
Purpose Of Baptism Research Paper

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Methodology The basis of Christianity is founded on the good news message that is deep ceded in the life of Jesus Christ. Defining and describing that message lays the doctrine of religion to explain the truths. With each controversial issue regarding baptism, there is irrefutable evidence in the scriptures, which serve as important resources for this research. As the researcher, I will comb through the book of Acts, exerting emphasis on several scriptures that gives reference to Jesus and baptism.
The purpose of baptism is tied to four aspects: repentance, obedience, public acknowledgment and following Christ. These aspects are not to be viewed as simply a growing process; instead they should be viewed as the pathway to life. As Christians, …show more content…

As Christians, God rewards us for obeying his word and in this scripture, Peter is expressing that those who obey the message of repentance and have faith in Christ, will receive God’s reward of the Holy Spirit. Exploring these two scriptures, the research will focus on the two requirements in order to receive the Holy Spirit as well as develop a basic understanding of repentance and the role it plays in obedience. It is written in the scriptures that God commands his followers to publically acknowledge him in front of men, just as he did before the Father for each of us. Further exploration leads us to the sermon given to the Jews depicted in Acts 22:16. This scripture depicts Paul giving an account of his conversion experience on the road to Damacus, when he was blinded, only to receive his sight as a result of being baptized in water. This research will attempt to search for the truth regarding whether this scripture instructs us to believe that baptism is necessary in order to receive …show more content…

Although many argue this is not accurate, baptism is still viewed as a holy act of cleansing, washing away of sins, and the unification of one with Christ. Baptism also signifies conversion and indicates that we are saved by faith and not by works. An analysis of Acts 4:2 which states that “under no other name can a person be saved,” indicates that this is a requirement in order to be in Christ. Spiritual gifts are given to God’s people from the Holy Spirit. There are seven spiritual gifts that God gives us and they are designed to build up and benefit the body of Christ. Throughout this research, I will make known what those gifts are as well as examine Acts 3:1-10 in which the Bible affords us the opportunity to see one of the gifts in

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