
Pt1420 Unit 4.1 Data Paper

Decent Essays

4.1 Data Information This thesis work is used 4 images named Pound1.jpg, rupee 2.jpg, dollar 3.jpg, and yen 4.jpg as the reference images. Figure 4.1: Different currencies (a) pound 1.jpg (reference image no. 1) Figure 4.1:(b) rupee 2.jpg (reference image no. 2) Figure 4.1:(c) dollar 3.jpg (reference image no. 3) Figure 4.1:(d) yen 4 (reference image no. 4) 4.2 Methodology The basic principle of this algorithm is to recognize the input paper currency. First of all acquired the image from a particular source. As in this thesis we use for reference images. System read the particular image. Then resize the image. After that the color separator convert the image into RGB to Gray scale and then in binary image. After that the system use color noise median filter. The currency length detector detects the length of the currency. Using the feature extraction techniques the system detect the particular feature of that currency and then the system use pattern matching algorithm to math that particular feature. The input image match with particular database image and according to that we find the currency. In this way this thesis design a automatic system in which we can recognized the paper currency. …show more content…

It contains many blocks which we will discuss below. Figure 4.2: Block Diagram of paper currency reorganization system The steps in block diagram are elaborated below: 1. Read Image The system can read not only JPEG (JPG), but others. But this will make the image large 2. Resize

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