
Quality Assurance In Health Care Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Quality Assurance
In Mosby’s Medical Dictionary, Quality Assurance is: “(for health or related reasons) a pledge to the public by those within the various health disciplines that they will work toward the goal of an optimally achievable degree of excellence in the services rendered to every patient” (Mosby’s, 2017, p. 1593).
The medical assistant (MA) can ensure that the Quality Assurance (QA) standard for the outpatient clinic is met through a QA system. Quality Assurance can be achieved through a planned set of actions designed to provide the end-user with the product they expect to receive. The QA system would contain policies that include documentation which would ensure that laboratory testing is accurate, and establishing operating procedures that benefit the patient and the medical assistant who is performing the testing. This documentation includes being able to identify and correct issues when they happen, provide higher standards of care, and improve …show more content…

Accurate record keeping.
2. Preventative maintenance procedures.
3. Log or worksheets for recording all changes.
4. Laboratory documentation to ensure the quality of the laboratory process.

Quality Control
In Mosby’s Medical Dictionary, Quality Control is: “a method of repeated assay of known standard materials and the monitoring of reaction parameters to ensure precision and accuracy” (Mosby’s, 2017, p. 1593).
One of the most important things that a medical assistant (MA) can do to is to make sure that instructions for quality control (QC) and patient testing are followed (Kinn’s p 1015). Policies, procedures and checklists are developed to ensure that each test is performed within the guidelines. If these guidelines are not followed, the test results can result in a misdiagnosis or in a delayed treatment.
Examples of guidelines for laboratory and equipment (Kinn’s p 1014-1016):
1. Maintaining and calibrating equipment.
2. Running and analyzing control tests.
3. Record keeping of control

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