Quickload Carriers is owned by Tomas S. Moreno. Mr. Moreno and Mr. Epps, Operations/Safety Manager, run the day-to-day operations and are both responsible for compliance with the FMCSRs. This carrier owns 1 tractor, leases 7 tractors (owner/operators) and leases 8 trailers from AMC Truck & Trailer located in Laredo, TX. Mr. Moreno goes to Laredo, TX approximately once every two weeks to check on the vehicles but has failed to obtain documentation from drivers or AMC showing when repairs were made and when preventive maintenance was conducted. Carrier has monthly vehicle maintenance logs but many of the logs are blank. Carrier has some repair receipts but they have no system in place to ensure that required repairs are made and that preventive
At the October 10th meeting, magistrates were asked to replace one vehicle used by the Sheriff’s Department and Deputy Mark Jandt presented information on several used automobiles for consideration. After much discussion, the Sheriff’s Department was asked to bring in estimates from local dealers to consider; however, the option to lease multiple vehicles was presented by Massey Tuesday as another option.
Stephen said on 07/25/2017 he parked his truck in the driveway with a Predator 8750 watt generator on a trailer. Stephen said at 8:00pm on 07/25/2017 the generator was still on the trailer. Stephen said on 07/26/2017 around 7:00am one of his workers noticed the generator was missing. Stephen said the strap on the generator had been cut to remove the generator. Stephen said he had cameras on his property and will review the video to see if the theft was on camera. Stephen said he was not sure if the cameras could see where the trailer was. Stephen said he did not have the serial number
I called the warrant section and confirmed no further paperwork required servicing. I called the Information
Davee was issued UTC A2IDEQE reference DWLSR w/o knowledge and UTC A2IDEPE reference no proof of insurance. He was provided with a PRPD notice of impound and was instructed how to retrieve his vehicle from impound. Six photographs of the KIA were taken and later electronically submitted into evidence at PRPD. The KIA was transported to PRPD by Pasco Towing and
On Monday, June 27 I started my shift by taking two of the patrol cars to the car wash that is located in Redondo Beach called Hollywood Rivera Car Wash. Hollywood Rivera Car Wash offers both car washes and gas. Hollywood Rivera Car wash gets their gasoline from the company called Chevron. Devin who is the ticket writer has my ticket ready as soon as I pull up to the first station where the vehicle gets vacuumed. Since PVEPD has an account setup with Hollywood Rivera all I have to do is head inside to the cashier and sign a sheet where I put my name, patrol car number, the department name, and the date. After filling out the sheet the cashier gives me a receipt that is blue stating that I have paid. Then I proceed outside towards patio where
Yesterday around 5pm after finishing work and heading back to the hotel, Todd was following Ozzie and CK when for reasons yet to be determined Todd’s van failed to slow down striking the Tundra with Ozzie and CK in it from behind. Both vehicles are at the plant and all involved are being checked and screened. So far CK and Ozzie are diagnosed with muscle strain, and Todd reports no injury. So far the investigation has revealed that Todd’s DOT card expired 7/19 and was set up yesterday evening post accident to renew it today, and according to the CWS Fleet Safety Manual should have not been operating a company vehicle. I currently have IT gathering his cell use during the period from 4-5pm yesterday to eliminate possible use as a distraction.
Sgt. P. Sines and I remained to the east side of the business until Matthew
o Non-owned trailer - this is third party coverage for a trailer that you are hauling owned by another
Mr. Haubrick stated that he is the caretaker of all the past and current records of invoices to the repairs made and conducted at his repair shop. He has been in business in the City of Lancaster, California for approximately three years. His company provides full-service automotive care for 30 years and can experience at his repair shop which conducts diagnostic transmission repair, and is repaired, auto air-conditioning repair and routine maintenance repairs on any vehicle. The store is centrally located in the City of Lancaster would provide repair services while he serves the surrounding community around Lancaster. He stated that his automotive shop only would conduct the following facilities: breaks, carburetors, air-conditioning, let us repairs, diesel tune-up and
God knows who did it. My name is on the contract, and now they are sending me the claim forms to be filled out. I only drove the van three times since I brought it to Camden; I spend most of my time walking back and forth to the Kroc and the mission house. A few times Major Persi picks me up, my daughter came, and I ask for the van to pick her up from the train station. I end up walking to go pick her up from 36th street and walk it
King's vehicle was towed by Metro Towing for Transportation of Open Alcohol (16-3648). Stasik's vehicle was towed by Metro Towing for PSC (16-3649). A five day hold was placed on both the vehicles.
Also, the units are responsible for the cleaning of their re-mote site feeding containers. You cannot us the contract's workers to clean re-mote site containers unless it is approved by the COR (Mr. Jackson)
In this scenario Toro sells “Ride-Along” mowers that cost $500 each at wholesale. Johnson Hardware Co. called Toro to place an order over the phone for “100 Ride-Along mowers” which were to be delivered a week after the telephone order was placed. A week lapsed and when there was no delivery of the 100 “Ride-Along” mowers; Johnson Hardware Co. calls Toro only to find out that Toro says they do not have a contract to deliver 100 mowers.
24 hour response: Action plans have to be within 24 hours of receiving a complaint and by less than 24 hours for complaints receiving from outside the factory. Daily tracking system of quality problems reported from assembly plants and dealers. This ensured that quality issues are attended quickly and on an urgent basis. Weekly review of complaints form and respective action plans.
I arrived at the location which was an oil lease site on 33rd west have half a mile south of 151st Street. I located a red Ferris riding lawn mower just inside the propery next to the road. I contacted dispatch to run a records check on the lawn mower. The model number (IS1500ZKAV194) reported stolen on 04/09/2017 case number (0600-17) and the NCIC number was (A354237148). I contacted the owner Johnny Jones to advise him that the lawn mower was located. Johnny stated he would be enroute to pick up the lawn mower. Johnny arrived and took possession of the lawn mower. Johnny stated he told Deputy John Arnold who took