
Quality Trends In Health Care

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According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2016) press release one of the leading cause of accidental deaths of the elderly is falls. This is an issue for our seniors many long-term care (LTC) facilities across the nation. However, one of our primary goals in health care is patient safety. Although, no one can guarantee a patient will never fall, it is our job to maintain a safe environment, prevent falls and injuries. The families of our elders move them into a nursing facility expecting an accident free, uneventful stay for the remainder of their loved ones days. In some cases, frequent calls at various hours of the day to report adverse event which are often falls becomes the reality.
Unfortunately, …show more content…

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2016) informs us that “health care providers play a major role in fall prevention.” The care of our elders is entrust to all employees, every team member is value and fall prevention is not a concern of only the nursing staff. Therefore, as we embarked on this quality improvement endeavor our entire interdisciplinary team (IDT) met and brainstormed to develop a preventative plan to ensure safety. The fall policy was revised from the standard event reporting guidelines to to a more detailed and specific protocol. This protocol was in addition to the normal assessment, vital signs, mandate paperwork, and the procedures of notify the physician and the responsible party. The new ground rules laid out step by step guidelines. All staff members was informed about our concern with the increase rate of falls, the goal to reduce this number and the role they play in achieving this goal. “Every health care provider should be proactive in evaluating he risk of falls in their elderly patients” (Schimke & Schimke, 2014, p. 228). Therefore, a rallying of the troops is always necessary to assure we are all on board and moving in the same direction. Also, meetings of this nature reduces resistance from the direct caregivers. As well as, provides supports to the supervisors as they enforce and oversee the changes in our procedures. According to Osuji et al,

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