
Q & A: A Case Study

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How the incident happened? Matched the wrong TTH prescription which leading to dispensing to the different patient. Medications prescribed for patient A was dispensed to patient B. Confirmed patient B’s name and date of birth according to the prescription copy that patient B dropped at the pharmacy but dispense the medications according to the patient A’s TTH without realising it is a wrong match. Possible cause(s) of the incident? Distractions and the stress of dispensing alone during peak hour. Immediate action taken A phone call was made to the patient B immediately after realising the patient B went home with medications that are intended for patient A. Patient B didn’t eat the medications and return it back to us. Apologized and correct medications prescribed for patient B is given to him. …show more content…

Self-reminder to counter check the prescriptions with more attentions to details and be consistent regardless of the number of the crowds. What will you do in future to prevent similar incident Be more vigilance when matching the prescription, I’m aware that patient counselling being the last point of contact between the patient and the pharmacy so it is crucial to ensure the right patient gets the correct medications that are prescribed to them and will try my best to minimize chances of medications error. Counter check both copies of the prescription with the label on the medications during patient verification. Attempt on reducing the stress and workloads - always try to get help from the team when there’s a lot of medications pending for

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