
Qualitative Research Papers

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Bottge, B. A., Grant, T. S., Stephens, A. C., & Rueda, E. (2010). Advancing the math skills of middle school students in technology education classrooms. National Association of Secondary School Principals.NASSP Bulletin, 94(2), 81-106.
In this quantitative study, the authors explore the instructional issue of how to deliver engaging instruction that values fluency while also giving attention to conceptual understanding in technology driven classrooms. The authors work to provide school leaders with classroom-based research that describes one way of improving the math skills of middle school students using technology. The study uses a pretest-posttest to compare the effects of an Enhanced Anchored Instruction and a Business as Usual condition …show more content…

The goal is to provide an avenue for teachers to disguise or embed tricky mathematical concepts into engaging and hands-on class activity. The author concludes that using engineering activities as part of a math curriculum; students will be able to navigate their way through some of the tricky topics associated with the Common Core Mathematics Standards-such as fractions, measurements, and geometry in a way that feels natural to them. The article can be used by any educational leader or instructional technologist who would like to implement engineering type activities into their curriculum as a way of differentiating. Some limitations of the article is that it there are no concrete data that leads to any new information. The article is strictly opinion and no new decisions can be made based off of data collection. Just like in Cabus' and Haelermans' research article, SMART in Mathematics? Exploring the Effects of In-Class-Level Differentiation Using SMARTboard on Math Proficiency, using technology in the math classroom is a great way to differentiate and challenge students at a higher-order using real-life applications. The article is not a great resource due to its lack of data that prohibits the reader from making any useful …show more content…

They explored the maximizing, motivation, targeting technology project that was designed for use on middle school students in rural schools who met the selection criteria of being low SES and having a non-college graduating parent or parents. The program consisted of a two-week, non-residential summer program held at a Texas university and then academic year meetings facilitated by the participating teachers at their school. After the program, the students were asked to complete a questionnaire that was designed to measure participants' interest in, aptitude for, and enjoyment of science, mathematics, technology, and other academic areas such as English and social studies. The study is valuable to any parents, teachers or educational leaders in the middle grades sector that want to see their student spark an interest in math, science or technology. The study concluded that both male and females showed an increased interest and confidence regarding math, science, technology, and problem-solving. The pre-test results indicated that males endorsed higher ranks than females on 16 items relating to mathematics, science, technology and problem-solving; however, post-test results revealed that the program had a considerable impact on females' ideas about their abilities in these areas. The authors describe the limitations as a

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