Notwithstanding genes can be a factor that result in overweight, diseases and medicines will also contribute. To begin with, suffering disease can lead to obesity. For instance, people who undergo a kind of disease named Hypothyroidism would gain low levels of thyroid hormones which are linked with metabolism reduction and weight gain as well as produce less body heat which bring about a low temperature and store fat for energy inefficiently. Apart from Hypothyroidism, there is another disease called Cushing’s syndrome. At this circumstance, patients will have high levels of glucocorticoids, such as cortisol in the blood which can make body suffer chronic stress. Consequently, people are going to have a better appetite and their body will
Obesity is a medical condition. It occurs when energy doesn’t get used and is stored as fat to be burned through exercise. There is 2 major reasons why you may be obese. 1. You don’t exercise or you lack on exercising. 2. You consume junk food (the food that has lots of sugar, high in saturated fat or food that has chemicals implemented on them. Food these days are so processed that, after we eat the food we start to get hungry faster then normal.
Choice "E" is the best answer. Cushing syndrome is a clinical syndrome associated with an excess of glucocorticoids(GCs), due either to elevated levels of endogenous cortisol or exogenous use of glucocorticoid medications such as prednisone, prednisolone, hydrocortisone, and betamethasone. Common signs and symptoms include altered fat deposition (including “moon facies” and “buffalo hump”, referring to fat deposition in the face and the upper back), weight gain, hypertension, striae, acne, hyperglycemia, and central muscle weakness. Treatment involves cessation of glucocorticoid therapy, though a taper is crucial, as abrupt withdrawal can lead to acute adrenal insufficiency and shock. In non-endocrine disorders, GCs are commonly given in pharmacologic (therapeutic) doses to suppress inflammation. In endocrine disorders, however, corticosteroid doses are often given at or close to physiologic doses (rather than in therapeutic ranges). GC-associated toxicity appears to be related to both the average dose and cumulative duration of GC use. However, for most GC-related adverse events, “threshold” dose or treatment duration has not been established.
Many would argue that unlike smoking, obesity is genetically predetermined and cannot be prevented or controlled. Genetics do play a major role in one’s height, size, and weight, but this does not mean it cannot be regulated with a healthy diet and exercise. The rate of metabolism is a factor that is inherited and is directly related to stored fat. A slow metabolism allows for more calories to be stored as fat consequently leading to obesity. Eating the right foods, eating multiple small meals, and exercising regularly boost your metabolism allowing you to maintain a healthy weight without storing extra fat. For many, the dieting and exercising would be enough to decrease excess body fat enough to escape from the obesity range. Some people are not capable of getting out of that range no matter how much dieting and working out they do, however this has no reflection of their all-around health. A person considered overweight that exercises regularly and sticks to a good diet can still be healthy and prevent the development of many
Wobbler syndrome is a disease of dogs that affects their spine in the neck region and is a very important and common cause of neurologic disability in large breed dogs. Wobblers disease is classified under a degenerative or idiopathic disease. Wobbler syndrome or wobblers is the most common name used but Veterinary literature has used multiple different names to describe this condition, this is in part due to the confusion regarding the mechanisms causing it. The name most commonly used in veterinary articles is cervical spondylomyelopathy (which means a disease of the neck vertebrae affecting the spinal cord). Other common names are CVI – cervical vertebral instability, CVM – cervical vertebral malformation, CVMM – cervical vertebral malformation-malarticulation,
Obesity is the net result of an excess of energy consumption over expenditure. Factors that must be considered as contributing to causation are: heredity, and altered metabolism of adipose tissue, the list goes on and on. Overeating is clearly a prominent contributor to obesity. Feeding behavior occurs in response to hunger and to appetite induced by the presence of food.
Often times, people who are obese also suffer with other diseases that may have contributed to their obesity in the first place. When a person is clinically depressed, a lot of times they overeat to deal with their emotions, which causes them to become obese. Another example of a disease that might have made a person obese is Hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is when the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormones, which
Obesity is a common disease that makes a person massively overweight. This disease can potentially be lethal if not treated correctly. In addition, this could also lead to other common diseases such as heart disease and diabetes and cancer..
The presence of a medical conditions such as hormonal or genetic disorders can predispose a child to obesity. Hypothyroidism is a hormonal condition where the thyroid gland produces an insufficient amount of thyroid hormone. The deficiency of the thyroid hormone slows the metabolism causing the child to add on unnecessary weight. Another hormonal condition is Cushing’s Syndrome, which results when the adrenal glands produce an excess amount of a steroid hormone called cortisol. Cortisol can help control blood sugar levels and regulate metabolism. Excess amount of the steroid hormone leads to a buildup of fat in the face, abdomen, and upper back. Therefore, obesity can be a result of having a metabolic disorder.
Dumping syndrome is a condition where largely undigested foods rapidly bypass the stomach and proceed or get “dumped” into the small intestines. This is a common phenomenon seen in those who have undergone gastric, esophageal or bariatric surgery. The rapid emptying of the gastric contents in the small intestine results in a fluid shift from the intravascular compartment to the intestinal lumen. This leads to a plethora of complications including cardiovascular, gastrointestinal (GI) and postprandial hypoglycemia. Dumping syndrome can be classified as early or late, depending on when the symptoms occur in relation to the time that elapsed after eating.
Causes of obesity include lifestyle choices such as diets, lack of physical activity, psychological, environmental, genetics, medical conditions, effects of medication, lack of awareness and its implications as well as lack of education in the community. According to Sethi & Vidal-Puig (2007) there is a high risk of developing a wide range of health problems including type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, infertility and osteoarthritis when obese and puts
According to Harvard Health Publications (11-12), the causes of obesity are interrelated. By understanding how these various factors interrelate and eventually how they cause obesity, we can be able to draw a conclusion whether the problem of being overweight is as a result of our own fault or it is a problem that people do not have control over. The factors that interact with one another and result in one person being overweight compared to another include; genetics and the person’s weight, influences from the external environment, physical inactivity and the behaviors that have been learned by a person.
Usher syndrome is where a human losing hearing, some balance, and loss of vision. The genes are MY07A, USH1C, CDH23, PCDH15, and SANS. The chromosomes are 15 in which are haplotypes. Haplotypes is a group of genes within an organism that was inherited together from a single parent. The main symptoms of usher syndrome are hearing loss and an eye disorder call Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP.) Retinitis Pigmentosa causes night-blindness and loss of peripheral vision. Peripheral vision is where a person has side vision.
Dumping Syndrome refers to a chronic condition wherein the contents of the stomach move to the small intestine in an uncontrolled, abnormally swift manner. This is most often related to changes in the stomach due to surgery or trauma. Gastric bypass surgery for weight loss is the most common cause known at the present time.
First of all there are many causes of obesity, A lot of people ask why is there such a large increase of obesity in the last twenty years, and there are many simple answers, and
Certain medical conditions that cause pain and inactivity can contrubute to obesity. Medicines used combat other issues can contribute to overeating as a side effect, overeating due to depression, or bloating.