Troubleshooting and Best Practices
Chapter 7: “Troubleshooting and best practices”, focuses on the troubleshooting libraries and tool for AngularJS. In this this chapter we will also discuss Unit testing the Angular JS application using Jasmine, Karma. At the end of chapter we will go through the AngularJS coding best practices. This chapter is organized as follows.
• Troubleshooting Libraries and Tool
• Unit Testing o Unit Testing using AngularJS o Unit Testing using Jasmine o Unit Testing using Karma
• Angular JS Coding Best Practices o Code Organization o Keep Controller Simple o Leverage Providers Configuration o Separate Business and Presentation Logic
Troubleshooting Libraries and Tools
Java script is a computer dynamic programming language. It is mostly used for client-side applications development as part of the web browsers. Java script communicate asynchronously with client such as web browsers, it also controller the client. Java script can be used with server-side programming with runtime environment for example Node.js and AngularJS. Java script is categorized as a prototype-based scripting language using dynamic typing. Prototype-based programming is an elegance of object oriented programming in which we can reuse the behaviour which know as inheritance. Java script can also be used in other environments along with web-based browsers such as PDF documents, site specific browsers and desktop widgets.
Java script is typed language and has grate power of
In server-side rendering the client (browser) fetch the web pages from server over HTTP. In client-side rendering JavaScript running on the client (browser) produced or manipulates the DOM. All computers understand the JavaScript, because of this client-side rendering can be accomplished using JavaScript without sending the request to the server and waiting it response. The advantage of the client-side rendering is that the user can update the web page instantly when the user clicks on the any click event to update the information on the page rather than waiting few hundred millisecond to get response from the server and display the page in
Java was designed at the Sun Microsystems in 1992 by James Gosling and the Green Team, these individuals designed an operating system with an independent processor, object oriented programming language which is the leading interactive environment used on the web. This open source software are used on a variety of devices, music players, automobiles, cells, and smart phones. Java has changed the computer environment because the developers designed it to operate on any computing devices regardless of the specific microprocessor or the operating system it is installed on (Laudon, 2014).
Q7: Most browsers let developers write extensions in the basic, friendly programming languages of the WEB. Accordingly, fill the empty boxes in the following diagram with the suitable language.
At first < script> tag was used only to add a necessary level of interactivity for web pages, but as the web has evolved a lot so does the < script > tag. In order to specify the scripting language of choice, the < script > tag’s type attribute is used.
Finding out what is wrong with a person, will be influenced by whether the victim is suffering from an injury or illness, whether the victim is unreponsive or repsonsive and whether life threating condtions exists. However, the key point is to perform a primary check first and to care for any problems you uncover before going on with the full assessment. The victim assessment cover five steps, which are: Scence up, Primary check, Secondary check, Sample history, and perform a reassement. Although, not every victim requires all of the five steps. Such as, if a person cuts their finger off while cutting something, they will not need the whole assessment. However, if
1. Which decisions are those taken by the software engineer about the best ways (processes, techniques, and technologies) to achieve the requirements?
One of the last steps of supervising management of the organisation is to review management performance against predetermined standards. Performance review comprises creating and agreeing on performance standards, comparing performance against these standards and taking appropriate action.
The four types of support that an end-user may require are general support, functional support, data support, and purchasing support. General support includes networks, software, hardware, and other training related support (Govindarajulu, 2014). General Support is the only form of support that will be included in this study. A university will on average work only with general support for their users. While some authors (Gibson, 2014, for example) focus on a general overview of help desk requirements, others PChelps (2008) look more closely at different aspects including costs, where users get their support (Govindarajulu, 2014), and how to evaluate a help desk (Sheehan, 2007). This case study will take a quantitative approach to evaluation of a help desk instead of a qualitative as other researchers have conducted. This literature review will discuss how the help desk affects a company’s reputation, the costs it has to a company, how a help desk can be evaluated, and how to improve a help desk’s customer service.
Applets can reside at web sites on a network server until needed by client systems, and are easy to distribute over the Internet or intranets and extranets. Java is becoming the programming language choice for many organizations intent on capitalizing on the business potential of the Internet, as well as their own intranets and extranets. The casual user will be able to download the applet on an as-needed basis by using browser software. This will greatly reduce the cost of having to install expensive software on the users’ PCs. As well, valuable resources such as RAM, disk space, expensive processors etc. will be freed up for other business uses.
The idea is to rebuild parts of the UI on web before executing/displaying them on the user’s machine. Hence, improving the scalability issues that the web currently faces. Although it reduces the load of the server, this approach is largely platform dependent. For example, web programs written in java improves interaction with the database. i.e., it will limit the disadvantage of the stateless protocol (HTTP).
Dojo Toolkit is an open source modular JavaScript library (or more specifically JavaScript toolkit) designed to ease the rapid development of cross-platform, JavaScript/Ajax-based applications and web sites. Dojo is a Javascript framework targeting the many needs of large-scale client-side web development. For example, Dojo abstracts the differences among diverse browsers to provide APIs that will work on all of them. It establishes a framework for defining modules of code and managing their interdependencies; it provides build tools for optimizing JavaScript and CSS, generating documentation, and unit testing;
JSON does not depend on the language as it uses the text format and text is not restricted to any particular programming language. It can easily convert a string from JSON format into JavaScript Objects using a method I.e. JSON.parse(). JSON is a self-documenting language and is very easy to
Some examples of trade-offs that I face in my life are rather I should go to sleep early or adding another hour of studying for a test. Another trade-off was that if I should watch some shows online or study more for the final. The last trade-off is when I could spend my money to go out to eat or I could save my money and eat at home.
As my search of the second language to write the analysis started, I wanted to find a language that I believe was more interesting that the ones I already know. Dart is a multi-purpose, garbage-collected, class-based, programming language that borrows the same C-like syntax as many modern programming languages out there. Dart was originally developed by Google and released on 2011. [1] The main usages of Dart are four; compiled as JavaScript to run in the Chromium web browser, stand-alone by using the Dart Virtual Machine, and ahead-of-time compiled into machine code. In other to run on the main-stream web browsers, Dart "relies on a source-to-source compiler to JavaSript", which is basically a type of compiler that takes the source code in one language as input, and output a source code in another language. This is the opposite to tradicional compilers, which translate between a high level language to a lower level, while source-to-source translate to a langauge within the same level of abstraction. In some cases, code written in Dart can run faster than the same code written using JavaScript. [1] [2] The Dart SDK brings a modified version of Chromium that includes a Dart VM which allows to run Dart on this browser. In my opinion, I believe that the target of Dart 's designers is to substitute JavaScript in the future. By allowing source-to-source compilation and integrating a Dart VM to the Chromium browser, I beleive this is an attempt to make people use Dart instead of
The JavaScript sends requests to a web server that is created by the attacker to capture the information from the client so the client also needs to employ security