
Quantitative Cross-Sectional Study

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Research utilization and critical thinking among newly graduated nurses: predictors for research use. A quantitative cross-sectional study The quantitative research study authored by Wangensteen, Johansson, Bjorkstrom, and Nordstrom and published by the Journal of Clinical Nursing in 2011 is a cross-sectional study that utilized the Research Utilization Questionnaire and the California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory. This model is found in the textbook. The study is exploring if critical thinking in new graduates influenced research use. Problem Statement Does research utilization impact critical thinking in newly graduated nurses? Does critical thinking influence a nurse’s outlook on research use in clinical practice? A cross-sectional …show more content…

Likert scale was used for both questionnaires to measure quality and importance of subject matter. Study Methods Data was collected from October 2006- April 2007 on both questionnaires from every nurse that had graduated within that time frame. The Pearson’s chi-square test was used to determine relationship with regression analysis. Key Findings Newly graduated nurses know how to utilize research findings, and have been taught to critically think in patient care situations. This study shows that new nurses are supportive of research in clinical practice. A small number of nurses reported that they are able to read research while meeting the needs of their patients. As their time management skills improve a balance can be found. Research shows critical thinking positively influences new nurse’s attitudes about research utilization. Citation Wangensteen, S., Johansson, I. S., Bjorkstrom, M. E., & Nordstrom, G. (2011). Research utilization and critical thinking among newly graduated nurses: predictors for research use. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 20,

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