The Public Interest Disclosure Act was introduced in 1999 to give greater protection to whistleblowers. It tells us which disclosures can be protected, the circumstances in which such disclosures are protected and the people who may be protected. The Standards Board for England’s Whistleblowing Policy and Procedure, are set out, in line with the Act. The procedure to follow if an employee wishes to raise a concern is as follows: • If an employee has a concern about malpractice, they can be raised verbally or in writing and should include the names of individuals against whom the allegations are made, the background, the nature of the malpractice that is alleged with relevant dates and the reasons for the concern. • Their concerns should …show more content…
While the Standard Board can consider anonymous reports, their policy is not designed to deal with concerns raised anonymously. Protection of the accused party: The recipient of the report will assess whether it is necessary to protect the accused party until the concerns have been investigated. Where such protection is considered necessary, the HR Department will be briefed and take the requisite precautions. The investigating manager will have the following responsibilities towards the accused: • Inform the individual about the seriousness of the allegations and provide any supporting evidence • Advise in writing of the procedure to be followed • Give the accused an opportunity to respond in person or in writing to the claims made, and receive and consider any relevant evidence • Inform them of their right to be accompanied at any interview by a trade union representative or work colleague • Give details of employee support mechanisms available • Where necessary the Standards Board will provide support, counselling or mediation to those subject to investigation in order to ensure normal working relationships are resumed as effectively as
2. Identify who needs to be notified based on the type and severity of the incident.
e Report, for Resource Utilisation, Witness Accuracy and Psychological Methods for Detection and Successful Prosecution.
4.) Employee Compliance to the Code: The entire staff is expected to be compliant to the rules and regulations set forth by Company X. Reported accounts of non-compliance will lead to an internal investigation of both the accuser as well as the accused; disciplinary action will necessarily follow if company rules and regulations have not been adhered to or improperly dismissed. Granted that there are many different situations that could arise in which one would believe unethical behavior or misconduct transpired; therefore, it is suggested that first the issue in question is evaluated before presenting to one’s direct
Bv - Explain the agreed ways of working with your employer in relation to the following areas:
The actions to take constitute the employee’s responsibilities in responding to allegations or suspicions of abuse. Always follow policies and procedures and report to the appropriate person(s), record the facts on appropriate paperwork, listen do not judge, stay calm and collected, and do not tamper with evidence.
If a member of staff is niot practicing this the issue should be forwarded to senior management so it can be resolved.
To resolve concerns / complaints as quickly and effectively as possible, through an informal response by a frontline member of staff. If this is not possible then through a more formal investigation and conciliation in an open and non-defensive way.
‘If I suspect abuse through noticing a sign of physical abuse or change in the behaviour of an individual, I will make sure that I ask the individual what has happened telling the individual the changes that I have noticed. If it is in my place of work and the name of the person that abused the individual is known, whether staff or another service user, I must also record and report this. I will listen to the individual carefully; it is up to them to tell me, I would not ask them any questions about this as this is not part of my job role and would stay calm.I will make sure that I record what the individual tells me using the individual’s own words. I will make sure that I reassure the individual and explain that their safety is the most important and that it is my duty of care to tell the manager. I will make sure that I let my manager know what has happened immediately and pass
• The accused/accusers will be given the opportunity to respond by a meeting or put their response in writing to the claims made against them and speak about any relevant evidence.
Throughout time, the authors of the world have experienced different forms of stresses. The type of stress experienced by the author helps shape their moral perspective. In the essays "Shooting an Elephant" and “The Next War,” the authors’ moral perspectives are shaped by the economic stress of the great depression. In Graves in Gallipoli and The Little Entente the moral perspective of the authors’ is shaped by the stress created by the Great War. The stress created by the Great Depression and the Great War shaped authors’ moral perspectives in different ways.
Suggest suspects should be interview prior to investigation so that trust can be established and rights do not have to be informed.
All employees have a duty of care to report any concerns of abuse they have. These might include evidence or suspicions of bad practice by colleagues and managers (whistleblowing), or abuse by another service user, staff or their family and friends.
The Roman Empire, which was centered in the city of Rome, was the most extensive western civilization of ancient times. With its major advancements and prosperity it is hard to believe that the Roman Empire suddenly collapsed and fell into a time known as the Dark Ages. After a period of struggles for the Roman Empire, the empire gradually fell.
The developing infant is influenced by many factors in their environment. According to Feldman (2014), human interaction is crucial to a child’s social and personality development. This author will explore the various concepts that developmental researchers attribute through human interaction to infant development in respect to social and personality growth.