
Technical Eclecticism Essay

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Written Assignment 12 Psychological Treatment; Legal and Ethical Issues 1. In actual practice, behavior and cognitive behavior therapists employ a broad-spectrum behavioral treatment and multimodal therapy. Explain. Before understanding why behavior and cognitive behavior therapists utilize these techniques, it is important to understand what they are. Broad-spectrum behavioral treatment implies the eclectic use of psychological techniques to help treat an individual. This can include everything from desensitization to cognitive restructuring. Multimodal therapy is an approach that addresses all modalities of a person’s life in order to provide effective treatment. The multimodal approach is structured around the idea that everything is …show more content…

Other items not considered would be the person’s genetic propensity to both addictive behaviors and body type, how they may be affected mentally or emotionally by their change in appearance, and the possible changes of environments that could be toxic to their success. If broad-spectrum behavioral treatment and multimodal therapy were used, the entirety of the person’s life would be assessed and behavioral treatment options that fit each situation would be available. 2. Discuss the difference between technical eclecticism and theoretical eclecticism. Technical eclecticism is when a clinician has a theoretic framework from which they practice regularly, but at times will supplement with other techniques that are derived from theories that do not necessarily fit within their practiced framework. For example, a cognitive behavioral therapist may find that their client is not benefiting from utilizing behavioral techniques and may decide to employ a psychoanalytic technique instead (with consideration that resolving an underlying or unconscious issue may be advantageous before employing something like desensitization). Theoretical eclecticism is different in that the clinician utilizes or combines different schools of theory to create their own framework. Unlike technical eclecticism, theoretical eclecticism does not focus on one theory as the basis of how to

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