Queen Elizabeth I of England
Queen Elizabeth I of England is considered to be the most significant monarch in all of English history. She ruled England for forty-four years with a commitment to preserve peace and strength. Her time as Queen, would come to be known as the Elizabethan Era or the Golden Age.
Born on the seventh of September 1533 to King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, Elizabeth was a healthy and happy baby, however, she was to only spend three years with her birth-mother, who would be executed in 1536 for false charges made by King Henry VIII of incest, adultery, witchcraft, and conspiracy against the king. Her father was disappointed she wasn’t a boy and didn’t even show up to her christening, executing Anne because she failed
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However, the rivalry did not last very long because Mary was executed in 1587. Elizabeth refused to have her executed, but after Mary’s role in the Babington Plot was revealed, she made the decision to send her to her death.
Elizabeth found her final years as queen difficult. Ministers would often make decisions without consulting her first; she was loosing her grip on power. She was in Richmond Palace when her health started to fail and died in the early hours of March 24th, 1603, making her the oldest monarch to rule England at that time, proving to England that women can do some extraordinary things, just as well as men can. Elizabeth was never married and had no children to take on the throne so King James of Scotland took over the throne.
Elizabeth left England peaceful, strong, rich, powerful, and with a majority transferring to protestant, but her greatest achievement was the relationships she forged with her subjects. Queen Elizabeth was truly an incredible leader and has her own unique place in history. Her loving and kind spirit drew many people in and made her a favorite. Like she said in her golden speech of 1601, “This I account the glory of my crown, that I have reigned with your
Elizabeth proved to be a successful and a well accomplished leader who advanced her country socially, militarily, religiously and economically. She thought of herself as Mother of England and she most certainly proved this to be true. No English woman ruler accomplished as much as Elizabeth did. Elizabeth was one of the most able rulers to ever govern England. Because of her, the way woman rulers were thought of changed forever.
Packet 2 (Vocabulary) Queen Elizabeth - (7 September 1533 – 24 March 1603) Queen Elizabeth was the queen of Ireland. She made Britain (England) a world power by defeating the Spanish Armada and starting a program for British exploration and colonization, and she also sponsored exploration voyages, and the establishment of colonies overseas. She made the Church of England the middle way between Catholics, and Protestants. Spanish Armada - Spanish Armada is also known as the “Great and Most Fortunate Navy” or the “Invincible Fleet”. It was a fleet of 130 Spanish ships under the command of Duke of Medina Sidonia in 1588.
She was one of the most famous and liked monarch. Mainly throughout those fifty years Elizabeth maintained the stability of England through wars and political turmoil. Queen Elizabeth grew up as a typical royal child receiving education and strived in art and music. Elizabeth was able to inherit and control a male dominating word and she did it well. Ruling with genuine love for her people she was able to provide the stability a nation needs to strive.
Elizabeth was born at Greenwich Palace in England to King Henry VII and Anne Boleyn on September 7th, 1533. Less than three years later, Anne Boleyn was arrested, charged, and executed because she could not bear Henry a son. Twelve days later, Henry married Jane Seymour, and she gave birth to Prince Edward, the long awaited male heir, in October of 1537. However, Jane shortly died of childbed fever. Elizabeth’s father married three more times, but it was Catherine Parr, Henry’s sixth and final wife, who had the greatest
When Mary died, she gave Elizabeth the crown. The economy was terrible, there was no education for children. Also she changed the churches from Catholic to Puritan which is a branch of religion of Protestant. Queen Elizabeth was the best leader in England because she influenced the churches, created an exceptional economy, and made a better education system. Queen Elizabeth impacted the churches in a whole different way than the people and royals ever thought possible.
In the area of collegiate sports, there have been numerous heated debates about the integrity of many things concerning the NCAA and how it handles legal and ethical issues. Two well renowned scholars tackle this issue in their co-authored book entitled
Some of the best highlights of Queen Elizabeth was that she was one of the only queens who decided not to be married, because of her traumatic life at a young age. She was also one of the best queens according to the people. When she ruled the land she was very successful, there was about 44 years of peace during her reign. Not only was she a great Queen, she was humble being. The Queen is also well known for her great styles and timely sessions of getting ready for the day .
Elizabeth I (known simply as "Elizabeth" until the accession of Elizabeth II; 7 September 1533 – 24 March 1603) was queen regnant of England and Ireland from 17 November 1558 until her death. Sometimes called "The Virgin Queen", "Gloriana" or "Good Queen Bess", Elizabeth was the fifth and last monarch of the Tudor dynasty. The daughter of Henry VIII, she was born a princess, but her mother, Anne Boleyn, was executed two and a half years after her birth.[1]
Although there were many issues and problems that occurred during her reign, Queen Elizabeth I successfully addressed and responded to many of the social, political, and educational issues of her time. The Queen reacted to many different situations in a strict manner in order to strengthen and rebuild England. Elizabeth worked to spread literature, prevent crime, and expand the art of the theater. As she strove to solve issues, Queen Elizabeth led England to a long period of growth and prosperity.
Obviously, all of these actions caused her popularity to rise drastically. She may not be loved by other European rulers, but she has been a beloved leader in history. Indeed, Elizabeth I is a typical example for good leadership, for a successful
Elizabeth’s father was King Henry VIII. Many of Henry’s decisions and actions had an effect on what Elizabeth would be required to
Queen Elizabeth of England was a successful ruler because she ruled with a diplomatic mindset. Her compromise between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism prevented a religious war from breaking out in England and satisfied both spheres of the religious hierarchy. Elizabeth’s method of rule included delegating tasks to ministers. She ruled with a strategically picked administration. Elizabeth was a successful ruler because she knew how to commission the best people fit for a specific role. Additionally, Queen Elizabeth also established the Poor Laws as a new framework of support for England's needy. In terms of foreign policy, Queen Elizabeth was not a fan of war, but her efforts and decisions to support the war with the Spanish was successful.
Queen Elizabeth I was a major political influence from her time and still influences our world today. Elizabeth I was born on September 7th, 1533 in Greenwich, England. She was the daughter of King Henry VIII, the half-sister of King Edward VI and Queen Mary I (Ellis 1). Elizabeth did not only rule the country she had accomplished many other tasks among her lifetime. She wrote her own poems (Women Writers Of Great Britain & Europe 1), she never relied on translators since she had mastered languages like Greek, Latin, French, and Italian when she was a student (Ellis 1). Queen Elizabeth’s greatest accomplishment was being an extraordinary ruler of England. Another massive accomplishment of hers was reestablishing England back to Protestantism. Queen Elizabeth I deserves to be in the History Hall of Fame because she was a successful, popular Queen of England, who reestablished Protestantism to England.
Queen Elizabeth I Queen Elizabeth, the first, proved to be a very good and loyal monarch to England. She brought about many changes, both good and bad. On September 7, 1533 a baby girl came into the world. Back then many parents would have been greatly disappointed to have had a baby girl, rather then a boy. However these parents were glad by the birth of their first child together. These proud parents were the king and queen of England, King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. The girl child was named Elizabeth. The only reason for the birth of Elizabeth had been that she would have been male so that he could have been the heir to King Henry the VIII. It wasn’t until two years later that Henry realized he wasn’t going to get
The reign of Queen Elizabeth I is often referred to as "The Golden Age" of English history. Elizabeth was an immensely popular Queen, and her popularity has waned little with the passing of four hundred years. She is still one of the best-loved monarchs, and one of the most admired rulers of all time. She became a legend in her own lifetime, famed for her remarkable abilities and achievements. Yet, about Elizabeth the woman, we know very little. She is an enigma, and was an enigma to her own people.