
Psychological Thinking Changes During Adolescence

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Adolescence is a time period where one is transitioning from childhood to adulthood and is characterized by changes to the body, overall health, and psychological thinking. Physical changes during adolescence includes puberty, a period of time where hormones are present in the body and cause changes to one’s body and how they perceive themselves (Tung). Physical changes also includes a higher interest in sexuality and experimentation and changes in the brain that improves self-regulation and reasoning (Tung). Health issues that arise during adolescence are related to “poor nutrition, lack of exercise, and inadequate sleep” and “the three leading causes of death in adolescents are unintentional injuries, homicide, and suicide” (Tung, p. 59). Substance abuse is also a health issue that affects adolescents because a large amount of adolescents abuse alcohol, smoke cigarettes, and consume drugs (Tung). Psychological thinking changes during adolescents because their thoughts are becoming more “abstract, idealistic, and logical” and have stronger cognitive control over things such as thinking critically and making decisions (Tung). Emerging adulthood is a time when one explores their identity in relation to a career path, reduce their alcohol and drug intake and are the most sexually active. During this stage, young adults are trying to find their career path and eventually “seek to establish their emerging career and start moving up the career ladder” (Tung, 15). By this time,

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