
Qualitative Survey Sample

Decent Essays

One of the largest limitations to this survey is the use of a small (N=3) and convenient sample. This survey did not have a diverse population in terms of ethnicity, age, and social economic status. The respondents of the survey were all Hispanic/Latino females within the age group of 17-25 years; including the one male who took part in the qualitative survey/interview is also Hispanic/Latino and 21 years of age. Although all the students were employed and receive a working income, it is difficult to depict the respondent’s social economic status. It would be best to use a much larger sample; the survey could be administered to the rest of the university to collect more data. However, there would still be a limitation since the only diversity …show more content…

The survey mostly asked questions about disposable income instead of focusing on what the hypothesis had stated. A majority of the survey covers the manner money is spent instead of going over how people feel about receiving more money. Only two questions in the survey asked the respondents how they felt when they received more income while the rest was about how they feel when they spend their money. This problem would obviously be resolved by making some changes to the questionnaire in accordance to the hypothesis: if the sum of money increases over time, then a person will start to feel less happy when making purchases and going out to do activates with other people. Another weakness of this study is college students taking the survey. It would be best to expand the survey outside the university and focus on other populations rather than just concentrating on one group. This would give more sufficient data, especially since diversity is one of the main issues of this study. If given the chance, traveling to other cities and countries could help further explain the relationship between money and happiness, and examine whether an increase in income does cause a person to feel less or more satisfied. Also, this would present more findings for future research to study

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