradigm of a person who accepts the world as it is to a person who seeks to find the absolute truth. This work by Plato also emphasizes that a person after gaining knowledge must come back down to the cave to inform others.
The method used for the study was quantitative, this was chosen rather than a qualitative as this deals with facts and figures and is an investigatory type of study. This can be either experimental or non experiment. Experimental is the method used in this study which looks at cause and effect, and involves dependent and independent variables. (Balnaves and Caputi, 2001) A qualitative study can be described as interpretive which deals with personal thoughts and feelings (Flick, 2009).
Is this a quantitative or qualitative study? Explain your choice. This study quantitative, because it shows numbers and data to show how many injuries have been done to nurses during the restraining of aggressive patients and the factors that can be modifies to improve the nurses during the restraining.
Quantitative research involves collecting data, which can be expressed numerically. The design is well structured with pre-determined outcomes. It frequently involves testing a hypothesis, which then can be analysed from the data deductively using statistical methods. Using numerical data is easier to analysis mathematical, so larger sample sizes can be utilised compared to qualitative research, therefore giving a better representative of the population; along with simplifying the process of making a generalisation. Another advantage is that studies can easily compare to similar findings (Kruger, 2003). The disadvantages are the results are limited and might not provide a proper understanding of the topic. Also, statistics and leading questions can be used to give a false representation of the data when summarising.
“Researchers who use quantitative research method seek objectivity through testable hypotheses and carefully designed studies, and gather date that can be reported in numbers and statistics” (Crawford, 2016, p. 66). According to Crawford (2016, p. 66) “conclusions from this study are drawn from statistics and generalized to populations of interest”. Unlike qualitative that helps to eliminate opinions and thoughts, quantitative quantify opinions and thoughts and they obtain results from a larger sampling population. As I had previously stated on my discussion board “Quantitative researcher’s collection methods include many different kinds of surveys for example; online surveys, paper surveys, online polls, face-to-face interviews, telephone interviews, and etc”(myself). “They use the surveys to measure attitudes, behaviors, and opinions” (myself).