
Quiet Tidal Respiration

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Respiration for speech is much different than quiet breathing. Quiet breathing, known as quiet tidal respiration, because it can be visualized as a tidal flow of air into and out of lungs. It involves about 500mL of air with each cycle (Seikel, Drumright, & King, 2016). For instance the volume inspired is greater, since more air is needed for utterances that are lengthy and or loud. In order to increase your volume, additional muscles are needed to assist the diaphragm and intercostal muscles to elevate the sternum and the ribs in order to increase the volume in the thoracic cavity and lungs. Quiet breathing in an unconscious effort where it is done without thinking. Breathing for speech requires more of a conscious effort. For instance, if a …show more content…

Torque, elasticity, and gravity acting on the ribs and rib cage are the passive forces for expiration. It may also be forced, utilizing muscles of the abdomen and those that depress the rib cage to evacuate the lungs (Seikel, Drumright, & King, 2016). Since volume and pressure are inversely related, pressure increases within the lungs and the thoracic cavity causing the air to move out (Borden, K.S., & & Raphael, 1994). Expiration for speech is an active process, where expiration for life occurs when passive forces cause inspiratory muscles to relax. In this process there are three distinct stages that occur. First stage is where the muscles of inspiration, the external intercostal, and diaphragm remain active to provide a braking force. These particular muscles prevent the lungs from collapsing Nicole Bougie: Nicole Bougie: Nicole Bougie: quickly and forcing the air out. In the second stage, the muscles of inspiration stop activity and the natural elastic recoil of the lungs forces the rest of the air out. In the third stage, the muscles of expiration squeeze out the rest of the air keeping the pressure equal over the whole length

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