
Qualitative Analysis Lab

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Purpose: Metal cations can have a precipitation reaction, oxidation-reduction reaction, or complex ion formation reaction based on the ions they are reacting with. Using these potential characteristics, qualitative analysis was performed to identify the metal cations present in an unknown solution.

Procedure: For parts A and B of the experiment, please refer to “Qualitative Determination of Selected Metal Cations.” Chemistry 1210: General Chemistry Laboratory Manual, Hayden McNeil, Plymouth, 2018, pp. 103-104. for the proper procedure.

Procedure: Part C
To begin, a test tube was filled approximately ¼ of the way full with Na2SO4. Next, two drops of the unknown substance were added to the Na2SO4 solution. Almost identically, another test …show more content…

Cloudy at the bottom of the test tube.
Cu2+ Solution changed to a light blue, water consistency White dust accumulated at the bottom of test tube, surrounded by watery consistency with shades of sunset orange and yellow throughout Precipitate formed with a light blue color, small separation in the liquid with no change in color. Separation occurred closer to the bottom of the test tube.
Fe3+ No reaction Initially burnt orange, more clear color toward the bottom of the test tube. After some time passed, light pink towards the bottom and deeper red Bubbling occurred, light yellow towards the top of the solution, normal consistency, then became gelatinous
Mn2+ No reaction No reaction Beige dust at bottom of test tube, surrounded by a cloudy solution
Pb2+ White powder accumulated at the bottom of test tube, small white particles floated throughout, reaction similar to a snow globe Liquid water consistency, sunshine yellow with sparkly yellow dust throughout, dust collected at bottom. After addition of 1,2-dichloroethane, color remained, a bubble dropped towards the bottom of the test tube …show more content…

After a few minutes, separated into a rose brown solution and clear, solution. Brown pieces became blue/almost white (looks like sugar dissolved in liquid) Brown/rose gold liquid, “sand” of the same color at the bottom of the test tube, appeared foggy. Slimy/watery consistency, a shade of blue green Liquids separated, light orange in ¾ of the test tube, blue green shade consumed ¼ of the test tube. Dust like particles throughout the solution.
Cu2+ Blue solid (baby blue/brown), surrounded by clear solution, more liquid consistency towards the top of the test tube Sky blue liquid around precipitate, brown line in precipitate became more distinct Consistency of water, liquid became royal blue, small particles present Three shades of blue became observable, with the light/baby blue being the color at the bottom
Fe3+ Burnt orange liquid (consistency of water), small pieces of the same color at the bottom. Test tube felt warm at the touch. Solution appeared burnt orange and wispy throughout the bottom of the test tube, also burnt orange on top of solution Solution had a darker yellow tint, pale shade. Had a consistency similar to water Burnt orange precipitate towards middle, clear liquid more towards the bottom of the test

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