The purpose of this lab was to use different methods of determining populations and to interpret the accuracy and precision of these methods. These methods were mark and recapture, quadrant count, and counting each individual worm in the habitat. Mark and recapture involving marking 25 worms with paint, putting them back in the habitat, capturing a new sample, and observing if they had marks while quadrant counting involved placing a sampling ring in random areas and counting how many worms were present. Neither of these methods were accurate in estimating the total population of mealworms. The results of the quadrant count are due to the clumped distribution of the organisms as shown by the ratio of the variance to the mean. Mark and recapture
In part 2 of the experiment we are inducing RNAi through the process of feeding. To do so, a black pen is used to label the bottom of an OP50 seeded plate with the date and “wild type”. Another OP50 seeded plate is labeled with the date and “dpy-13”. A black pen is then used to label the bottom of the plate seeded with dpy-13 RNAi feeding strain with the date and “wild type”. Five L4-stage worms from the plate of wild type worms are then picked and moved to the OP50 seeded plate labeled “wild type”. Any eggs or young larvae that may have been accidentally transferred are to be picked off of the plate and then flamed in a Bunsen burner. The same method is used to move five L4 wild type worms to the plate seeded with the dpy-13 RNAi feeding strain, and once again to move five L4 dpy-13 worms to the OP50 seeded plate labeled “dpy-13”. These plates are then incubated upside down at 20˚C.
New Community Jewish High School honors biology students conducted research on damselflies using representative data provided by a previous class. Using the lincoln petersen index, it was determined that there were approximately 140 damselflies. Using morositas index, it was discovered that the damselflies are arranged in a clumped distribution
Barbers Pole worm (Haemonchus contortus) is most commonly found in southern Queensland and Northern New South Wales it is most common to find the worms here because is humid but no to humid in order to kill off the worms and not too cold to kill the worms. Refer to figure 1 in order to see where about they are most commonly found. The Barbers worm is found in the 4th stomach (abomasum) they live in that area of the stomach because the most common way to detect weather or not there is any worms in the stomach is to conduct a worm egg test commonly known as FEC (faeces egg count).
Based on the data table above, my hypothesis was supported because the meal worms did produce much more carbon dioxide than the germinating peas did. As shown above on the graph, the mealworms rate was 0.185 compared to the rate of the germinating peas which were 0.035. However, the amount of carbon dioxide released was not double the amount. If the peas were releasing carbon dioxide at a rate of 0.035 then I would expect the mealworms to release carbon dioxide at a rate of 0.07. The actual rate of the mealworms were actually about 5.2 times more than the germinating peas.
The macroinvertebrates graph (figure 2) represents the diversity of species inhabiting the Baldwin Swamp. In 2009 the Baldwin swamp was flourishing with a large diversity of species. A total of 33 macroinvertebrates, 8 species were recorded. At this time the baldwin swamp was healthy, abundant in life and the ecosystem and food webs were unaffected by the floods. Whereas 3 weeks after the floods swept through there were little to no range of species of macroinvertebrates. There were a recorded amount of 2 Damselfly Nymph and 1 waterboat man. A theory to why these two
Different aquatic invertebrates live in different micro habitats (smaller habitats) at Lake Tonetta. Some live on the surface of the water. Others live in the bottom of the lake, or deep within the sediments at the bottom of the lake. The water pH is important because they only can live in a specific pH 6.5-7.5.When we visit the lake our group checked the biodiversity (The variety of plants and animal species in an environment)of Lake Tonetta by counting the aquatic invertebrates in a sample obtained using dip nets and bottom scrapers. During our trip, we found beetles, snails, worms ,
For this task I am analysing why a good laboratory design is important for efficiency and effectiveness. The main aim of an effective lab design is to create space which reduces the traffic flow and allows the technicians to move around the lab in a suitable way. Good lab designs will also improve the environment in the lab. An effective design allows space for cleaning systems and processes such as ducting. I will have a ducting system coming from the fume hoods, through the cooling system and out of the laboratory.
Hypothesis: Mealworms will prefer darker environments over lighter environments because they live underground their eyes(if they have any) will be very sensitive to the light.
There was no significant (p<0.05) difference between the initial weights of the lugworms in the 4 sample groups, avoiding any bias in treatments. As Figure 4 shows each sample group showed a large increase in weight after exposure to the diluted salinities with the lugworms that were placed in full strength seawater not showing an increase of more than 1.7%.
10- touch test- Lightly drag the hair cross edge of the pharynx(head) and the tail. Alternating touch between head and tail gently stroke the worm 10 times. Record the worm’s response “1” equates to a response and “0” means no response. Refer to table 1 for detail about quantifying a response. Preform this test on 10 nematodes per strain. Before recording results make sure to practice the stroking technique; mec train should respond 30-40% of the time and the wildtype should respond 80-90%
The citizens of Rome needed to pay heavy taxes in order to finance Rome’s armies. The taxes weakened the economy making trades suffer. Farmers couldn’t compete with rich families leading for them to go into the city, hoping for work. Infamous emperors would waste money and crime rates rose, making the streets unsafe.
Life table studies are predominantly used by researchers as a technique for estimating the growth of populations and forecasting the size of a population. The life table supplies a Full description includes the specifics of development times, the survival rates of each growth stage, and the fecundity and life expectancy of a population Yang et al. (2013). Host plant species are an essential agent in the outgrowth of Mealybugs; the development of the mealybugs was considered as a symbol of the goodness of that host plant to avail as a food exporter for its development. Most of our results are in assent with Patil et al. (2011) and Rashid et al. (2012).
Students collected different sizes of rocks and remove any macroinvertebrates that were present on the rocks and placed them into jars which were filled with alcohol. We also recorded the outline of the rocks on the graph paper to estimate the rock size. In the lab on September 20th, we grouped together individual aquatic macroinvertebrates into taxonomic orders such as Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, Tricoptera, and Coleoptera, Diptera based on the identification guides. Then the whole class tally the number of species of a specific taxonomic order they have and created a chart including a chart for the size of the rock area. Results:
The worms population quintupled due to the pollution in the water. The worms can absorb oxygen over their entire surface area, causing them to have a high tolerance for low oxygen which pollution usually causes in water. This also means they are able to survive in the anaerobic conditions caused by severe nutrient pollution, such as a sewage discharge, that kills off other invertebrates.
In this study there was a strong positive correlation between body weight and both Graphidium strigosum prevalence and intensity. This may be because the proposed benefits are counterbalanced the fact larger individuals are larger targets for questing parasites and are likely to be exposed to a greater number of potential parasite sources due to their greater and more varied consumption of food (Poulin, 2013).