Money Matters:
Public versus Private Schooling in India There are two types of schools in India, public, government-funded schools, and private schools that must be paid for by the student attending. Students have the right protected by law to attend these schools, but not all take advantage of this. Attending these schools can lead students on paths that lead them to higher education whether it be through private enterprises or through the government. However, due to differing costs, students might not be able to attend private schools for their primary education. Often however, that is a deciding factor in the student’s performance. It might seem that the type of school that someone attends, whether it is private or public, is what makes the difference in the education levels of people in India, but a more clear deciding factor is the economic situation of the students attending, or not attending the schools. India’s government funded school program was established about 65 years ago, to provide “free and compulsory education to all children and [to begin] transforming the elite education system inherited from its colonial past into a mass education program” . Tremendous progress has been made in achieving this goal. The number of students who are unreached by schooling has fallen by about twenty million in just about three years . When this goal was set out only about eighteen percent of India’s adults possessed basic literary skills, preceding that, in 1905 slightly
Choosing between a public or a private school for one’s education is as important as deciding where to invest one’s hard-earned money—the consequences influence one’s life forever. In the United States, it is the law for every child to be educated. However, the decision as to where to go for one’s education is up to each individual. There is a great deal of debate as to which is the better option: for-profit private schools or one’s local public school. Ultimately, the decision is made regarding the individual student’s needs and capabilities; but if the opportunity is available, attending a private school is more beneficial. Private schools provide a better quality of education than public schools. Notable alumni and current pupils,
Plato said, "You must train the children to their studies in a playful manner, and without any air of constraint, with the further object of discerning more readily the natural bent of their respective characters" (Plato). Education has increased as a topic of conversation among parents in America today. The importance of a good education has increased in value, and parents are searching for the best possible school for their child in preparation for college. Many believe the most opportune way for their child to succeed in studies is by attending a private school. On the other hand, another group of parents thinks that public schools are the better route. Nevertheless, public schools have been proven to be more successful in the
Understand that educating in government funded schools differs from instructing in private schools.Both offer the chance to work with youngsters once a day, however each has their favorable circumstances and disadvantages.Teaching is an exceptionally focused field, and on occasion it appears as though there are a larger number of educators than there are occupations accessible.
A good education is an essential part of a child’s development. Today, parents have a choice in their child’s education and can evaluate both public and private schools. Although both public and private schools provide education and opportunities for students, parents should evaluate the differences and choose the option that best suits their child and families’ needs. In this paper, I will compare and contrast five major areas that relate to public and private schools including class size, cost, curriculum, services, and teachers.
Education is a key component in our nation. People today might say that private schools are superior to public schools, saying that they are safer and a better environment to learn in. Some might say that a private school is a way of sheltering your child and not letting them experience opportunities and face many problems to learn from. There are many positives and negatives to both sides; it mainly depends on whom you are talking to. Some parents might want their child to go to a private school because the class size is smaller and that their child will learn better that way. However, they might also want their child to go to a private school because of the religious aspects. Many private schools have religious compliances, where as public schools do not.
A school is a that place which is designed to provide learning spaces as well as environments for the teaching of students under the direction of teachers. Schools are the roots of every children in his/her life. With the help of school students grasps wide array of knowledge from school which is beneficial for them in their future. However, some people argue that private schools are better over public school. From my point of view, private school are better because it is enriched with academic opportunities, well qualify staff and extracurricular activities as compared to public School. Hence, I agree with this statement that private schools are better than public schools.
Poverty and underdevelopment of India does not permit adequate investment in general, including education. From the private angle, weaker sections who should invest more in education have their present consumption needs focusing on survival where education is perceived as luxury. Even if people took loans, they prefer investment in more tangible and resale able assets which yield higher ROR in short gestation periods to investment in human capital. The state is constrained by its available resources and by its welfare expenditure approach to education. Further, the capital market is too poorly organized to provide funds for investment in education. Thus to bring equity in distribution of human capital between different groups serious efforts have to be made towards reducing discrimination in schooling, improving
Education is not only important, it is a powerful weapon that we can use to change to change our world. Parents try to provide us with the best education and influences in our lives until they no longer can control it. The environment a child grows up in is critical to a child’s development. There are two different types of schools that parents generally choose from. Public schools are free to attend, funded and controlled by the government and must follow state curriculum and assessment models. Private schools are independently funded, can use any curriculum and assessment models they want and requires a tuition to enroll. The private versus public school debate has been an ongoing debate throughout the nation. Many parents have a difficult time choosing what school to enroll their children in. Religion, the desire for same-sex education, extracurricular activities and special education programs are factors that are considered when choosing schools. An abundance of people have argued for years about their benefits and disadvantages. There are many areas which one can compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of public and private schools: curriculum, athletics, cost, admissions, teachers, etc.
Would you change your school? Would you go to a private school instead of a public school? Or to a public school instead of a private school? Private and public education is different in many ways such as their performance, enrollment, and the overall education taught but yet they have somewhat similar teachers.
With a 100% state-funded system in Finland, all students are equally entitled to receive education and a similar approach can prove beneficial for India where access to education is still a huge challenge for many children. (Bert Maes) The four hundred years of slavery that India was formed in and the caste system have lastingly affected its education system. (Deshpande) These oppressive systems
When students reach their senior year of high school, they have yet another decision to make. Will they choose public or private education? There are other things to consider beyond the public or private aspect. The cost of the university varies from college to college, along with the academic excellence, and the campus life. Some people place one aspect as a priority over others, yet some people look at the overall university outlook. The majority of seniors stress over the perfect choice for their future education, wanting to find the exact university that they have imagined. Most of the time students settle for two of the three options. They either find a university that is cheap with a good education system, cheap with a solid campus life, or a good education system with a solid campus life. There are always students who are dissatisfied with their decision or transfer schools later; that is why finding the perfect college for students is such an important matter. While many of those aspect are large portions of the reason people attend specific universities, the most primitive aspect is whether the university is public or private.
No one thinks twice about whether or not a child needs an education. As children grow, parents must decide what route to take concerning education. The options include, but are not limited to, sending children to a private or a public school. Deciding which type of schooling depends solely on personal preference. The argument ‘If You Send Your Kid to Private School, You Are a Bad Person’ by Allison Benedikt, argued that sending children to private schools ultimately depletes actions to achieve what is best for the students. Although, Benedikt’s piece uses premises, and personal testimonies, overall the argument presented is lacking.
The debate that includes public vs private education is a very unique debate because around half the people choose Public while the other half chooses Private. Canada has many different religions which results to many parents to choose whether they should send their kids to private school or to send them to public schools. Sending them to public schools makes it easy for them because they don’t have to take out extra cash cause it’s already payed through their taxes. Sending them to Private school means they have to pay extra which sometimes can be difficult for low income parents. Both Public and Private school have many benefits but the teaching are different.
A choice that all parents encounter when their children reach the age to go to school is whether to send them to a private or public school. Some believe that private institutes do a better job of educating children because parents are paying out of pocket for their children’s education and that their children will be more sheltered from becoming influenced by other children. Therefore, they are more able to focus on their education and less distracted from the outside world. However most believe that public schools do a better job at educating children. Preparing them for higher education and the outside world. Along with giving them better resources to succeed.
The government is the reason we have order, safety, schools, roads, and many more things that we don't think too much about in our everyday lives. There are two branches of government the Democrats, and the Republicans. Our president, Donald Trump, is a republican. He believes in more investment in our military than our schooling. We already took a pay cut in our schooling system because of that, and the money that is going towards our schools are either going to public or private schools. But is it really necessary for the government to fund private schools when students already have to pay tuition? The government should be funding more towards public schooling.