We describe the results of quantitative information theoretic analyses of neural encoding, particularly in the primate visual, olfactory, taste, hippocampal, and orbitofrontal cortex. Most of the information turns out to be encoded by the firing rates of the neurons that is by the number of spikes in a short time window. This has been shown to be a robust code, for the firing rate representations of different neurons are close to independent for small populations of neurons. Moreover, the information can be read fast from such encoding, in as little as 20 ms. In quantitative information theoretic studies, only a little additional information is available in temporal encoding involving stimulus-dependent synchronization of different neurons, …show more content…
Neural coding is a neuroscience-related field concerned with characterizing the relationship between the stimulus and the individual or ensemble neuronal responses and the relationship among the electrical activity of the neurons in the ensemble. Based on the theory that sensory and other information is represented in the brain by networks of neurons, it is thought that neurons can encode both digital and analog information. Neurons can use two kinds of neural codes: rate codes, in which information is encoded only in the average rate of firing; and temporal codes, in which information is encoded not only in the average rate but also in the precise timing of each pulse, with sensitivity down to the submillisecond range. Temporal firing means that firing patterns with the same average rate can encode different messages—a key insight into understanding neural coding. While the distinction between the two neural codes has previously been considered one of degree, a new study has found that neurons change between the two coding regimes abruptly rather than smoothly due to a phase transition separating the two
bat cortex, where the timing of signal currently being emitted by the bat is compared to the
Information is data that has been processed so that it has meaning and value to a recipient,
The experiment’s hypothesis was whether IT cortical neurones respond to shapes specified by the Kanizsa type. The experimenters were also testing how neurones’ respond if the stimulus they have previously been responding to is present only in short time frame.
Data comprises of factual information. Data are the facts from which information is derived. Data is not necessarily informative on its own but needs to be structured, interpreted, analysed and contextualised. Once data undergoes this process, it transforms in to information. Information should be accessible and understood by the reader without needing to be interpreted or manipulated in any way.
Informational Writing When reading chapter 3 from The Writing Thief: Using Mentor Texts to Teach the Craft of Writing the three key points are comprise of text that can hold the reader’s attention; writing what you know and anticipating and answers the reader's question on the topic. Once these three components combine in a writing, a student can become a successful informational writer (Culham 2014). Informational writing offers factual, unbiased and expansive information.
Once in the synapses, the impulses triggers the release of chemical messages called neurotransmitters; which then bind to receptors on the receiving cell as the transmission of the impulse repeated again. The message or impulse continues traveling from one neuron to the next throughout the body until it reaches its destination as it relays a signal. All of this activity happens in less than a split second and without conscious thought. At the end of this process, the brain has the task of interpreting the message and making the decision as to what to do with this new information. (Carlson, 2011.Pg.45-52)
Another one is the Fitzhugh-Nagumo model but the equations predict an action potential duration which is similar to the inter-spike interval (Ermentrout, Bard., Terman,David H., 2010). However, Hindmarsh-Rose model generalizes the second-order Fitzhugh-Nagumo equations, moreover is based on the form of the data obtained from the visceral ganglion of the pond snail (Hindmarsh & Rose, 1982) and even occupies an interesting .position from implementation efficiency point of view among spiking models (Izhikevich, 2004). In 1984, two years after publishing Hindmarsh-rose neurone model, the authors added to their model a third equation related with an adaptation current (Hindmarsh & Rose, 1984). The equations are as
Creative Option- Another perspective (the individual leaving notes in the book) I am reading Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff, and I am on page 327. So far this book has been compiled of bits and pieces of files, documents, and other “found” information by an unknown third party. The main focus of all found articles, web pages, classified files, etc. are about Ezra Mason and Kady Grant and how they survived/endured their colonized planet’s demise and adapt to their new lives 560 years into the future. I will be using evaluation and predicting to characterize “The Giver of Information” in the novel.
One definition of knowledge is true belief based on strong evidence. What makes evidence “strong” enough and how can this limit be established?
The individual cells within the brain, the neurons, release a whole array of chemical signals in communication with one
In this paper I will analyze two articles, one is quantitative and the other is qualitative. I will describe the quantitative methods used including the research question addressed, the hypothesis, and variables. I will identify the population and sample. I will discuss the reliability and validity of the instruments used. I will then discuss the design of the article and how the findings were analyzed. For the qualitative article, I will identify the design of the article, the methods used and the strategies used for analyzing the data. Lastly, I will look at the implications for practice in the qualitative article, discuss other journals that might be interested in publishing the article and discuss how this article might
James Cash Penny once said, “The art of effective listening is essential to clear communication, and clear communication is necessary to management success.” After listening to episode 6 of the podcast show “About Race” I gained a new perspective on gathering information. This is the first time I listened to a podcast that wasn’t about sports, so it was different sitting through this one. Episode 6 of “About Race” focused on 3 things Islamophobia, America’s infatuation with biracial people, and Asians saying higher education universities is in fact discriminating against them by making it harder for them to get accept there. The first topic they discussed was the controversial Muhammed drawing contest that was held in Texas, by a right wing activist named Pamela Geller, who leads a group called Stop Islamization of America. The second topic focused on multiracial individuals and the role they might play in ending racism. They talked about a multiracial individual named Ariana Miyamoto who resides is Japan. She has a Japanese mother and an African-American father. In Japan she is regarded as a hafu; an individual who has parents of two different races. Ariana has astonished many who view her as only black, especially since she can speak Japanese fluently. She received criticism when she was crowned Miss Japan, many felt she shouldn’t represent Japan since she doesn’t look fully Japanese. It’s funny how they talked about how hard it is to define a multiracial person since you
It is the day before the festival and all of them are trying to make the festival look really great Eliana and Saito are doing the stalls check and the food check, Zoey and Seth are doing the Flyers and are the bosses and Satoshi and Terra are doing the decoration of the festival, and they all are almost done.
In the article, “High-fidelity optical reporting of neuronal electrical activity with an ultrafast fluorescent voltage sensor”, an investigation of visual reporting of electrical signals in the brain is discussed. The authors express the importance of optical representation of electrical activity in the brain as an extremely useful tool for various neuroscience applications. This includes mapping the activity of genetically defined neurons in the brain and decoding neuronal communication. In particular, previous methods lacked in a few abilities the authors hoped to improve on by testing their hypotheses. The abilities included spatio-temporal imaging of how input signals are processed by neurons into output responses such as action potentials, tracking high-frequency firing for decoding neurotransmission, fast enzyme kinetics, and developing a way to track membrane potential changes. With these abilities it is possible to map responses in the brain to actions of the body and emotions to help diagnose nervous system responses.
Qualitative information provides general information concerning a client's goals, lifestyle, health status, risk tolerance level, employment status, hobbies, attitudes, and fears. Knowing a client's specific goals, such as planning to move when retiring at age fifty-five, funding a child's college education and expenses, starting an expensive hobby just before retirement, or travelling extensively during retirement, is important to the success of any financial plan.