My initial step toward pursuing Orthodontics as a career started in Sweden when I began working as a Dental Assistant in a private practice in Sweden that was shared by a general dentist as well as an orthodontist. My duties included assisting the doctor, laboratory work and an orthodontic auxiliary. This is when my fascination and wonder began while witnessing first hand, what orthodontic transformation can do for an individual. I consider this experience as the first step of a thousand mile journey toward pursuing Orthodontics as a career. My interest in Orthodontic was reinforced when I spent time in Orthodontic Department at University of Pennsylvania during the Preventive and Interceptive Clinic in junior year.
After that I joined
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I believe getting accepted in The Orthodontic program at the University of Maryland is in itself, a huge privilege.
With hard working and determination, eventually, I am looking toward opening my own Orthodontic practice where my goal would be to offer the best quality oral health and the most innovative dental equipment. I strongly believe that accepting me into your program will open the doors for me to reach my short and long term goals, and allow me to change lives. It is truthfully the most important first step in a thousand mile journey.
Teaching is my passion for the future as well, therefore I always see myself as a practicing orthodontist that run a successful office in terms of patient satisfaction and a part time faculty at an Orthodontic program affiliated with a university. Working as a part time faculty, will reinforce my academic knowledge through my career.
In closing, I am confident that you will find my work ethic pristine and my capabilities competent. I am also a quick learner and I adapt well to new situations. Through my continued motivation, hard work, dedication, and an undying passion, I wish to expand my knowledge and skills through your program of study. I am ready to take on the challenges and obstacles, and will stay focused on my educational goals. I am very confident that I will achieve my goal of becoming a skilled Orthodontist with the help of your educational
My love for orthodontics has developed at a young age when my confidence has shined after finishing my treatment. The happiness I experienced at that moment is a feeling that I would love to share with my patients every day. The anthropology of orthodontics has also been a very fascinating topic to me. Coming from an Egyptian background has increased my interest in learning how the evolution of teeth has changed across different ethnicities throughout centuries. My fascination for the specialty has grown when I shadowed orthodontists and noticed that cases are presented in a way where teeth need to be puzzled together to create a beautiful smile. Also, expressing a personality that loves to connect with people and their families makes orthodontics a very enjoyable field. Orthodontic patients are usually excited about coming in and moving forward with their treatment, this leads to having a friendly environment where everyone works together to provide the highest quality of care to the patients. In combing my personal experience with my desire to solve puzzles to help people radiant beautiful smiles, I believe that orthodontics is the perfect fit for my personality and
I am very determined, and plan to exceed my limits mentally and physically while taking the courses for the dental hygiene program. I plan on giving this program my full
After INRW I plan to finish college and become a Dental Hygienist. I’ve wanted to become a Dental Hygienist since I was in the 7th grade. When people think of a Dental Hygienist they think about cleaning teeth but, that’s not all they do. I can remember in school my friends saying “I hate going to the Dentist.” I always loved going to the dentist and getting my teeth cleaned, therefore I chose this career. As a Dental Hygienist, I will be able to teach people the importance of clean teeth. Dental Hygienist not only have a job with great salary, but their job also help people.
It is evident that it is truly where my head, heart and hands, become one. Being a dental hygienist and working in close proximity with the dentist has served to strengthen my desire to take my education and service to the next level. I want to increase my knowledge about the science behind dentistry and learn everything I need to know to be a great dentist and apply it into practice. Improve constantly and strive to provide the highest quality of oral health care available to patients by delivering meticulous, gentle, thorough, reassuring dentistry and exceeding patient satisfaction. Dentistry without a doubt, is the profession for me. I believe I have the qualities that are essential to making a great dentist along with the academic motivation in order to replace my interest for dentistry with the expertise that will help me provide quality oral care. If my greatest aspirations are to provide pain relief, to develop patient rapport, and utilize creativity in working with my hands, then dentistry is, indeed, my
Ever wonder why your dentist doesn’t actually clean your teeth? It’s cause that’s the job of the dental hygienist. They are specialist at keeping your teeth and gums healthy and clean. My goal of becoming a dental hygienist will soon come to pass. All I need is dedication, motivation, ambition, and understanding. This latter element becomes very important when discussing this career field. The most basic elements that one must understand when considering becoming a dental hygienist are threefold; first, I must possess the education requirements that are necessary for admittance to this field. Second, I will discuss the nature of the work,
At the age of thirteen, I decided that I wanted to become a dentist. I have since read countless dental textbooks explaining everything from anatomy to treatment of oral diseases. My junior year of high school, I entered the Dental Assistant program at the Clark County Skills Center. Through the program I gained the knowledge needed to become a dental assistant. The Skills Center further strengthened my decision to become a dentist by teaching me how the dental world truly functions. In December of 2105, at the age of 16, I became a Certified Dental Assistant and began working at Design Dentistry. Working at Design Dentistry with Dr. Wenzinger has inspired me to continue my education, and I plan to further my education to become a dentist.
Before this school year started, me and my group members had little knowledge on dental specialties, but now we’ve become experts on the topic. This project has helped us become acquainted with the structure and appearance of dental offices, and it will help us educate the community through our models and presentation. Not only did this experience inform us, it opened our eyes as to what we want to pursue. I’ve become more interested in the orthodontic field and I know my group mate is thinking about going into pedodontics. Our project took a lot of time and effort and we hope it will expand the way the public sees the dental
(CampusTours) Schooling is hard for becoming an orthodontist, but there are ways that will be a good opportunity during some
This year has went by so fast! However, it was much more stressful with board exams vastly approaching, it was also easier now that I was in the swing of things. I don’t’ think twice when picking up a gracey, muscle memory just knows what to do! Although I am not perfect, I believe I am a safe beginner to practice in a dental office. This brings me great joy! As I have been waiting for this day to come for a long time. I’m so thankful to have had this experience, although it was not an easy one. I feel incredibly blessed to have been taught by the best, in such a well-organized clinic. I’m in awe with the patience the instructors have had with me, and my classmates as we learned what to prioritize and made personal improvements. In a strange way I will miss the pressure of school.
I possess a motivation that can never fade. I know that anything I put my mind to I can conquer. I have developed a self confidence that can never be broken. And, I undertsand the importance of hardwork. I will utilize these strengths to not only complete the requirements to be the best Dental Assistant but exceed the expectations. I wanted a profession where I can improve the lives of others through their health. Not only will I be given that oppurtunity , I will give people a reason to
I hope to one day attend dental school, and as a dentist, I will provide my patients with the type of personalized care I received from my doctor. I aspire to be a skilled medical professional that makes a difference in people's everyday quality of life. I hope to treat people with the utmost compassion and respect, while providing care tailored to the particular needs of each patient. I believe that the University of Texas at Austin provides the best opportunity to take the next step in my journey, and I am ready to do great things with my education. Thank you for considering my
The expertise needed to be successful in orthodontics in is the ability to easily maneuver your hands. As a student, I should take courses that will prepare me for admission to the pre dental college of my choice. In general, my high school courses should include chemistry, biology, english, mathematics, speech, history, sign language, and any other courses that include the development of hand skills. Courses like so, which specialize in improving my communication skills and they will also assist in the preparation of my college studies. Critical Thinking is necessary to achieve mastery in this area because orthodontics requires the ability to identify and solve problems, therefore a course in which this is taught will be helpful.
In my advisement meeting with Ms. Latricia Jackson, we discussed several things. She asked what were my short and long term goals. I begin to tell her that my short term goal is to maintain the grade point average I withheld in high school which is a 4.0. My long term goal is to become a successful dentist, by helping and providing patients with the proper care for their teeth and hygiene. Someday I have hopes in owning my own dentist office in a state where I desire to inhabit at. I picked dentistry as my field of study because I wanted to do something in the health field and I felt dentistry suits me best. I love seeing individuals with beautiful teeth and a radiant smile along with perfect hygiene.
My life has truly been transformed by Dentistry; it has boosted my confidence and aligned me with the career path of my dreams. Early on in life, every aspect of Dentistry captured my heart. Learning to cope with my embarrassing smile inspired me to want to help others by giving them what they always dreamed of. Knowing I have the power to make someone's dreams come to life is the reason I wake up each morning with a drive and desire to achieve my goals. While striving with a strong focus, packaged with confidence and sincerity, I will pursue my passion through demanding training. I not only plan to be a hardworking, determined and ambitious student, but with my skills as an orthodontist, it will further my ability to be an active member in
I feel that I am well suited for a career in dentistry. No matter how many years of schooling it takes to become a dentist, I think that if I set my mind to it I will be able to succeed. The scariest part for me I think will be the first four years of college, taking the prerequisite classes. This scares me because I’m afraid that I won’t be able