Reading this week’s chapter has really opened my eyes about what exactly goes in to managing a public health intervention. There are multiple areas to look at when you are talking about managing public health interventions such as evaluations, activities, processes, and reaching goals within a health program. In the article that I found this week, it talks about the new medical advancements in diabetes that are capable of making life easier for patients. This is great news for multiple public health programs that are centered around improving people’s lives who have diabetes. The two medical advancements they talk about are called Fiasp and the
FreeStyle Libre Flash. Fiasp is a fast acting insulin that uses vitamin B3, which doubles the
The American Public Health Association (APHA) is made up of 31 basic sections which represent key public health disciplines. Through these sections, members with mutual interests are able to combine efforts and develop scientific program content as well as policy papers in their areas of practice or areas where they are interested. In addition, these basic sections provide for social and professional networking, mentoring and career development. The sections are APHA’s key professional units and they help in promoting the mission and fulfilling the Association’s goals. Through these sections, a variety of opportunities for the involvement of the members, thus making a richer experience for the professionals who decide on interacting with the Association’s primary sections. In order to become an active member in this section, a person ought to be a current member of the Association and any professional who is already a member of the Association may become a section member (American Public Health
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a pandemic that affects millions of people. The growth rate of unrecognized pre-diabetes in America is expected to rise up to 52% by 2020 (Lorenzo, 2013). As the prevalence of diabetes increases, so will the complications and burden of the disease. One of the leading causes for cardiovascular disease, renal failure, nontraumatic lower limb amputations, stroke, and new cases of blindness is DM (Lorenzo, 2013).
Healthy People 20/20 is an organization that sets 10 year obtainable goals for improving health for all Americans. According to their websites mission statement they strive to identify nationwide health improvement priorities (Healthy People 20/20). Increase public awareness and understanding of the determents of health, disease, and disability and the opportunities for progress (Healthy People 20/20). Provide measurable objectives and goals that are applicable at the national, State, and local levels. Engage in multiple sectors to take action to strengthen policies and improve practices that are driven by best available evidence and knowledge (Healthy People 20/20). Lastly to identify critical research, evaluation, and data collection needs (Healthy People 20/20). The topic I selected was the same area of healthcare that pushed my interest into the Nursing profession, Mental Health and Mental Disorders.
The class about health boards was very good topic to know and essential for public health. The boards are dominant model for federal grant funding for primary care in the country for public safety. They have health care professionals willing to provide services to nations uninsured and underserved population.
The American Diabetes Association (2004) defines diabetes as a subset of metabolic diseases associated with hyperglycemia secondary to insulin failing to release, act, or both. Complications related to chronic diabetes can be detrimental to one’s health including but not limited to: heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, amputations, blindness, and other optical diseases. Furthermore, the prevalence of diabetes is rising at an astronomical rate within the United States as well as internationally. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2016) an estimated 29 million people suffer with diabetes and 86 million are prediabetic within the United States (US). Without major interventions from the healthcare community,
Did you know diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States? (Fukunaga, 2011). Many are unaware approximately 25.8 million American’s, 8.3% of the population suffer from diabetes. Type II Diabetes Mellitus (DM II) is by far the most prevalent and accounts for 90-95 percent of the 25.8 million diabetic patients. The long term complications of DM II make it a devastating disease. It is the leading cause of adult blindness, end-stage kidney disease, and non-traumatic lower limb amputation (Lewis, Dirksen, Heitkemper, & Bucher 2014, p. 1154). Not only is diabetes debilitating to patients but also the health and employment costs are substantial. According to Fukunaga (2011), “The estimated national cost of diabetes exceeds
Program planning involves the use of many well defined evidence based practice and services. In this paper we will elaborate on three services which public health professionals may use in a variety of ways to perform their job more effectively. Our focus areas include the Community Guide, American Diabetes Association, and American Heart Association. For each area we will include a brief discussion summarizing the areas, their values in the field, relevant theories the area encompasses, and how each might be applied in the profession. While the topics of each area may differ, we hope you will gain a better understand for each and see how much of their goals and approaches overlap.
Briefly explain your public health message and justify why you believe it would promote change within your target audience
The main issue that Lahaina Community has that is geared towards the elderly population is activities. The key public health interventions that can help with the overall goal are outreach, collaboration, community organizing and advocacy. The outreach has been achieved through the key informant interviews. These interviews help to pinpoint areas of concern. Most of the concern was about getting more people access health care in order to provide resources to address individual needs. By attending a community meeting, a public health nurse collaborated with our group and explained how we obtain funds from companies in order to have more activities for the elders. In order for the goal to be met, the community needs to be involved. This can be
In a health care organization, it is important that the organization’s mission, philosophies, and ethics are followed through properly. . With the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it is no different. . The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s “mission is to protect people’s health and to support the quality of life in humans by prevention and control of diseases, injuries, and disabilities” (About CDC, 2010, page or paragraph number with quotes). With the organization's mission, philosophies, and ethics it is important that everyone’s health is protected and proper prevention of diseases, illnesses, and disabilities are given to the public in a timely manner. In this paper, the members of Team A will “describe
The program should be applied to different levels of preventions based on short term or long term needs in the community. Primary prevention approach is required to promote and maximize health and wellness in the community before injury or illness occurs (Vollman et al., 2017). Therefore, the program focuses its attention on providing the community with information on cardiovascular health, nutrition, exercise and stress management (Harkness & DeMarco, 2012). The first idea for primary intervention is providing the community with free blood pressuring and heart rate screenings to recognize the population in risk. The information about this part will be provided to the community from different sources such as news, healthcare facilities, schools, community association, and churches. The monitoring will be done through the family physicians, nurses and different stands that will be set up in different locations of the community such as pharmacies, shopping malls, churches and health facilities. All the resident of age forty-five
Public Health Interventions must be evaluated to document their outcomes: success or failures; as the best policies and programs in public health are constantly evolving to better achieve their intended target outcome. Services that are commonly performed by local health departments (LHD) to ensure community health and reduce infectious disease outbreaks involve the regulation and evaluation of food safety & sanitation services. LHDs responsibilities often include the licensing food establishments, inspecting food storage warehouses to ensure health code compliance, and evaluation of food service workers with certain contagious diseases to determine risk to the general public. An analysis utilizing 72 county-level LHDs (from Washington and
Public health interventions have greatly achieved many milestones because of government involvements (Mello et al., 2013). Government plays an important role in the execution and the process of public health policies into laws (, n.d.; Hodge, White, & Sniegowski, 2012). The process of public health policies involves various entities, which includes but not limited to the House, Senate, and the Presidential Actions that pushes legislative proposals into active public laws (, n.d.). Therefore, the critical involvement of the government plays a significant role in passing public health agendas that advances, improves, and supports the lives of the public through the implementation of quality of health services (Hodge,
This proposed public health intervention is based on the conceptual framework developed by QUT and the AIHW, which considers the downstream, midstream and upstream determinants of health (Draper et al., 2004).
Diabetes has been out for thousands of years and still no cure. researchers and scientist have been searching and searching for ways to overcome this disease but nothing yet. Everyone goals are to either improve, prevent, or cure this disease. Diabetes became very known around the seventeenth century because of a high percentage of people was found with sugar in their urine and blood. Diabetes is one of the fastest growing diseases that affects our society worldwide. The average person in this world does not know anything about this disease. The diabetes association said “In 2013 the estimate of 328 million people had diabetes throughout the world”. Society today need to be aware of what we are up against with this disease.