Gun violence kills 33,000 Americans and injures over 80,000 people per year. It is ridiculous how much damage guns have brought to not only us, but the world itself. From Columbine, to Sandy Hook, to the movie theatre to the Oregon Community College shooting, it has just been ridiculous. This is all because we in America believe it is okay for people to carry guns and for them to be used if “needed”. If they were always banned to begin with, we would never have had this problem. The private ownership of handguns should be banned in the United States. Handguns have been proved to be dangerous to society in recent events, they are the deadliest weapon in America, and lastly, guns cost Americans hundreds of extra dollars that could be avoided if they were banned.
In America, guns have done great harm to society. Guns have been culprits to many different types of shootings such as Charleston, which was a shooting in a church, Sandy Hook, which was responsible for the deaths of twenty young children and six adult staff members, and the shooting in Aurora, Colorado during a midnight premiere of The Dark Knight Rises which resulted in the deaths of twelve innocent people. These are just three we listed here. How many times have there been news of another shooting? It’s like, everytime we turn on the news, we see another shooting that occurred. It doesn’t take a lot for one to notice that the current gun laws haven’t been working. The evidence which we all see daily in the news
Americans love guns, we love our second amendment rights and we strongly oppose those who try and take them away. Guns provide significant help for individual protection, but we need to stop handing them out guns like there is a war. The second amendment was implemented when we were still worried about the British taking us over, that is why Americans were allowed to have a gun, in case we need to call up the militia, but those days are over. Horrendous policies and politicians looking out for themselves, taking donation from weapons companies has lead to America having an extremely high gun crime rate. American’s have an abundance of gun related issues due to inadequate restrictions, insufficient political support, and the media’s influence. A change needs to be made in the form of restrictions, and new policies to better our society.
Every day in America 32 people are killed by guns whether it’s murder, suicide, or an accidental shooting. And American people have been scared for so long after hearing every month of another mass shooting somewhere. Their first thought, “ban the guns, they kill people.” Guns have never taken the life of an individual and it will not solve our problems of mass shootings by banning guns, it will only make law-abiding citizens unprotected in a dangerous society.
The history of guns has long been embedded in our society and culture. Back in the old days, people used guns for the hunting of food. Most people in those days also would use guns as their main source of income as wells as for the protection of themselves from Indians, wild animals, and other enemies. There had less rules concerning the purchasing of guns and the handling of it. However, the times are really changing and the intents of civilians to do things are sometimes not for the better. According to the viewpoint essay “Stronger Gun Control Laws Will Save Lives” by Christine Watkins, Watkins states that there are “400,000 crimes committed every year,” and “the United States has the highest rate of firearm deaths (more than 30,000 each year) among twenty-five high-income nations.” Firearms are very dangerous, and having guns does not necessarily mean that it will protect a person from enemies. It is the government’s responsibility to protect its citizens, not the citizens themselves. There would be a reduction of gun-related deaths and incidents by having stricter gun regulations and performing more thorough background checks or gun owners.
Guns do not kill people, people kill people. Guns are not the problem in today’s society. Criminals will kill regardless of gun control. Before guns were created, people were killing people. Yes a gun is a deadly weapon and yes people are killed from gun related incidents everyday, but guns do not have the ability to harm any one on their own. It is true that some of the largest mass murders have been shootings. Many tragedies have occurred because of one person with a gun (Refuting). However, those murderers would not have been stopped if a good guy with a gun didn’t stop them. If the police wouldn’t have stopped many of these killers, they would have continued to kill more people. It is known that many of these mass murders have occurred in gun-free zones. The Sandy Hook shooting happened on school grounds, Virginia Tech and Columbine also on school grounds, and Colorado movie theater shooting all
More than 30,000 people are killed by firearms in the U.S per year, just let that sink in. Guns are one of the most lethal weapons in the world, all you need is a push of a trigger and boom someone could be dead. All though they are dangerous, in the U.S it is very easy to gain access to firearms due to the Second Amendment. This amendment states that every individual has the right to bear arms and it can not be broken. Personally I believe that we shouldn't give guns to just anyone just because it was written in the Bill of Rights 220 years ago that everyone should be able to own a gun. Times have changed since then I think we should reconsider the amendment, don't get me wrong I'm not saying we should completely ban them I'm just saying we
Ten more people fall victim to another public shooter, and another gun control debate comes spiraling from the after math as laws against guns try to be placed. Is this really the best way to deal with the issue? No. The issue is people are killing people not guns are killing people. Society wants to ban guns because people are afraid when in actuality guns themselves are not the things that need to be banned. Even then do you have any proof the gun laws actually lower crime? Gun laws also go directly against the 2nd Amendment and it takes away one of the best means of self-defense from invaders and criminals. Therefore gun laws should not be put in place. Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. We have a right to bear arms and is not something that can just be taken away.
Over “100,000” people are shot every year in the United Stated of America (US News). Every day eight children die from a gun accident, which means nearly three thousands children will die from a gun, weather it could be a murder, a suicide or an accidental death, it was still caused by a gun (It’s Time for Gun Sense). I believe that there should be more gun control in the United States, because the fact that it is so simple to obtain a fire arm makes it far too easy for it to fall in the hands of someone that will use it the wrong way. I also believe there should be more gun control in the United States because it has got to a point where for about every “100 residents”, there are “88 guns” (The Progressive Cynic). Throwing guns at a gun problem will not solve it, it is as if you’re saying you solve obesity by eating. The only way to solve a gun problem, is to put more gun control on the people.
Imagine at this moment seeing a loved one walking out those doors, perhaps the last time, and later in the day finding out he/she has been in a brutal shooting accompanied with other civilians. People are forced to think, ‘is there a way to stop the violence that is happening in the society’, however, there is a way, but it is not enforced. According to Gun Deaths in America, “More than 33,000 people are fatally shot in the U.S. each year.” This information goes to show that gun violence in all types is resulting the loss of innocent civilians and the system of gun control is weakening ( Gun control is needed in the U.S. because civilians are living in fear, wondering if it’s the last time being in this world and having
I believe the number one argument we hear when discussing gun control is that guns are dangerous and lethal weapons, that do nothing more than hurt people. And I would have to agree completely with these arguments, but just because this is true does not mean that no one should be allowed guns, or their choice of gun. Of course they are dangerous weapons with 8,300 people dying from unintentional shootings between the years 1999 and 2010 (Violence, 2016). Not to mention the average of 268 people shot every day in the U.S. alone (Record, 2013). It’s quite clear why people would be so eager about ensuring gun laws are strengthened to bring these statistics
One mass shooting after another, Congress has yet to address gun control. Ross Douthat, a New York Times reporter, wrote his opinion about why gun control is losing, Why Gun Control Loses, and Las Vegas Might Change That. The media and organizations for gun control only focus on the mass shootings, not about the everyday shootings that happen across the country. On top of that, the public forgets the tragedy, and the people that suffered until another mass shootings happen. On the other side of coin, Robert J. Spitzer, another New York Times Reporter, addresses the same issue but, instead of Ross Douthat, he provides what the public typically does against these shootings in his article, America Used to Be Good at Gun Control What Happened? The public has the misconception that it wasn't the gun that made the shooter pull the trigger, but the evil inside him did. However, most mass shooters don’t have a lengthy criminal record; it may be little to none. This is the reality of the nation when comes to a topic that should've been debated long before Las Vegas, Pulse, and Texas. The reason why gun control is still an issue, even after all these tragedies (and ones that aren't mentioned on the news), is simple: it has become a norm to hear calamites on the news, and until the United States reaches its limit, gun control won't be addressed. So, why is gun control continues to be an issue? What can we, as Americans, do to remedy gun control issues?
Throughout history, there have been many gun related crimes all around the world. Guns are a big part of our Countries history -- most of America’s turning point battles were decided with firearms. When America gained its independence, they fought with guns; when America was attacked at Pearl Harbor, we turned to guns in order to seek vengeance. Without guns, we would not have won half the battles our Country fought in; without guns, our Country would not have a successful military. But because of guns, there are also tragedies where many citizens have been killed in shootings all around America. Because of this, guns have been seen as a tool of evil, and that only evil people use them for crimes. A side effect of gun violence in
As the debate over gun control continues to spread throughout the nation like the plague, everyone is trying to choose a side. Some argue that their Second Amendment Rights are being infringed on, however, when looked at in detail that is not the case. Many others argue the decrease of guns is not beneficial because criminals are okay with doing illegal things, therefore they will obtain guns anyway. There is much, however, to disprove that. These weapons are the reason why the United States has such a high rate of violence even with such high wealth. The cost of gun violence has continued to rise over the years in medical bills. Criminals should not have the access they are currently have to such destructive weapons. Gun control must be put in place in order to decrease much of the violence and suicides the United States has.
In America, mass shootings are increasing every year. “According to the Brady Campaign, 31 Americans are murdered with guns every day on average.” (Kelly) “On average, every day, 55 people kill themselves using a firearm and 46 people are shot, or killed, with a gun by accident.” (Kelly) “Nine out of ten Americans agree that we should have background checks nationwide.” (Kelly) “Right now, our current background check system only applies to about 60% of gun sales which mean 40% don’t do background checks.” (Kelly) “About 270 million firearms are owned by Americans, which would be about 90 guns for every 100 people (Smart Gun Laws).” Guns are getting in the hands of mentally ill people and children which just isn’t very safe.
According to CDC, "One person is killed by a firearms every 17 minutes, 87 people are killed during an average day, and 609 are killed every week”(CDC). That means gun violence is out of control, and you can be next. In fact, there 's been an increase of mass murders occurring everywhere due to guns. Which has brought our attention to the gun violence in our nation. They say guns are for protection, but in reality there seems to be more murder associated with it. There 's a controversy that it 's the people 's right to bear arms, but others argue that there needs to be greater gun control. As author Pascal Emmanuel Gobry stated in Both sides are wrong on the gun debate. Here 's why,“ Liberals declare that if only we regulated and banned guns like Europe does, there wouldn 't be any more gun violence. Conservatives insist that the solution to gun violence is more guns, and just more guns” (Gobry). I am writing to you, because I believe gun violence needs to come to an end. So, I propose that the right to bear arms needs to be taken away, and the U.S needs to ban gun ownership. Since guns does no good for our nation other than kill the innocence.
Everyday, somewhere, someone is killed by a gun. On average, there are about 86 deaths per day by firearms. The question is, whether or not guns should be outlawed? Are guns the real problem in today’s violent crimes, or is there something else? One would argue, that if guns were outlawed then society would no longer have to suffer from violent crimes. On the other hand, one might argue that outlawing guns would not make a single difference in the amount of violent crimes. As a matter of fact, it is likely that the amount of deaths would actually increase.