What is the purpose of government? When looking up the definition of a government it says, “the governing body of a nation, state, or community”(dictionary.com). This helps to understand it a bit more, but what is the purpose of a government. Government has many purposes that keep its people safe and protected, this includes to establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. There are so many ways that the government is use and there are so many sub categories and even those have categories. So when one is faced with a question like this there any number of responses, and but the main purpose of a …show more content…
government ensures the right of the people are protected by having the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights has many other articles that protect the people’s rights however, this is not the only way the government protects our right. Another way the government protects our rights is by the justice system. The justice system includes creating and passing laws that protect the rights of people. There has been a lot of conflicting feelings about equal right among everything, but what hold the most controversy is the LGBT becoming equal with the rest of the world and recently laws have been passed to try and equalize the LGBT community with the rest of the citizens, in 2015 the Supreme Court's announced “States cannot keep same-sex couples from marrying and must recognize their unions, the Supreme Court says in a ruling that for months has been the focus of speculation. “(Chappell). This means all 50 states must allow same-sex marriage no matter how the states feel about the issue, in order for the law to pass it had to go through the Justice System. This proves that the Justice System helps to protect the right of citizens because everyone has the right to marry even if it is the same-sex, by it becoming law it further protects this right that citizens are entitled to. This isn’t the only case of the the Justice system has helped to safeguard people's rights. In California a law
The six purposes of government are to: keep order, provide security, settle conflicts, set policies, make budgets, and interact with other communities.
The Constitution guards against the abuse of power. Having a bill of rights prevents the government from not giving the people
Describe how the U.S. Constitution was formed. Use historical dates and references in your answer.
In legal terms, a government is a set of laws and regulations exerted on a group of individuals. Such an abstract concept, however, would be ineffective without citizens that enforce the established mandates of the government. Thus, the
I am here by writing this essay to explain, how these organizations in the United States such as the MADD, LULAC, and NAACP can educate and help our fellow citizens of America change laws that might well need to be changed. As well as explaining the common interest these groups are concerned with.
Citizens of any country are given some rights as well as responsibilities, and the United States of America is no exception. The Constitution (US Const) of the USA as well as the first ten amendments, also known as “Bill of Rights”, defines the framework of it. It is a supreme law that defines how Federal Government works.
The Constitution protects my rights by not letting tyrants rule over me and branches ruling over my freedom and rights. The constitution protects my rights like checks and balances,Natural Rights,and Social Contract does. The constitution states my rights that will help me from tyrants.
People have their own perspective of a government that they envision for their people. Thomas Jefferson has been the president of the United States and ruled under a monarch. Jefferson couldn’t tolerate the abuse from a monarch, so he rebelled against the British crown. In 1776, Thomas Jefferson wrote The Declaration of Independence, and declared the colonies were free from British rule. Before he became the author of The Declaration of Independence, Jefferson was established “ as an ardent republican and revolutionary” (Jacobus 77). Jacobus states Jefferson is, “one of the most versatile Americans of any generation” (Jacobus 78). In The Declaration of Independence, Jefferson and the founding fathers envisioned a government that would
The role of the government in our country is defined in our Constitution as to, "establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the
Any government with total control is worth being feared and having a group of individuals who go against their government. With complete control, a government is capable of committing acts against their citizens, which can be perceived as “something good” from the government’s point of view. In 1984 by George Orwell, and “Harrison Bergeron”, by Kurt Vonnegut, the main characters, Winston and Harrison, feel oppressed by the government's acts and events, try to overthrow their government, and go through a realization of hopelessness and defeat.
The United States has a deeply rooted and embedded tradition through the Constitution of having a federalist style of governing as its structural framework for operating and guiding the government of the country. The form of governing is best described as a balance between powers of the central government and the powers of each independent and autonomic state. “Federalism is a system in which the power to govern is shared between national and provincial (state) governments, creating what is often called a federation” (Wikipedia 1).This style of governance has not been the only structure instituted in American history in order to implement civilized law and order among the people of the land. Prior to the
How we form and describe a sentence plays a major role towards determine the meaning of the sentence. This results in making each sentence very important to structure correctly so as to harness the most powerful meaning from the words used on the sentence (Iny 2006). To understand how word structure affects a sentence, we shall examine 5 sentences from a paper “the Purpose of Government written by Anon. A. Moss.
The United States and its people are governed by the central force of the government. However, even though the government has been around for centuries, there are those that are still arguing about the purpose of the government. These people include presidents, senators, newscasters, and even the regular people of the United States. The Great man and second president of the United States, Thomas Jefferson once states, “The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government.” Through the quote, it can be found that Thomas Jefferson believed the purpose of the government is to protect the lives of the people and ensure their happiness. Thomas Jefferson was right when saying that one of the purposes of government is to protect the people, however, protecting the people isn’t all the government does. The purpose of government is to ensure the protection of the people, their rights, and to establish justice for those who need it.
What is the government’s purpose? As defined by Bastiat, a French economist and author, it is “the organization of the natural right of lawful defense… for the purpose… of doing what they have a right to do, to secure persons, liberties, and properties, and to maintain each in its right, so as to cause justice to reign over all” (The Law 3). Therefore, if the government is doing something other than acting to protect the lives, liberties, or property of its citizens, it is stepping out of its bounds. In regards to the federal government, it has done this to an extreme. Before discussing the problems with the federal government’s megalomania, it is vital to understand the
Philosophers have struggled with determining the proper role of government. In the absence of government and laws, people could do whatever they wanted, and some of them would try to slaughter others and steal their property. This is the state called anarchy. People have realized that the safety of the people and the country would be in jeopardy in such a state. Thus, it is necessary for a country to have a government and/or ruler. However, a ruler must not have absolute power nor lack authority. But the protection of the people and the country alone is not enough for a country to prosper. The property and the natural rights of the people and the government must also be protected. Thus, the proper role of government is to protect the