
Qualitative And Quantitative Research Design

Decent Essays

Research and Program Evaluation
This paper will compare and contrast qualitative and quantitative research designs. While giving the information, I will also elaborate on the types of research designs that they both implore. At the end of the paper, the reader will have a better understanding for qualitative and quantitative research designs and when to use each type of design.
Qualitative Research Design
Cresswell (2014) states “qualitative methods rely on text and image data, have unique steps in data analysis, and draw on diverse designs” (p. 183). Qualitative research design is a research method used by researchers studying human behaviors and habits. For example, a counselor generating some ideas for a new inclusion program might want to study people’s behaviors and preferences, to make sure that the inclusion program might become feasible. Quick and Hall (2011) state “ The principal of informed consent ensures that research participants are not coerced or persuaded into research and that each individual fully understands the implications or participating” (p. 2). This way the individual will know what is going to happen during the research. A researcher will then use data collection procedures with qualitative research. Qualitative observation is when the researcher will take field notes about individuals and their behaviors. Qualitative interviews are the interviews that the researcher conducts with the participants. The interviews can be face to face, on the

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