Too many times people have had to deal with the horrible acts of school shootings. Many musicians have found ways to express their feelings, or paint a picture for an audience. Although it is a very violent act, many artists put the listeners into the shoes of the shooter. Two songs that come to mind is “Dark Side of the Moon” by the rising rapper MGK, and “Pumped Up Kicks” by a little known band that goes by the name of Foster the People. Now, these songs are different in everyday life, but both songs put listeners into the shooters shoes. The “Dark Side of the Moon” by MGK gives the audience the details leading up to the shooting. MGK tells a story about a guy names Tommy, who was abused at home and bullied at school. In the first verse MGK expresses “Tommy was dumb. Get your ass in that room till I come back you piece of shit, but dad wouldn’t never come” These lyrics paint the picture to show that he was abused at home. MGK’s lyrics go on to say “Tommy was dumb. Students …show more content…
The upbeat tempo sets the mood to be a feel good song however, if the audience listens to what the lyrics are portraying it is in fact the complete opposite. This band tells a story about Robert, a young man whose father was always working. Insinuating to the listeners that Robert was neglected. The lyrics go on to point out to the audience that Robert has a gun, and warns that he is coming for you. In the song “Pumped Up Kicks” the first verse states “He found a six shooter gun… but he’s coming for you yeah he’s coming for you”. Unlike “Dark Side of the Moon”, this song is unclear with that they are saying. Listeners have argued that Robert has lost his mind because is his talking to his cigarette. The song says “I reason with my cigarette, and say your hairs on fire you must have lost your witts yeah” This track depicts the life of a troubled teen who lost his mind, and thus causing him to shoot up his high
This shooting was the worst in United States history, and it left families speechless and people in disarray. Two teens committed the treacherous actions of that day. The speculations were that they did this because of bullying, goth culture, or music or video games; these though were all just theories and were never proven(history). After this event, schools, venues, and events have endured grand security increases in the danger of shooters or other violence. Throughout my school days, I have wondered why we do the silly lock down drills at school, but in reality, lives could be saved in the event of an actual attack on my school. I realized this my eight grade year at Guntown Middle School. There was an unidentified man on campus, a code red lock down would amerce. I still remember sitting under my desk, shaking, and almost to tears. I did not want to be remembered as just another statistic if it was a shooter. But it had been our lucky day, the man who had stirred up all the commotion was just looking for the school’s office. Those fears I experienced however, would stay with me. We all believe that we are invincible and that it would never be us. However, with the world as it is today, no one is safe. I have been affected by the Columbine shooting through security changes in schools that I
The artist chooses an upbeat and happy tempo that repeats throughout the song. He chooses this repeating tempo to draw the listener’s attention to the lyrics of the song. The slow, yet happy tempo paired with the artists bright and cheery voice creates a sense of ease and happiness within the song itself, and the audience.
School shootings have become well known around the world due to the coverage by the media. . These shootings are a serious concern and have parents constantly concerned about their child’s safety when they are at school and also have students thinking twice about any unusual or suspicious behavior. The media appears to play a large part in school shootings and it is important to analyze the deviant behaviors of the shooters in these horrific instances and the fear they create in schools. Does the media play a large part in school shootings or does the media play a large part in the sensationalism of school shootings and the fear they create both in schools and with parents?
First the story makes you sympathize for the two main characters that find themselves in a new relationship. Meanwhile, the song in the background sings, “Hey my darlin’ hey my sweet…. Today’s the day when Jonny met June.” Viewers fall for the adorable love story, aided by the charming tune, but once the PSA reveals Evan, the shooter, the melody takes on an eerie mood. No longer do onlookers feel love, now they feel guilt, because “while [they] were watching Evan, a student was showing signs of planning a shooting. But no one noticed.” As the audience re-watches, the whole story now highlights Evan. Fear starts to fill the watchers’ minds as they think, “How did I not notice?” and “could this happen in my school?” Evocatively, the PSA makes the spectators feel infatuation, liability, and
Newman begins her book by telling the stories of two different rampage shootings, at Heath High School and Westside Middle School. Once she establishes the shooters and the subjects of her study, Newman lays out her thesis and explains that her research shows that many factors contribute
"I'm angry someone would do this to us. There are lives ruined, families ruined, and our whole school year is ruined" (Brackely 1). Casey Brackely, once a student that attended Columbine High School, remembers the tragedy of the horrific Columbine shooting that killed and injured many students. Mass shootings in the United States have been on the rise since the 1980’s, especially in the last decade. These shooters motives and profiles are almost all terrifyingly alike. Many of these shooters try to imitate and parallel the tragic shooting of the Columbine High School in 1999. These shootings have made peaceful organizations, such as an elementary school; become a place of violence and death. Currently, in the United States, an epidemic of
Due to the stories of teens committing violent crimes like school shootings, murder, or robberies has many researchers curious about what exactly causes this violent behavior, and what is it about some violent songs that causes teenagers to react negatively to the lyrics of a song. This often results in teenagers hearing a violent song, then acting out what they see or hear in that violent song. Another factor besides the background or personality of the teen would be the capacity for that teen to learn violence or how much aggression a teen has, to begin with. Learned violence is what happens when a teenager or a group of teenagers observe and note how to be violent from their
Assessing potentially violent students is one thing, but determining what is causing these high-risk teens to act out is another. Numerous reasons have been suggested as to why teenagers kill. One possibility could be the media. This includes music, movies, books and video games. Social science research conducted over the past 40 years supports the conclusion that viewing violent television programming has negative consequences for children, and the research suggests three factors in which watching violent television programs can impact young viewers. (Aidman, 1997) These factors say that media violence can encourage children to learn aggressive behavior and attitudes, media violence can cultivate fearful or pessimistic attitudes in children about the non- television world, and media violence can desensitize children to real-world and fantasy violence. One very controversial music artist made headlines when the Columbine massacre occurred. From day one,
The song, “Pumped Up Kicks” by Foster the People tells the story of a boy who is driven through domestic abuse and bullying to take a gun to school. He tells all the kids with the “pumped up kicks” to try and outrun him and his gun. The artist says it’s to bring awareness to bullying and the possible consequences. This is a good message and is generally assumed to affect the middle and high school population. However it can be taken further than just schoolyard bullying. Bullying happens in post-school life, and if you interpret a little deeper and on a grander scale into the song’s lyrics, you might find something else embedded.
School shootings, like the one in Connecticut, is fatal and really gives chills down your spine. Relating to Connecticut, on December 14th, 2012, Adam Lanza shot and killed 26 people at Sandy Hook Elementary. It was an absolutely terrifying experience to watch just on the news. It’s unbearable how some people make jokes and laugh about horrible situations of these stories. In relation, there are so many people who want to kill and destroy the US or other countries. Almost ¼ of the world population wants to do those things. Protect yourself from the bad in the world. Even though it may come to you anytime, you are better than you know and being yourself is the best of what you can do right
Research in school shootings have been administered in many categories, including sociology, psychology, and etc. past studies, and direct later studies in school shootings, offers a sociology stand point for understanding the differences of school shooting incidents, including rampage shootings, mass murders shootings, and examining the mass media dynamic of school shootings; as well as presenting a combination of causes said in the research, including those on the individual, community, and social levels. Suggestions for studies in the future in school shootings are still yet to be explored.
The book Columbine by Dave Cullen has been banned for its content about the Columbine School Shooting and the psychology behind the shooting. It was censored from students because of this content that, while being sensitive and triggering to those who are against gun violence or have PTSD from a situation like this, can help spread awareness about school shootings in a world where events such as the Columbine School Shooting are slowly becoming more and more common. This book, having graphic details about the shooting that can upset people who read it, is a book that can be taught, as its merits, literary qualities, and educational value justify it as a book that teachers can use to bring up valuable points in discussion and teach valuable
Over the past couple of decades, school shooting have seemed to occur often-- continuously shocking the nation and reminding everyone that no community is exempt from such horror. One main contributor of this hysteria is found within the media. At the catalyst of this hysteria, lies the horrific Columbine shooting in 1999. Since then, school shootings have received ample coverage-- some argue that this has romanticized school shootings, others argue that is has provided condemning coverage of the often insane perpetrators. In the first year after the Columbine shooting, over 10,000 articles were written about the event, likely setting the stage for the nationwide desire for constant coverage of such events (Elsass et al, p. 445-446).
Music allows an artist to give those whose voice may not be loud enough to be heard. Their music can cover any issue of poverty, discrimination, segregation, people of color, oppression, and etc. The lyrics are the key part to get any point across but also any footage that accompanies gives the viewer more of an insight into these issues. Many artist/bands like Bob Dylan, Fort Minor, Joyner Lucas, Hurray for the Riff Raff, and Michael Jackson address many issues the class talked about and the point of view of those who are viewed as minorities. The music these artists and bands produce gives the listener an idea of what exactly is happening in the world and what has happened. Each song individually covers the importance that we, as humans, must change the way we think and act and listen to the problems others have and even if it does not affect us.
There have been numerous events in society where heavy metal musicians have been blamed for the events that took place. Musicians have been blamed in school shootings and other events that have caused tragedy or discomfort in the world. The lyrical content of