
Psychologist Personal Goals

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We don’t get to choose the families we’re born into. Growing up, I realized there were many fragments of my childhood that I had no control over. Whether it was my brother’s diagnosis of autism when he was three years old. Or my mom’s decision to have my brother and me be raised by my diabetic nana (which meant that instead of being a regular fourth grader, I had to become the caregiver of the family). I couldn’t control the fact that even when my mom did come back into our lives (and not by herself, but with another child) I still was more of the caregiver of the family than she was. And while it might have been easier for most teenagers to just walk away because they knew they deserved better, it was never easy for me. Because walking away meant there would be no one to look after my loved ones. No one make sure my nana has checked her blood …show more content…

It is my goal that I will be able to finish school and finish on the pathway to become a child psychologist. Growing up with a brother that has autism has influenced me to want become an advocate and work with children and adolescents that have special needs and their families. I hope to make a change in the lives of the upcoming families that have a child with autism, attention deficit disorder (ADD), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, etc. In conclusion, I have no control over my past but I do have control over my future. I am determined to make sure my future is a happy and successful one. But to make this happen, I must achieve all the dreams I have. This means becoming the first member of my family to get a four-year degree and going to become a child psychologist. It includes becoming the role model for my brother and sister that my mother never was. To do this, I need an atmosphere where I can focus solely on myself and my goals. The only place where this can happen is university. This is why I desperately want to be in

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