
Pursuing A Degree In Medicine Personal Statement

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Through my years of studying banking and finance in college, little did I know that I would be in a career path of medicine today. While I Paced the hallway of the hospital my cousin was receiving care, I was mesmerized at how determined the internists were to stabilize her health and how much knowledge they possessed.
This ordeal planted the seed of my passion to care for everyone like family and to continuously update myself with as much clinical and theoretical knowledge to be a better doctor with every passing day.
It was the same passion for learning medicine that guided my decision to sit for my step 1, step 2 CK and step 2 CS prior to the onset of my clinical training. I was determined to give 100% of my time and energy to learning and getting the best out of my clinical experience.
During my clinical years as a medical student I became captivated with the internal medicine specialty while working with a variety of patients, from a range of economic, social and cultural backgrounds. The vast range of diseases, diagnostic tests, and treatment modalities was fascinating and the daily challenge of my knowledge in medicine kept my passion for medicine alive. I was privileged to have extensive hands on management of inpatient and outpatient clinical experience which …show more content…

I would usually come in early and stay late to discuss cases with my preceptor and if I encountered a patient with a difficult diagnosis I would create the possible differentials and keep working until I found the right diagnosis. In my free time I involved myself in health fairs with the kidney foundation and my school, conducting blood pressure checks, blood sugar checks, kidney function through blood and urine analysis and above all educating the public on how best to achieve and maintain good

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