We don’t get to choose the families we’re born into. Growing up, I realized there were many fragments of my childhood that I had no control over. Whether it was my brother’s diagnosis of autism when he was three years old. Or my mom’s decision to have my brother and me be raised by my diabetic nana (which meant that instead of being a regular fourth grader, I had to become the caregiver of the family). I couldn’t control the fact that even when my mom did come back into our lives (and not by herself, but with another child) I still was more of the caregiver of the family than she was. And while it might have been easier for most teenagers to just walk away because they knew they deserved better, it was never easy for me. Because walking away meant there would be no one to look after my loved ones. No one make sure my nana has checked her blood …show more content…
It is my goal that I will be able to finish school and finish on the pathway to become a child psychologist. Growing up with a brother that has autism has influenced me to want become an advocate and work with children and adolescents that have special needs and their families. I hope to make a change in the lives of the upcoming families that have a child with autism, attention deficit disorder (ADD), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, etc. In conclusion, I have no control over my past but I do have control over my future. I am determined to make sure my future is a happy and successful one. But to make this happen, I must achieve all the dreams I have. This means becoming the first member of my family to get a four-year degree and going to become a child psychologist. It includes becoming the role model for my brother and sister that my mother never was. To do this, I need an atmosphere where I can focus solely on myself and my goals. The only place where this can happen is university. This is why I desperately want to be in
Multiple years of research and field experience as well as my undergraduate coursework in Psychology, Counseling, and General Education has provided me with ample skills to be successful at the graduate level in the School Psychology program offered at Francis Marion University. Working within the school system with students with mental health needs and exceptionalities has been a dream of mine since I was in high school. I am confident the School Psychology program at Francis Marion University will provide me with the skill set needed to make my dream a reality and become the best School Psychologist I can be.
Becoming a mental health counselor wasn't an easy decision to come about. Hard to become prior to choosing to be a mental health counselor I have a desire to be a special-education teacher, specialize in working with children on the asperger's spectrum of autism. The reason I decided to choose to change my professional goals was because I thought as a counselor I will be able to work with children on different disabilities and adults on a one-to-one basis. Dream experience as a preschool teacher, many colleges have said that I have a sense of counseling and understanding when dealing with children and people. My previous class prior to this class give me a better understanding of what my goals are and how to reach them. So I truly believe
My career goals are to become at license professional counselor, license chemical dependency counselor and a certified crisis counselor who specializes in trauma and career counseling. The steps I will take to achieve my career goals are, finish my degree and pass the required exams required by the state of Texas. In addition, I have to take 3, 000 supervised hours for the state of Texas to be license as a professional counselor. Since, I already have my LCDC-I, I just need 4,000 supervised hours to complete my chemical dependency counselor license. My personal growth is; I would like to growth as a professional counselor. I want to be able to be knowledgeable in the different approaches that I uses doing my practice. I believe the best way
Psychology has always fascinated me, learning about classical conditioning (Ivan Pavlov), personality the id, ego, and superego (Sigmund Freud), were all interesting subjects in my high school introduction to psychology class. This subject was very interesting that it planted a desire that I had never forgotten, the desire of wanting to be a psychologist. The dysfunctional home environment in which I grew up also played a role in my decision. Although, I presently I hold a BA in Information Systems, I decided to return to school for my masters in psychology, since it was my first love. Choosing clinical psychology with a specialization in forensic was an easy decision, I love psychology and learning about the law of our country and the United Kingdom. One of my favorite past times is watching television shows old and new alike, such as Perry Mason, The Good Wife on CBS, Law and Order/Special Victim Unit on NBC, and Damages on Netflix. Television shows in the United States and the United Kingdom are not my only pass time, I love to cook, growing up in a Jamaican household undoubtedly allowed me the ability to learn to cook, some of their main dishes such as ackee and salt/cod fish, escovitch fish, curry chicken and much more. My mother also taught me to cook Italian dishes, and within the last three years I’ve learned to bake challah bread. The field of psychology is important to because I hope to comprehend violence
Outline the key roles of one professional career pathway within applied psychology and critically discuss two research areas addressed within the chosen career pathway.
A lot of children grow up without a parent in my case I didn’t really have either. When I was fifteen years old my mom and I were in a different place than where we are now. At the time she was working two jobs and was always gone. My sisters and I took care of ourselves. We learned how to be very independent, self-efficient, and responsible. There was this specific situation when she was dating this guy, and she gave my sisters and I a choice to either move in with her boyfriend and her or live on our own. My older sister and I decided to leave and live elsewhere. In this specific situation my actions disobeyed authority, but didn’t go against my own morals because I did it for all the right reasons for myself at the time.
Counseling is a relatively young profession when compared to other mental health professions. In my brief personal and professional experience with the field, I have come to define counseling as a process of engagement between two people, both of whom are bound to change through a collaborative process that involves both the therapist and the client in co-constructing solutions to concerns.
Ever since I was a little girl I have been fascinated by the pork production industry. Whether it was riding my bike to do chores with my dad at the nearest hog confinement building, or handing out blue ribbons as little miss pigtails during the fair, being a part of raising hogs has always been an enjoyable learning experience. When I was 12 years old my older sister, Brooke, got crowned pork princess and I had the privilege to witness what an important job it is. Since then I have patiently waited for my chance to become an Iowa Pork Producer Association representative.
Although I have many goals I want to achieve to becoming a School Psychologist, I’ve also gain some new goals to help me. I’ve decided that I should have more goals to help me achieve my dreams. One of the goals I have is to be active in college to help me later on in the future. Since there is a lot of volunteering and working with children on campus, I’ve decided that I will be applying for the Autism center. It can help give me good experiences that will benefit me while applying for other places. It also will be a lot easier for me when applying to a master’s program right after I get my bachelor degree. When applying for a master program, I’ve decided that I may either apply to Fresno State’s or Fresno Pacific’s master program. I believe
Romantic Era literature can be, quite frankly, confusing and endlessly nuanced. Edgar Allan Poe's story, The Fall Of The House Of Usher, is no exception to this near- universal Romantic rule. This story was published in 1839 and follows the then-popular (and dreary) Gothic themes, exploring different (and new) ways to incorporate themes of chaos and order into a coherent, tragically dark message. Written from the first-person perspective of the narrator, The Fall Of The House Of Usher explores the interesting condition of the Usher house; more specifically it relates the tale of Roderick Usher and how he buried his sister, Madeline, and how she came back from the grave.
At this point in my life I am eager to continue my education in the hopes of mastering my purpose of helping others. I realize that by way of consequence of difference, the intersectionality of many factors of an individual’s life can lead to negative experiences and this is an aspect of society I hope to change. Also, my dream of opening my own psychology office would not be possible without furthering my education. This degree will allow me to counsel at risk youth and make a difference in their lives. I know that continuing my education through this program will prepare me for the professional practice I will encounter daily and help to lay the foundation of my future as a helpful member of society.
Psychologists are very important people; they help millions of people with their everyday struggles and problems that they have to deal with. Not only do psychologists help people with problems that they cannot handle on their own, they also are scientists who study human minds and behaviors.
I believe that the answers to the greatest questions and problems in life could be gained through a better understanding of the human mind. Psychology is a study of human behaviors and trying to understand why we do the things we do. Because of this I would be interested in a career in psychology though there are many different career fields within psychology. I would be most interested in a career in health psychology though there’s an extensive learning process. It is important to understand the education or training requirements,skills,and talents needed salary and benefits offered and duties for a particular career when making this decision.
I feel and think that I am a very honest, trustworthy, caring, compassionate and empathetic individual. However, I do at times, feel overwhelmed by trying to balance my academic goals while working full-time and making time to spend with my family and friends. My academic goal is to obtain my Associates degree in Social work with a concentration in mental health and substance abuse by May 2017. Then furthering my education by attempting to enroll and transfer to Rhode Island College, school of social work in an attempt to obtain my bachelor’s degree in the same field.
A future with no more disease, no more limitations to what we can or cannot do, the making of a superhuman, playing God. Scientists can now make humans better than ever by improving their bodies by changing the cells in your body. Genetic engineering can also prevent long-time diseases from continuing in a family and help treat many illnesses. Though it can help many issues, it brings up many problems if used improperly and often abused. Genetic engineering harbors more moral and ethical issues than having beneficial effects; however, the positive uses in specific situations should be acknowledged.