My target population for my functional medicine-based detox protocol would be for fellow crossfit members since we dedicate so much time and energy in the gym trying to achieve peak performance on a daily basis. I know quite a few of my fellow crossfit members are killing it in the gym every day, if not multiple times daily, but they aren’t seeing the results they should be, therefore, I believe something is off, most likely their diet and a detoxification diet my help them establish the “look” they are trying to achieve and quite possibly improve performance. WOD Detox: 6 week challenge Initial Visit/Assessment Objective: Getting to know my patient, what ails them, gather information to help discern pattern recognition. Decipher: …show more content…
I’ll suggest that they take a probiotic, if they aren’t already (Henning et al., 2017 and supplement, not substitute a meal with protein powder because of its high quality, bioavailable source of amino acids, that are easily absorbed (Cline, 2015). I would ask the patient to have the following labs completed before their next visit: CBC, chemical screen and food allergy IgG/IgE testing. Depending upon the patient, I may assess urine amino acids, heavy metal excretion, intestinal permeability, and digestive analysis (Bennett, 2007). CrossFit patients should have the discipline and control required to cope with the challenging situations incurred in a structured diet, such as not eating when they are not hungry. The time period between their initial appointment and their first follow-up, my patient will be asked to journal any changes in ailments, energy, sleep patterns and overall wellbeing. Follow-up During the follow up visit we’ll discuss lab results and the journal and develop a new or revised plan based on the findings. We may need to move to the elimination diet and slowly add foods back in, we may apply specific functional foods, vitamins, minerals, or antioxidants to support found imbalance to reduce toxins or we may be able to continue with the initial diet. Whatever the
Three different measurements were taken before and after the study. They included, pain intensity, disability, and quality of life. Pain was taken using a visual analog scale (VAS) which ranges from 0 to 10; 0 equaling no pain at all and 10 equaling the worst pain ever felt. Disability was taken using the Neck Disability Index (NDI). The NDI consisted of 10 items and were scored using percentages, the higher the percentage the higher the disability. And lastly, quality of life was taken using the Medical Outcome Study Short-Form 36 Health Survey (SF-36). Scores in SF-36 ranged from 0 to 100 and the higher the patients number got, the better quality of life.
The doctor orders the following tests: complete blood count (CBC), ESR, hemoglobin A1C, blood glucose, urinalysis, and CT bladder.
Perform a urinalysis when possible to find levels of Specific Gravity (how concentrated the urine is), pH, Protein, Blood, Nitrites, Leukocytes, Ketones, Glucose and Bilirubin. The results of this test can help identify any possible impairment in renal function and identify the presence of an infection (Vera, 2011).
I'm going to try a weekly planner for writing down what is due and when then checking off the completed assignments.
Trauma one Pediatric Emergency Department! Trauma one Pediatric Emergency Department responding over! Rescue Unit 29 transporting a 12 year-old boy, named Mike, hit by a car while riding his bicycle. This is a hit and run accident, but other motorists called a rescue unit. The child was not wearing a helmet. Facial bleeding is under control, but he suffered facial and head trauma. There appeared to be no facture of the extremities. Presently he is awake and semi-alert. Vitals signs: BP 120/56, Pulse 120, Oxygen
If you are experiencing some signs of detoxification, you may try doing a regular walking exercise. Exercise is a good key in having a fit and healthy body. Many diet doctors also suggest that you drink plenty of lemon water. This is an effective way of maintaining a very good circulation and can increase the rate of detoxification inside the
It can sometimes be too late. I have learned over some years by watching those that mean a lot to me let their lives become of nothing because they do not worry about their physical appearance or the foods that they eat, and even though you can give them all the advice to try and persuade them they are determined to do what they feel and what they want to do.
Before entering into a detoxification protocol, it’s important for each of the organ systems to be assessed to determine how well they are functioning and if they are prepared to endure a detoxification protocol. It may be necessary to focus on strengthening specific areas before introducing detoxification strategies.
Demonstrate the ability to determine potential acute and emergent differential diagnoses based on patient presentation as well as history and physical.
The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) provides a wide range of data for varied health topics via personal household interviews. Researchers from this study utilized data from the waves of the 1997-2013 NHIS, a cross sectional, household-based survey consisting of responsive in person interviews with U.S citizens in the representative sample. From 1997 to 2013 the NHIS collected information regarding well-being from randomly picked children from each household.
The one aspect that I found most interesting about the reading was the section titled wellness. I found this section very interesting because I can relate to most of the issues that this section touches. For example, as a graduate student one is more times than none, very busy and always on the go. Therefore, when it comes to eating we most often rely on fast food or any junk food that fulfills our hunger. But, we fail to realize that we are damaging our body and as result, we tend to adopt this lifestyle as grad student. Also, staying up late and not getting enough sleep can bring negative outcomes to our wellbeing. More importantly, one needs to adopt a healthy lifestyle to be able to function properly on every day
When forming a group, it is important to keep in mind the number of members, the amount and length of sessions, topics discussed, the facility, and other aspects when considering the members in the sessions. The number of members designated for the, Healthy Life/Health Self group will consist of twelve (12) members referred to attend twelve weeks, one session on a designated day (Wednesday), during the mid-afternoon hours. The group sessions will be conducted for about 45 minutes to an hour, and the start time would be 4pm when the members are not interrupted from attending their classes. As this group aims towards promoting a healthier lifestyle in managing stress, anxiety, and other negative mental and physical health related issues, the
The most important driver affecting the health assessment sector as it pertains to obtaining insurance is what will happen to the ACA; unfortunately, as not even experts know what will happen to the ACA, it is impossible to accurately predict the market growth for health assessments at this time.
Throughout this complete health assessment, I will approach my patient, a 49 years old, female, married patient, and perform a head to toe examination. Starting with the gathering of information, I will start with biographic data, reason for seeking care, present illness, past health history, family history, functional assessment, perception of health, head to toe examination, and baseline measurements. The subjective data will be collected first, where the patient will provide necessary information about every organ system for further examination while the objective data will be amassed in every system based on my findings. This assignment serves as an opportunity to establish a nurse-client interpersonal relationship that
The detox pseudoscience is a concept I am familiar with however, I was unaware of the lack of scientific evidence associated with detoxing. As Goldacre mentioned, after a few days of