A Method for Obtaining Digital Signatures and Public Key Cryptosystems.
About the paper:
Public-Key encryption-system was first outlined by this paper. Public key encryption-system is still in wide use today, and known by the name (initials) of the paper’s three authors i.e. RSA.
The paper presents an encryption method which is presented with the unusual property that publicly revealing an encryption key does not result in revealing the corresponding decryption key. It has two important consequences
• Couriers or other secure means are not needed to transmit the keys.
• By using a privately held decryption key, a message can be signed.
In the paper the theory of “public key cryptosystems” is introduced in the first 4 sections after which
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If these numbers satisfy the conditions that 1 d is co-prime to (p-1)*(q-1), and 2 e*d = 1 holds modulo (p-1)*(q-1), it can be proven and stated that for any non-negative integer M < n the identity (M^e)^d = (M^d)^e = M holds modulo n. Encryption then consists of a number exponentiated by e modulo n, and decryption in exponentiation by d (again, modulo n).
The paper has proposed a method for implementing a public key crypto system whose security rests in part on the difficulty of factoring large numbers. If the security of our method proves to be enough, it allows secure communications to be established without the use of couriers to carry keys, and it also permits one to "sign" digitised documents. Hence security plays an important role.
The Public key (e,n) is public, and using the genearlised Euclidian algorithm d can be derived from (e, p, q), the security of the cryptosystem depends on large numbers being difficult to factor. There is no efficient methods of factorising integers and the problem of factorising integers is a well studied problem in number-theory. Because of this, the authors argue that the system is likely to be broken any time soon. The last sections of the paper briefly describe proposed algorithms on how to generate key-pairs efficeintly, as well as discuss why other methods of deriving d from (e,n) can be
[4] M. Bellare, S. Keelveedhi, and T.Ristenpart. Message-locked encryption and secure deduplication. In EUROCRYPT, pages 296–312, 2013.
Encryption technique is the translation of data into a secret code that will prevent hackers or identity thieves from being able to break or read the data that is sent across the network.
With the ever increasing surge of digital communications and transactions, a tougher level of security is essential in order to safeguard the user and their data transactions. Systems, personal computers, mobile phones, servers, and even smart cards are all being used everywhere and there is a need to secure communications. With the influx of data management, there is a clear race between the two challengers in the game known as Information Security between developers and the hackers. PKI was designed to influence the Internet infrastructure for means of communication (Samuelle, 2011). While decreasing antagonistic misuse of data, reducing data theft, and providing an extra layer of trust through key pairs and
In Public Key Cryptosystem there are two keys used i.e. a public key and a private key. Consider an example of Alice and Bob. I Bob wants to send a message to Alice, Bob uses Alice’s public key to encrypt the message and then send that encrypted message to Alice. Alice uses her private key to decrypt the message. Here how does Bob know the Public Key of Alice? Alice might have distributed its Public key through a secure communication channel. This method is applicable only if there is trust/familiarity between both Bob and Alice. If Bob and Alice does not know each other this whole method fails.[28]
This paper will discuss probabilistic, coercion-resistant electoral systems and explain the POkerface system while mentioning other related systems and topics as well. It is a specific example of secure multi-party computing. It uses probabilistic encryption meaning that it employs the use of randomness that provides increased security. It is additionally zero-knowledge, which entails verifiability without any information leakage. This system is an application of these subjects of cryptography to an electoral system that promises security while maintaining a simple process. Analyzing recent electoral systems, this research focuses on the end-to-end verifiability, coercion resistance, and remote voting. This means that voters have proof that they voted but not their preference, thus disabling them from proving to a coercer what he/she voted for. This is a very relevant field to be researching with recent presidential elections where tensions and controversy are exceptionally high.
Essentially, when the sender encrypts a message, it uses a cipher algorithm to convert the plain text of the message into cipher text. When the destination deciphers a message, it uses the corresponding deciphering algorithm to convert the cipher text back into a clear message. If an intruder knows the cipher algorithm, s/he could just decipher an encrypted message as easily as the destination. The solution in the use of private key encryption proposes that when the sender encrypts a message,
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is a popular encryption and authentication approach used by both small businesses and large enterprises for exchanging information based on, it make securely exchange data over networks such as the Internet and verify the identity of the other party. The foundation of a PKI is the certificate authority (CA), which issues digital certificates that authenticate the identity of organizations and individuals over a public system such as the Internet, and the certificates also used to sign messages, ensures messages are not been tampered.
These systems differ from public key systems in that no explicit authentication of public keys through certificates is necessary nor do they have storage implications. Users can authenticate and communicate securely without exchanging keys which simplify key management. An efficient identity-based authenticated key agreement protocol based on Weil pairing is proposed by Shim and a similar protocol is proposed by Smart. In 2002 Zhang et al. proposed an identity-based one-round authenticated tripartite key agreement protocol with pairings.
A public key system works in the following manner: Alice and Bob each have two keys, one of which is secret to themselves and the other which is publicly known. The publicly-known key is registered with a trusted
There has been a need for a non-breakable encryption algorithm desired after since the establishment of Cryptography was first matured. However, an algorithm is advised to be immune as long as there has not been found susceptibility through cryptanalysis. Symmetric-key block ciphers abide as the largest and critical aspect in many cryptographic systems. Independently, they add confidentiality. As a central construction block, their adaptability grants the manufacturing of pseudorandom stream ciphers, number generators, hash functions, and MAC’s. Moreover they serve as an essential component in message verification methods, symmetric-key signature schemes, entity confirmation protocols, and data purity. Although Block ciphers are very powerful objects their design flaws and complex interface opens the door for wider attacks.
In Public Key Crypto system, it is required to know the Public Key of Receiver to encrypt the messages. So that receiver can decrypt the message using his/her own private key. This system needs to maintain directories which holds Public Keys of each user. To eliminate the need of maintaining such directories, this paper suggests computing the public key using receiver’s identity such as Email address. However, implementation of such system which is secure and practical, is difficult. The system uses Quadratic Residues modulo a large composite integer. [2]
When one submits a request for information to a service, it being a HTTP or a SOAP request SMTP or other protocols, one must ensure that the service is indeed the entity that it claims to be (Rouse, 2013). In public key encryption, the verification of the public key origin is especially important when one is submitting encrypted information over the internet which it may be sensitive. Digital Certificates are the main method to verify identity of entities holding public keys rendering services over the internet (Image 1) (Rouse, 2013).
In today’s internet era we all like to pay our mobile bills with just a click, book holiday destinations sitting at home and like to transfer money without any queues. For that matter we use our password (secret key) over the internet many times and the frequent use of password increases the probability of its exposure. To reduce the probability of exposure Kim et al [] proposed a new variant of proxy signatures [] called the self proxy signature scheme based on public key cryptography. In self proxy signatures the user delegates proxy signing rights to himself and generates the proxy key i.e. temporary key using his secret key and then uses this temporary key for all further transactions. This way temporary key controls the frequent use of secret key and protects it from being exposed. Since then several self proxy signature schemes based on public key cryptography [ ] and
Asymmetric cryptography is based upon a key that can be made transparently accessible to the general population, yet still give security.
Key management is a fundamental problem in securing mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). In the paper, Securing Mobile Ad Hoc Networks with Certificateless Public Keys [1], Yanchao Zhang et al. presents IKM, an ID-based key management scheme as a novel combination of ID-based and threshold cryptography. In IKM the public keys of mobile nodes can be directly derived from their known IDs and some common information, thus it provides a certificateless solution. The need for certificate-based