What does punishing your child really do? Many people think punishment helps people decide to do the right thing, and know what's right. That's wrong, in reality it makes kids think their parents are trying to shape them into someone they want them to be. That will cause kids to disobey more, and try to be less of what you want them to be. Though some people think it's good to punish their children, I believe that it's not. I feel this way because it can cause kids to sneak and lie more, to not get detected. Punishment also doesn't help with the child's emotions, so they get shoved down and ignored. Last, children can also begin to think the parents are responsible for making them behave, instead of the children taking responsibility for their actions. My first reason for thinking it's wrong to punish children is it causes children to sneak and lie more, so they won't get caught disobeying. Laura Shlessinger said ¨The most salient lesson of punishment is to avoid it in the future by sneaking and lying to escape detection, so punishment fosters dishonesty." (Parenting.com) This is important because it shows that kids don't want to be punished. …show more content…
They end up shoving them down and ignore them. Laura Schlessinger also said ¨Because punishment doesn't help a child with emotions that drove her to act out to begin with. Those emotions just get stuffed down, only to pop up again later and cause a repeat of the misbehavior." (Parenting.com) This shows that it causes kids to ignore their emotions because they end up just focusing on what they're feeling from being punished. When my parents would punish me for something, I'd eventually end up doing the same thing over again because what caused me to do it in the first place wasn't addressed. That would then lead to me being punished
Children have minds of their own. As they begin to mature, their newfound independence will sometimes lead them to misbehave in various ways. A parent's patience(or lack of) as they interact daily with their children is crucial. Hitting, slapping or spanking a child as punishment often sends the message that it is okay to hit others to solve problems. A more productive approach may be to help the child figure out what they did wrong and show them how to learn from their mistakes. Kids need to understand the reasoning behind our rules and they need to feel that they can correct these mistakes if they do make them. No matter what the child has done, he needs to know that your love for him/her is unconditional.
For example: if a child decides to do drugs or physically harm someone, then they should get a spanking or a harsh scolding accompanied by a week of restriction on things they enjoy. Luscombe includes a quote involving the alternative punishments to spanking being more effective than spanking (par. 9). I normally agree with this, however I would add that it also depends on the child and their attitudes after the punishment has occurred. For instance, if a parent was to eliminate one of the stars on “The Star Chart,” and the child’s response was, “I don’t care,” then the parent would have to apply harsher punishments until the child has changed their attitude towards the punishment. Luscombe also includes information on the negative effects physical punishment may have on children, which should be taken into account when disciplining (par. 5).
‘Spanking children: the controversies, finding, and new directions” by Corina Benjet and Alan E. Kazdan is about spanking used as a method of discipline, and its impact on child development. According to the authors, the purpose of the article is to “propose that both methodological limitations of the research to date as well as the limited focus of the research questions have prevented a better understanding of the impact of parental spanking on child development” (Benjet & Kazdin, 2003).
There is no sure way to be a perfect parent, kids are all different so not everything works the same. Some punishment or rewards never seem to for certain children. The way parents handle their children can seem harsh to some parents to others not enough. But all parents end up hurting their children weather or not they mean to. Sometimes parents ignore their children, tell them they are always wrong, not supporting what their children want.
Spanking is not evil, nor illegal, but parents need to be wise about how and why they are spanking their children. This past year, I learned that punishing a child must be done with the mindset of improving the child’s behavior, not out frustration because the child is not behaving correctly. Punishing a child too severely can lead to negative effects for the child rather than an improvement on their behavior.
This is a fact of life as is seen in every aspect. Even as a parent, I personally have seen this several times and have always told my kids that if I believed they were actually trying to do the right thing, they wouldn’t be punished.
I believe that kids should not get spank. For example, if you spank the kids they will not listen to you they will think that you are mean person. So I think you should punish the kids by taking their phones, games, and laptop, anything they like they will feel bored and realize they did something bad and they will not do again. For instance, when I was around the age of twelve I didn’t use to listen to my mom so she will spank me I used cry and go to my room not talk to anyone. My mom use to hate when I don’t talk to her she feel bad so the more I get older when don’t spank me she just talking me if I do something wrong . I believe that kids will stop behavior when you take their favor
I believe that there are many other, more efficient ways, to discipline and make your child mind. There are many ways that you can use positive reinforcement that will have a better outcome. Spanking can lead to more mental problems as well as be involved in violence (Reeves and Cuddy, 2014). We tell children not to hit therefore I do not understand why you would hit your child to teach them a lesson.
I believe that parents should have every right to punish their kids by spanking them. It should be hand to tush contact and should not leave a mark for over 24 hours. I think they should take the opportunity to punish their children when they are clearly out of line. Most kids these days won’t listen to verbal punishments like scoldings. Back in the day when parents were actually allowed to punish their children how they wanted to kids weren’t disrespecting their parents like they do today.
Furthermore, some people believe there are no ramifications to physically punishing children. Punishing children in a physical way teaches them that any and all problems can be dealt with in a physical manner. This line of thinking can lead to violent altercations and violent thoughts. Children who are raised with parents who use corporal punishment are more likely to use corporal punishment on their children.
Parents should not spank children regardless of their age or what they have done. Most parents I have seen do not verbally say “I spank my child” but it does occur more than what is seen. It is not an everyday occurrence for me to see a child being spanked in public. However it does occur more frequently in bathrooms or behind closed doors. I am willing to bet it happens a lot more than meets the eye. When I do see spankings in public it makes me uncomfortable. Even though it is an arrestable offence to hit a child a certain way, parents still do it.
Identically, children learn that the reason for their discipline is to get their attention, and change their behavior. (“Spanking As A Discipline”). With this in mind this leads to the children actually wanting to change and be a better person. Another example that shows that’s punishing them will make them a better person is that spanking puts a stop to a behavior, but doesn’t change a child’s decision. Additionally, when one spanks a kid the intention is so the child knows of the consequences of their bad behavior. (“Do You Think Spanking”). In other words, when disciplining a child, the intention is to change their unacceptable
Yes, I agree with Karen Horney stick and punishing the children feel hostility towards their parents, because of many researches shows that result the hated feelings and fared
Children are going to continue to make mistakes, but they will learn from them just like adults do. So why would we punish them for it? When positive guiding children we can help them see and understand consequences from the choices they make. By using punishment instead of positive discipline can cause possible side effects, such as blocking open communications, punishment represses behaviour, but doesn’t deal with the behaviour, models a negative use of power, and to have continue effect it must escalate in order to remain it’s effectiveness. Using punishment as discipline will create a negative relationship between educator/parent and child. This could lead the child to have negative thoughts about themselves creating a low self-esteem.
An adult who practices punishment, controls a child externally. This communicates to a child that they are not able to control themselves, thus have no responsibility for their actions. Also, it can create in the child’s mind, the idea that they can commit a behavior so long as they do not get caught or are willing to accept the consequences. Behavior that is modified with punishment does not evolve from the understanding of what is expected in a society, but rather from fear. Since no understanding was obtained this will not