
Pygmalion Archetypes

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Orphan archetypes could be determined as people who get taken in, or people that are not typically accepted in the world. Being an orphan, however, is not necessarily a bad thing. It may change someone for the better. Orphans can be seen in "Pygmalion", My Fair Lady, and Pretty Woman. In "Pygmalion", Eliza Doolittle was a young girl who sold flowers. People looked down upon her for that reason. "I aint done nothing wrong by speaking to the gentleman. I've got a right to sell flowers if I keep off the kerb. I'm a respectable girl; so help me, I never spoke to him except to ask him to buy a flower off me." She is just trying to be kind to the man and people judge her for the way she speaks. "Higgins laboratory in Wimpole Street. It is a room

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