
Qualities Should a Good Manager Have

Decent Essays

Do you work well with others? Are you a leader? If you have these qualities, you might make a good manager. However, you need just more than these two qualities to be a good manager. There are a number of factors that play into whether or not you would make a good manager.

The good news is that you don’t have to rely solely on natural, inborn traits. It is possible to develop the qualities good managers possess. You can complete a management program to learn some of the necessary characteristics, and you can also develop many desirable qualities on your own. As you prepare for a job in management, keep in mind these 25 qualities and characteristics of a good manager:

Personal Characteristics
There are items that can help you improve …show more content…

Here are some qualities to possess if you want to be an affective communicator as you fulfill your management duties.

Written Communication: Learn how to communicate effectively in writing. A good manager should be able to write professionally and with correct grammar, expressing him or herself in email, memos, and thank you notes.
Public Speaking: As a good manager, you should know how to speak publicly, annunciating your words, and concisely communicating your ideas, whether in an interview, or addressing workers.
Constructive Feedback: Learn how to provide feedback in a way that is helpful to workers and others.
Active Listening: One of the most important communication skills is listening. Make sure you are listening to your workers, superiors and customers, and that you acknowledge them.
Specific: When giving instructions, be specific in what you want, and in expected outcomes. Make sure your employees understand what should happen.
Organize Your Presentations: Organize and practice your presentations before giving them so that you are clear and concise, and so that your presentation flows well.
Relationship Qualities
Your characteristics as you build relationships matter when you are a manager. You will need to know how to manage relationships between yourself and your subordinates, as well as manage the relationships among those who work under you. You should also know how to develop relationships with your superiors, and coordinate relationships between

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