
Public Emergency Work

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As student Majoring in Human Development and Family Sciences, it is required for me to learn about various aspects of the life span and to comprehend the different stages of life, even through aging and death. It is amazing what the body goes through and it is even better to understand and learn about the different phases that a human goes through in order to be whom they are and what they had to do, to get there. Such as surviving the Great Depression, being strong through the Civil Rights Movement, creating rituals and routines for family health goals, and figuring out how to adjust to the world as it was changing before their eyes. As a class we were asked to participate in an assignment that required us to learning about a centenarians …show more content…

Public emergency work is the type of work that was studied when self-employment was beginning to increase (Boyd, 2015). Boyd also made several hypotheses. His first hypothesis was that public emergency work was associated negatively associated with self employment (Boyd, 2015). He concluded to this because there are numerous reasons why people would result to working for their self. Reasons included they were secure in their working field; they could work when they wanted to, and also they could manage the page wages or the salary that was given to employees (Boyd, 2015). This made sense because most people were working with companies or factories that could not afford to keep them and they were all under pressure, because of the Great Depression. This did not making finding a job hard, it also made it very competitive, but not impossible. In Ethel’s case she figured that most of the jobs she had she was given because she was a woman who just about willing to do anything that a male worker would do. The second hypothesis that Boyd concluded to was that public emergency work was positively associated. Boyd had reasonable evidence to back up this hypothesis, because he noted that when the economy was in such a wreck that it forced the government to create more jobs. This also meant that the economy …show more content…

Intimacy and Isolation focuses on the person knowing who they are. Intimacy characteristics include a person knowing exactly who they are, having a good sense of the people around them, trusting their surroundings, being emotionally balanced, and one characteristic that really sticks out is the fact that they are secure in being alone. They can trust themselves alone as well as knowing that they will be okay (Hamachek, 1990). On the other hand when someone goes through the Isolation stage they hold characteristics that include: they do not posses who act of knowing who they are, they do not know or accept the people in their general surroundings, and they also do not mind going through separation after separation with people that they run into (Hamachek, 1990). Ethel displayed a strong sense of a woman who knew actually who she was, she did not have a problem with compromising and committing to emotions, and Ethel also knew where she came from and was grateful for al of her experiences (Finchum & Bishop,

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