
Pushing Back Against Teen Culture Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

On June 15, 2015, Mark Gregston wrote an article entitled “Pushing Back Against a Teen Culture of Entitlement.” Gregston’s article emphasizes on reasons why teens are entitled and talks about how it can be stopped. Gregston lives in Longview, Texas and is founder and director of Heartlight, “a residential counseling center for struggling teens” (Gregston 1). Gregston is also an author, speaker, and radio host; making his background of communication acceptable. Gregston gives advice to teens showing how they can give back to their community or anyone that supports them. Gregston also states the parents should not do everything for their children, make them be responsible for themselves. Gregston is an experienced writer and has many great …show more content…

His thesis statement is teens need to be independent with some of their work; not making their parents give and do everything for them. Gregston stays on track with his thesis statement all the way through his article, explaining how parents should let their teens be independent. Gregston has a diction that is advanced, but at the same time, it is not too advanced to where young teens cannot read it. Gregston’s diction includes words that make his sentences long and simple. Gregston does have a few sentences in his article that are so short they do not make sense. These sentences causes his syntax to be weakened. Gregston uses a personal experience of teen entitlement at the beginning of his article to give the reads a brief example of teen entitlement. Gregston has variety of evidence to support his claim, but none of his evidence is statistical evidence. All of Gregston’s evidence comes from his opinions and not all people will agree with him. Gregston has some unconvincing evidence when he says “I recently saw a clever commercial that appeals directly to the members of a “me-first” generation. It was an ad for a huge, 3D, LED TV with wireless capabilities, crystal-clear picture, and crisp sound,” because we do not need to know where he saw the evidence. This is the only unconvincing evidence I found in Gregston's article. Gregston accuses every teen of having entitlement, but not all do. This article is biased towards entitled teens because Gregston only talks about their weaknesses, never about the good teens do for our

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