Methodology The basis of Christianity is founded on the good news message that is deep ceded in the life of Jesus Christ. Defining and describing that message lays the doctrine of religion to explain the truths. With each controversial issue regarding baptism, there is irrefutable evidence in the scriptures, which serve as important resources for this research. As the researcher, I will comb through the book of Acts, exerting emphasis on several scriptures that gives reference to Jesus and baptism.
The purpose of baptism is tied to four aspects: repentance, obedience, public acknowledgment and following Christ. These aspects are not to be viewed as simply a growing process; instead they should be viewed as the pathway to life. As Christians,
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As Christians, God rewards us for obeying his word and in this scripture, Peter is expressing that those who obey the message of repentance and have faith in Christ, will receive God’s reward of the Holy Spirit. Exploring these two scriptures, the research will focus on the two requirements in order to receive the Holy Spirit as well as develop a basic understanding of repentance and the role it plays in obedience. It is written in the scriptures that God commands his followers to publically acknowledge him in front of men, just as he did before the Father for each of us. Further exploration leads us to the sermon given to the Jews depicted in Acts 22:16. This scripture depicts Paul giving an account of his conversion experience on the road to Damacus, when he was blinded, only to receive his sight as a result of being baptized in water. This research will attempt to search for the truth regarding whether this scripture instructs us to believe that baptism is necessary in order to receive …show more content…
Although many argue this is not accurate, baptism is still viewed as a holy act of cleansing, washing away of sins, and the unification of one with Christ. Baptism also signifies conversion and indicates that we are saved by faith and not by works. An analysis of Acts 4:2 which states that “under no other name can a person be saved,” indicates that this is a requirement in order to be in Christ. Spiritual gifts are given to God’s people from the Holy Spirit. There are seven spiritual gifts that God gives us and they are designed to build up and benefit the body of Christ. Throughout this research, I will make known what those gifts are as well as examine Acts 3:1-10 in which the Bible affords us the opportunity to see one of the gifts in
In a contemporary Christian environment one of the most prominent practices to have a significant contribution to Christianity as a living religious tradition is Baptism. Baptism is of utmost importance for most Christian denominations. It has profound significance for the individual who is baptised and is also important for the Christian community as a whole. As a sacrament of initiation, Baptism calls its adherents to become missionary Disciples of Christ. It is through baptism that one’s faith journey begins and Christians are called to follow and live their lives in the light of Christ.
When Nakirra was a little girl in church she did not understand what getting baptised meant. Her church school teacher use to explain to her what the values of getting baptised was and how it was important for her to get baptised. She said ,”That baptism was their personal identification with Jesus Christ”. In the bible found in Ephesians 2: 8-9 it states that “For by grace you have been saved through faith”. And this is not their own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works,so that no one may boast.”
Acts of the Apostles chronicles the rapid advancement of the Gospel by way of the gift of the Holy Spirit. “The Holy Spirit in the Acts of the Apostles: The Charismatic Community in Mission” takes into account the narratives succeeding Pentecost including Spirit Baptisms from Samaria to Ephesus (Acts
This paper will compare and evaluate the views of John MacArthur and Keith Warrington, in relation to the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Particularly, focusing on their views as to whether the baptism in the Holy Spirit takes place as a consequence of conversion or subsequently, as a unique experience. Each author’s views will be compared and evaluated using other academic sources, with special reference to Biblical evidence. Finally, a clear conclusion from the evaluation process will establish which argument is better founded Biblically.
Did you ever hear about The Nazi Invasion? If no, this book will tell you about the Nazi Invasion on the Jews, and how Hitler did violins on them.
All Christians know about the Great Commission, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:19-20, English Standard Version). In that command, Jesus tells us to baptize in the name of the Trinity. What does the word “baptism” mean? Baptimsa and sometimes baptismos, the Greek word origin of “baptism”, can translate to “immersion” or “bathing” without any religious implications (McGowan, 2014). Nearly every Christian church practices baptism with a religious implication; however, they do not agree on God’s activity in, the qualifications for admitting a person to, and methods of administering baptism. For instance, many churches do not baptize people until they become adults and make a profession of faith, while others encourage baptizing an infant soon after they are born. The practices and philosophy for baptism changed throughout its use in the New Testament, the Early Church, and the Medieval era.
Through baptism, we begin the process of acknowledging God’s grace in our lives. Baptism is not a magical act that occurs apart from active faith. Most important in the decision to be baptized or have your child baptized is the desire to live a Christian life, which includes being part of the Christian
This scripture passage displays God’s views on the morals of Baptism and emphasizes how it gives us salvation. In this excerpt from the gospel of Luke, it
With the fact that the effectiveness of baptism is not in water, but it is in a confessed faith, let’s find out why baptism
The Book of Acts is often referred to as the Acts of the Apostles; however, the goal of this paper is to demonstrate the importance of the acts of the Holy Spirit in this book. Drumwright points out that in the 68 chapters of the Synoptic Gospels there are only 34 references to the Holy Spirit. Compared to the 28 chapters of Acts there are 56 references to the Holy Spirit. The abundance reveals Luke’s desire to reveal the person, presence and power of the Holy Spirit. This paper outlines how Luke unfolds the personal and powerful Holy Spirit who presses believers to bring the gospel to the world, thus empowering the fulfillment of the Great Commission (Acts 1:8).
Spirit baptism or ‘baptism in the Spirit’ is understood differently by different denominations. In the scope of this essay, the traditional Pentecostal understanding will be contrasted with that of the non-Pentecostal/charismatic evangelical tradition. Spirit baptism has very much been the ‘crown jewel’ of Pentecostalism with its emphasis on power to witness and speaking in tongues. It’s fair to say that Pentecostal identity and ideology ‘are based at least partly on a specific relationship between biblical texts and the experiences of Christians as transmitted via life stories’ (Andersson, 2014, p. 113). What is imperative, is that one doesn’t let experience formulate doctrine, but unfortunately for some this is precisely what has happened. Experience has overruled sound exegesis.
I am doing my term paper on The Baptism Debate. We were all given a choice of what we wanted to do for our topic and I decided on this debate because I kind of knew a little about this subject and wanted to see the different views included. There is a slight bias to this subject matter because of my own personal experiences in my life. Throughout Scripture, Christians have all agreed that it is God’s will that all must be baptized. It has been commanded by Him and not considered an optional experience for individuals. Learning about the two different viewpoints, that I will express in this paper, have brought out a great argument about when and how a human being should be baptized. I am now going to talk about the history of
the means to obtain forgiveness of sins after Baptism. We have come to focus on
Baptism is a sacrament commanded by Jesus, many central Christian beliefs are symbolised in the practise of Baptism, which is a rite of initiation into the Christian Community. The meaning of Baptism differs across denominations such as Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant, However Christians believe that Jesus, human and divine is the Saviour, the Bible is the word of God, and that God made humans with free will to choose good over evil in order to achieve salvation, Baptism commences the adherent into these beliefs.
Baptism is a Christian sacrament of admission and adoption, almost invariably with the use of water, into the Christian Church generally