
Qcf Unit 1

Decent Essays

ASSIGNMENT Unit 1: Understanding Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships in Education and Training Learning Outcome 1: Understand the teaching role and responsibilities in education and training (1.1) Explain the teaching role and responsibilities in education and training? A driving objective for a teacher is to affect students to advance their expertise in education by finding them the correct course. The teacher should promote positive motivation and inspiration by adhering to legislation and codes of practice which will increase every student’s focus in developing and bridging gaps to display eagerness towards a healthy broad mindset, creative thinking and brighter approach. A mentor should coordinate assessments which will reinforce …show more content…

Most importantly, these legislations will affect how I conduct myself in class and how I will expect the learners to behave. The legislations that would be most critical on my part of educating is on health and safety, care standards, equality and vulnerable groups. The Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) requires an employer to take all practicable measures to manage risks not only for their safety but also for the general publics. (Hence, every time I meet a new group of people, I make sure I remind everyone of Health and Safety rules in the class and the whole building). Disability Discrimination Act (2005) identifies the disability regulation keeping in mind just the sort of practical problems that some barricades present, unlike other legislation it makes a productive duty on managers and specialist organizations to make 'sensible alteration' to their strategies and premises where sensible and …show more content…

According to the race act, it is unlawful to discriminate on the grounds of any of the protected characteristics: race, disability, gender, age, religion/belief, marriage/civil partnership, sexual orientation, pregnancy/maternity, and gender reassignment in employment, education, services and facilities. (Everyone in my class is treated fairly and equally, there is no judgement in terms of race, gender and so on, and surely make sure I enhance the confidence of pupils with low self-belief). Data Protection Act (1998) The Act was delivered to protect the rights and privacy of persons, and to ensure that data about them are not processed without their knowledge and are processed with their consent wherever possible. (I must ensure that any personal data is kept securely and no personal information is disclosed to any unauthorised third party. It is important to comply with data protection because it ensures that students' identity is not stolen and that one's details are not used for criminal

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