
Quality Of Quality Web Design

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Quality Web Design
Executive Summary: The company has a very good hardware, software, network system, the assets used by the company provide the support to the business process but there are many limitations of the hardware, software, assets and the network design. The company Quality Web Design provides business solutions to the customers. They provide the support to the companies by providing web solutions so that they can spread their business through internet. The circuit used by the company may prove various flaws to security and the hardware and software used have various limitations as Microsoft share point which have limitations in supporting virtualization, up gradation whereas the web server provided by IBM provides various …show more content…

Among all vulnerabilities some are;
 When a new technology will be discovered, it should be registered and patented immediately. Otherwise other companies may discover it and patent it on their name, as they will always keep an eye on the products on Quality Web Design.
 Everything changes. People’s taste also changes. In the long run, Quality Web Design will face difficulties to satisfy and meet customers’ needs.

Possible software threats: There are many possible threats for Quality Web Design. There are lots of competitors in the web designing industry. Among those some are, social threats, internal threats, cloud security, HTML Security, malware etc. Quality Web Design needs to update and secure their product to remain in the market. Other companies will make more efficient product or steal Quality Web Design’s unpatented discover is the main threat. There are some common threats. These common threats are;
1. Broken/bad Authentication: Bad authentication can happen for many reasons. Because for this to happen there is no exact problem. Among those some are;
a. In database password was not encrypted.
b. May be a session was hijacked.
c. Easy guessable session id.
2. Cross Scripting: If on an input to user a JavaScript tag is sent by a hacker, it occurs cross site scripting. That JavaScript will automatically execute by the browser when the input id will be sent back to the user. When it will be

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