COURSE | : | QUALITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS AND APPROACHES | COURSE CODE | : | BIR6024 | CREDIT | : | 4 | SLT | : | 160 hours | PREREQUISITE | : | GRU6014 | SEMESTER | : | First / Second | LEARNING OUTCOMES | : | 1. Use qualitative research methods and approaches in collecting and analyzing data. 2. Conduct qualitative research methods in education. 3. Critical in evaluating research reports. 4. Demonstrate ethical practices in collecting and analyzing data. | SYNOPSISLECTURERS’ DETAILS : | :: | The course exposes students to the techniques for collecting, analyzing and interpreting qualitative data. The course will operate on two inter-related dimensions, one focused on the …show more content…
Wood, L.A. & Kroger, R.O. (2000). Doing Discourse Analysis: Methods for Studying
Action in Talk and Text. Sage Publications: London.
Young, L. & Fitzgerald, B. (2006). The Power of Language: How Discourse Influences Society. London: Equinox Publishing Ltd.
1. Assignment 1 (20%) 2. Assignment 2 (50%) 3. Final Examination (30%)
Assignment 1: INTERVIEW
Deadline: 10th June 2013
Assignment Description
In this assignment, you are required to develop an interview protocol (see sample). The interview protocol needs to address the issue that you plan to research on.
Tasks: i. Identify a research problem related to your field. ii. Develop research questions in relation to the identified research problem. iii. Prepare an interview protocol that will address the research questions. iv. Pilot test your interview protocol (on at least 2 respondents). v. Based on the results of the pilot test, identify the strengths and weaknesses of your interview protocol. vi. Improve your interview protocol. You need to provide the original and improved versions of the interview protocol.
Marking Scheme Element | Marks | * A statement of the Research Problem | 2 marks | * Research QuestionsThere must be 3 main questions. Each main question must have at least 3 sub-questions. A rationale must be given for each main question and sub-question. | Main
I am now going to look at five types of interview and approaches that can be taken for different reasons;
The purpose of the interview is to confirm the result of the survey. I can gather other
4. What are the limitations of the survey method, and how would you overcome the limitations of this research method, or any research approach?
According to the lecture on Scenario Development, what are the two basic methods of obtaining an informational interview?
How thorough is the information presented to answer the question? What, specifically, could be improved?
This worksheet is intended to help you brainstorm different aspects of your research topic. Feel free to be as informal as you want (i.e., complete sentences are optional). However, this sheet needs to be completed, printed out, and attached to the final paper.
Case study was research strategy adopted for this study. It is one of the types of qualitative research study (Creswell, 1998). According to Rubin and Babbie (2013) which view case study as a particular examination of phenomenon. In this study case study explore the influence e-resources has on the professional development and classroom practices of beginner teachers and providing a detailed information through multiple source of data collection methods such as semi-structured interview, observation, data analysis and research journal.However,Creswell,2007 highlighted that case study is a qualitative approach that explore bounded system of phenomenon over time. More so, Yin (2009) validates that case study is an empirical
Directions: You must use this form for this assignment. Use the Submit tab on the assignment page to upload it when it is completed. You may use the form to capture information as you conduct your interview, or fill it in later. The form is expandable and will enlarge the textbox to accommodate your answers. Do not rely only on this form for everything you must include! Read the assignment guidelines for more details.
I plan to conduct at least 5 interviews from 5 different people. These people were recommended to me by my aunt. She has a close relationship with them and spoke to them about my project.
Your Research Question- Give your research question (may be a working question). Give background for your question.
The pilot study conducted in this research shows that there were a few problems within the overall design of the interview and therefore the researchers decided to make some minor changes to their design, these changes included altering the questions so they were open ended, they also made the interview less structured in able to gain more focused answers in which they could analyse.
For this assignment, you will pretend that you have an upcoming interview for the job of your choice, working for the organization of your choice. You will then answer the below questions in attempt to prepare for your interview.
I structured this paper by giving you the insight about all the question I asked and the responses I received, ending it off with the list of facts I learned and knowledge I gained throughout the interview.
Based on the data and the purpose of the study, a number of possible analytic technique combinations might have been appropriate for conducting the data analysis. A qualitative case study can be conducted using grounded theory, phenomenology, content analysis (interview transcripts), or elements of all three methods.The purpose of the phenomenological method is to obtain the in-depth, lived experiences and perceptions of
This chapter covers the background and rationale, statement of the opportunity, purpose, research questions, nature of the study, definition of key terms, the significance of the study, assumptions, and limitations. It also covers the scope, worldview and theoretical foundation depicting the logical path of the research study.