Writer’s purpose, reader’s goal, organization
Orhan Pamuk once said, “The writer's secret is not inspiration - for it is never clear where it comes from - it is his stubbornness, his patience.” The writer’s general purpose is to determine the expertise that he wants to apply in his writing. The writer’s purpose and organization of writing is to persuade, entertain, inform, and draws the reader’s attention to the information. In the same way, the readers’ goals are reading the content, of seeking information, and increasing knowledge through reading. In these three articles, the authors have specific purpose and discipline the specific futures, and the reader's goal is to collect the noteworthy information. The first article, “The Nature of
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In this article the author informs readers, why camouflage was a unique technique during World War I. Camouflage is not being invisible with surrounding, but camouflage can also take the opposite approach and was important at that time, because the British and American fleets’ admirals developed dazzle camouflage to protect ships from submarine. In that time, it was hard enough to vanish a ship in camouflage on the ocean. Instead, they used the extreme opposite colorful impact, such as: strong, contrasting color and bold random shape patterns, so they are able to stand out even more. Therefore, the writer’s purpose is to persuade with facts are presented in order to provide description about a problem situation; it is also important to note that the author presents his work as informational describing the British navy’s talent called razzle dazzle, design on ship imitated animal camouflage to throw off the German …show more content…
Fashion ‘Stars’-in Strips” entertaining news article. These three articles have one common thing using the pictures to illustrate ideas, which gives the readers another interest when reading a great deal of information about those articles. Writer uses camouflage to organize these articles in a disciplinary way. The author fulfill the purpose by going on to easily understood explains, “Biomimicry” is an innovation inspired by nature, filled with solutions for scientist, and the practice of adopting natural structures and strategies to solve problems. “In the early days” the author's purpose is to narrate a problem's solution described by technique approach for British navy keep away from enemies, and in “Razzle dazzle” article, the author has the purpose of explaining the back story of why black and white stripes are used in fashion design. In addition, reader’s goal is reading the task content of seeking information and increase knowledge through reading. Moreover, reader’s goal is to please himself in fascinating subject and satisfy by the unfamiliar content interactions with
The First World War began with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary, killed by a Serbian group. The assassination prompted Austria-Hungary to declare war against Serbia. Russia supported Serbia; Austria-Hungary had assistance from Germany; and France and Great Britain had allied with Russia. Then, the declaration of war began. France, Great Britain, and Germany fought on the Western Front while Russia battled Germans on the Eastern Front.
- World War 1 and World War 2 are both considered to be the largest documented military conflicts in history, with the aid of many countries and advanced weaponry which had been introduced at the time. Due to the fast development of engineering and science, World War 2 was considered to be more dangerous with deaths of a total of over 60 million people where as in comparison to World War 1 where there was an estimated 10 million deaths. EVI- However due to the percentage of survivors from both World Wars we are able are able evaluate and perhaps understand the circumstances at which all this happened and, to which degree the threat of attack and invasion was existent. L-
After a prolonged 43 years of peace in Europe between the major powers, things went sour. Tensions between the major countries arose, and the peace was destroyed by one of the most brutal conflicts in the world’s history: “The Great War”. The main countries entered The First World War because they were motivated by four things: militarism, alliances, imperialism, and nationalism. Each of the major power countries will enter the war for one of these reasons.
Following the conclusion of the First World War, America began to flourish, especially through changes in technology, morality, and civil rights. Accompanying these developments came widespread discontent. Some argued with the old adage, “'If it ain't broke, don't fix it,”, while others insisted that constant advancements would lead to a better future for all. Best put by Donald Rea Hanson, to pick out reason for America’s prosperity “...would be difficult, if not impossible” (Doc C).
Despite being one of the largest and most detrimental wars in Europe’s history, World War I was started by the action of one single person. In June of 1914, the Archduke of Austria- Hungary was assassinated by a Serbian assassin while visiting Serbia. After this, there was tension when Serbia refused to Austria- Hungary apologize for the killing of their Archduke. This continued to escalate until Austria- Hungary declared war on Serbia. Following this, war broke out between countries all around Europe, leading to World War I. Although, the war would not have grown as large as it did if it weren’t for a few factors that allowed the spark of the assassination of the Archduke of Austria- Hungary- Hungary to ignite an entire fire. Many countries
After the Germans Schlieffen plan failed they retreated to the north where trenches were constructed by both the Allies and the Entente. This subsequently led to a stalemate that would not be broken until years later. Due to the short war illusion misguiding nearly every country’s prominent leaders. Every nation involved in the Great War began to realize that they were not economically prepared for a long-term war. The type of mobilization that every country’s home front experienced was unprecedented. After the fall of 1914 social norms would be modified, new socioeconomic opportunities would be presented, government intervention would increase, and every citizen would experience some form of propaganda to influence their views on the war.
Have you ever planned something to protect against a problem but it backfired? The intended use became a major reason that the situation went horribly wrong. For instance, say you do homework early so you don’t stress out later. When you go through it right away, you accidentally missed important directions. After you finish the project, you feel accomplished until find out that you did it wrong. Now you have even less time than if you just procrastinated before, and you don’t know how to fix your original project or start all over. That’s pretty much what happened to cause World War I. Alliances and treaties, nationalism, and quick reactions led to a series of events that started World War I.
World War I and World War II was the result of years of strife between nations and catalyzed much of the change during the 20th century. The United States was not immune to any of these changes, particularly those that affected the nation during wartime. Despite the notion of the entire nation gathering under one banner to defeat the Germans in both wars the country was not united; people were interned for the potential threat they may cause in the future and other citizens were not even treated as citizens. World War I and World War II did not unite the nation rather during wartime it caused more divisions among citizens.
In today’s digital age, development of new technology and weapons are at an alarming rate, hence arises the need to stay ahead of advancements in order to properly defend the nation, as well as coalition forces and allies. In this period of warfare, the number one threat comes in the form of air breathing and ballistic missiles. During World War II, this threat was present, but was not thought to be prevalent.
World War I was the result of leaders' aggression towards other countries which was supported by the rising nationalism of the European nations. Economic and imperial competition and fear of war prompted military alliances and an arms race, which further escalated the tension contributing to the outbreak of war. One cause of the World War was militarism, which is a policy in which military preparedness is of primary significance to a situation. Another cause of the World War was nationalism. Nationalism is the pride and devotion form one towards his/her country. It played a great part in the causes of World War 1 because citizens wanted to stand up for their country, and fight for them. The third
Writing is a practice that most of us were taught when we were young. We were taught the basics of grammar, how to form a sentence, conjunction words, how to write paragraphs and more. Although we have learned this skill while growing up and have used the skill every year after entering kindergarten, this does not mean our writing process will ensure the best work. The authors that I chose each encourage their audience to excel in the art of writing in their own way to help with the writing process.
Stone, Norman. World War One: A Short History (United States, Basic Books, A Member of the Perseus Books group, 2009) Stone is trying to achieve his purpose to fulfill a World War One story to us in such a short narrative. In this case, Stone isn’t trying to argue or prove something to us, but just tell it in his own words and own perspectives. World War One: A Short History (2009) is about political views as a social union and system.
WORLD WAR ONE There has always been wars, and there will always be wars. Most wars leave a huge impact on the history of that nation, especialy if it involves more than one. In 1914, long-standing rivalries among European nations exploded into war. World War one, as it is now called, cost millions of lives. Such a war, has left a deep intentaion on the American history.
While we are always reminded of the negative effects of war, it is not everyday that we learn to understand the deeper factors of war that can turn a small conflict into an international outbreak. World War I was said to have been sparked by the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand but there are various deeper reasons that contributed to the commencement of the Great War. These factors include militarism, imperialism and the alliance systems.
Moreover, it’s crucial that I understand and make use of the particular conventions of each of these genres of writing. In my quest to reach those goals and be a more successful writer, I know I need to practice time-management, honing my writing skills, collaboration; in terms of the review and revision process, as well as focusing on the best strategies to properly convey the desired affect on the work’s audience.