
Queer Theory Essay

Decent Essays

Queer theory derives from Women's Studies and Queer Studies during the early 1990's. Queer theory is said to be related to bisexual and lesbian roles. The main focus of queer theory is to reject the categories of gender and sexuality that we as a society have come to know as traditional. Queer theory is rapidly expanding through more and more findings and studies. What is interesting about queer theory is that it does not just challenge the traditional makeup of society., it challenges what is normal, how normal came to be recognized. Queer theory seems to be more of a celebration for the people that have been excluded by society that has built up a wall that is available to the heterosexual. Queer theory is showing us what we have been …show more content…

Because if that is done it'll keep burying minorities and members of the LGBTQI further down to where the only people that are human are straight and are white. Butler recognized it and saw that we undo each other constantly. Straight people refuse to let gay people in. But is it because of power or fear? I see it more as fear. They don't fear their job or title can be taken away. They see a gay, or bisexual person is coming to take their job and that cannot happen. So in order for that to not happen they undo the person and go at their sexuality and call names and block their entrance into the straight work world or straight world in general. Butler had great insight and how the world views and viewed people of the gay community. What she did was show how the human is deconstructed for society. And this is true every day we see how a human has this done to them. By looks, sexual orientation, religion and so on. Society has influenced the ways for the human to be torn apart piece by piece until they are no more. Queer theory takes away the deconstruction of the human that society has built and let's people instill what a human actually is. And a human is what the person wants a human to be. Taking away the labels actually carries more of an importance than carrying the label as people have become so accustomed to. As a society we have become so accustomed to having only two sexes, male and female. Coaching both sexes to do

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