As long as I can remember, I have always been interested in medicine as well as technology. Thinking back, I believe my true passion for technology began when I was in elementary and middle school. I spent hours mindlessly attempting to copy programs from computer magazines and eventually learned to code and write my own programs. I spent a lot of time attempting to learn how to program, and when the programs did not run I spent even more hours figuring out the “why” and how to fix it. Little did I know at the time that not all kids my age found this activity a huge amount of fun. Eventually, I joined the computer club in middle school and finally met a few others my age that also had a passion for computers and technology. It was not until entered college freshman year when all of …show more content…
I took the summer off and when the fall semester came, I had switched my major to pre-med and then finally, nursing. At the time the choice to major in nursing, although driven by the interest in medicine, was also a practical one. I needed to be able to support myself and care for my daughter; and a nursing degree guaranteed me a job upon graduation. Because I still had interests in business as well as technology, I actually attempted to persuade the university to allow me a double major. Unfortunately, at the time, the school did not allow a double major in more than one school within the university such as Nursing, Business or Engineering/Computer Science. Although I only majored nursing and graduated with a BSN in Nursing, I never lost my passion for computers or technology and continued to stay current on emerging technological trends and teach myself different coding languages when I had
During the summer of my tenth grade year, I interned at Accenture, a consulting firm, where I repaired computers and resolved any software issues. At first I started opening and and exploring parts of retired dell laptops. As I became more proficient, I was able to help clients fix PC issues such as broken screens, replacing RAM, and transferring data from the hard drives to another computer. This internship inspired me to consider the Technology industry as a possible career. Taking into consideration the broad range of possible career paths in technology, I decided to major in Computer Science once I get to college.
“What are you even doing here? I have never seen such flawed technique in all my years as a choreographer.” The words echoed throughout the medical college auditorium. Impelled by the admonishment in front of my peers, I persevered in my endeavor to improve upon my dancing prowess and by the final year of medical school was leading the college dance team. The above mentioned undertaking further spawned an interest for the discipline of Latin Ballroom which lead to participation at the national level. The unwavering focus and persistence even in the face of unfavorable odds is more broadly reflective of my approach towards learning, both academic and extracurricular. This has been instrumental in achieving stellar academic outcomes including being ranked nationally in the top 0.0004 percent in the premedical test and the top 0.6 percent in the common aptitude test for management training.
In Year 8, a radiotherapist came into my school with a request - to help him develop a game to explain the process of radiotherapy to his patients. I decided to help out of curiosity, thinking that it would be interesting and that I'd learn something new. It was during the development process that I learnt my first lines of Python - which I now use extensively for my programs. That experience fueled my fascination with technology and its impact on the world around me, watching how the application of computing in other fields has bettered the lives of others.
I come from a small rural town nestled in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. My hometown is split down the middle by a set of railroad tracks. On the north side, one can find pristine neighborhoods, newer schools, most doctors’ offices, and the only hospital in town. The south side of the town stands as a stark contrast. On the south side, you no longer find the wealthy neighborhoods but rather dilapidated and condemned homes and housing projects. One seems to find abandoned buildings on every corner, many inhabited by those that have lost their homes. Limited help is coming for those who need it, mostly through churches and volunteer programs targeting the underserved. Many doctors, dentists, and nurses are giving their time and resources to help
1. Briefly describe the one clinical experience you have had that has most significantly influenced your decision to study medicine. Do not replicate your AMCAS personal statement.
I am interested in this program because it'll help me career wise and help me with personal growth. After I graduate high school I am planning on following the pre-med track as a major and this program would help me get a sense of what its going to be like as a pre-med student prior to me going to a college or universities, if I join their medical science track. In addition, although I want to study pre-medicine and science I haven't had much opportunities to study the different branches of sciences outside my school's curriculum, which is usual regents based and they only have 1 AP science class, AP environmental science which isn't the field I am interested in. Furthermore, I would like to join the program because they also focus on helping
My interest in this specific major comes from the time I was a middle schooler. I have been always attracted with the reasoning of how things work. When I went to High School I chose Informatics as my field of study, and I participated in a couple of science competitions. I have experience out of school at the time by experimenting with my first computer, really old compared to the ones available at the time. However, I managed to make it work until the time I moved to California. I also coded various programs for some of my classes, such as Chemistry, Statistics, and Physics. Also, every time I had to make a presentation I would rather make a program than use PowerPoint. Actually, I always tried to code in another programming language than
One of the major facets in my pursuit of a career in medicine is that I have not followed a traditional pre-med undergraduate curriculum. Though I initially did not have a significant aptitude for physics, I harbored an inherent curiosity of the subject, and have taken it upon myself to spend my undergraduate education focused on it. The journey ahead was trying, but one that has made me a stronger individual.
I remember being four years old in my preschool class and a little boy coming in one day with a bandage over his ear, because his ear drum had ruptured. I just remember having this overwhelming feeling to make sure that he was okay. So much so that during nap time, I made sure that my nap pad was right next to his, just so that I could make sure that he wasn’t hurting or in pain. Since that instance, I have always been a person that has been compelled to help people. It’s a part of my internal genetic code. The older I became, the more I realized that going into the field of medicine was easily my best platform to be in a position to help people. When I think about being a doctor, I get filled with an overpowering feeling of excitement. I get to be the person that someone trusts with their care, a person that someone trusts to treat their ailments with respect, a person that can use their mind
During my first semester of college is when my idea of my ideal career changed. College is such an eye awakening experience. I learned more about myself and who I am then I could ever even have hoped to. I learned that a huge passion of mine was helping peo0ple, I got a genuine joy out of making people happy and making people feel better. After constant conversations with my parents we all concluded that maybe my major of business was not suited for me like we all had imagined and maybe possible career in the medical field would be better suited for me, which is why I decided to branch away from my major and research a more medical profession in this project. A nurse.
Since I have always wanted to help others and work with people, I considered Nursing RN as my major. Valencia College offers nursing program with an A.S. degree, so I set a goal to earn this degree. Then, I finished the EAP program with good grades and started my third semester this year. I look forward to keeping my grades on a good level throughout the whole college time. Becoming a college student gave me confidence, so I know that I can do
Unlike other medical students, I never had one particular defining moment that changed my life but from a very young age I had set myself to becoming a doctor, but not just any doctor, a surgeon. Therefore, instead of just one determining event, many events helped propel my dream, with medical school being the beginning of much more I hope to achieve.
From spending summers in the West Bank, I have seen first hand the horrific events occurring in Palestine. I have seen cousins arrested in my village for no specific reason, homes overtaken by Israeli troops, and children half burned and killed from bombs dropped by Israel. Because I’ve seen the tragedies in Palestine, I have a strong desire to help as many Palestinians as I can. The Arabs I see are hopeless; no where to go and no one to help them. This is why I want to become a doctor.
For as long as I can remember I’ve always loved learning new things and acquiring new skills. Anything that seemed remotely interesting to me was reason enough to be explored. Whether it was learning to skateboard, or taking apart old technology to see how it worked, I always wanted to do something and try something new or different. One particular venture that got me into the STEM field specifically was when I wanted to learn music production. I had friends who made beats and it looked really fun to me, so I went home downloaded some software, and was disheartened to see that old computer my uncle had given us was not powerful enough to run the software well. From that day on I had researched how to upgrade computers and make them faster
Serious interests evolved in me to learn more about science and computers when I was in