
Purpose Of The Nppf's National Planning Policy Framework

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National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) contains government planning policy. Except for waste and minerals extraction are covered in separate policy statements, government policy cover offices and shops beyond the popular planning for housing.
NPPF is the expression of Government policy in England and sets the pace for all planning policies by guiding outcomes on planning applications concerning different types of land use. NPPF covers principally The economy; Town centres; The rural economy; Sustainable transport; Communications infrastructure; Housing; Design; Healthy communities; Green Belt; Climate change, flooding and coastal change; The natural and historic environment; Minerals; Plan-making and Decision-taking.

The NPPF sets out twelve core planning principles which …show more content…

Once established, Green Belt boundaries should only be altered in exceptional circumstances, through the preparation or review of the Local Plan. At that time, authorities should consider the Green Belt boundaries having regard to their intended permanence in the long term, so that they should be capable of enduring beyond the plan period.

When drawing up or reviewing Green Belt boundaries local planning authorities should take account of the need to promote sustainable patterns of development. They should consider the consequences for sustainable development of channelling development towards urban areas inside the Green Belt boundary, towards towns and villages inset within the Green Belt or towards locations beyond the outer Green Belt

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