Have you ever made a decision that you thought you would be happy with but end up miserable and regret that decision. I made the decision to quit dancing when I was ten years old and I had thought after I quit dancing I would finally be happy, but no that is not the case. I was always so unhappy dancing and I was never sure why I was doing it until I quit. Like I said before I was ten years old when I decided to quit dance. I quit dance because I always thought I was unhappy when really, dance was my passion. I told my parent the reason I quit was so I could focus more on school, involve myself in more extracurricular school day and have to walk into a cold and sweaty dance studio. Although I did not do better academically, I have …show more content…
I lost so many friends when I quit dance and they all lost respect for me. Before I quit, I had been dancing since I was three and I was really good at it too! When I was ten I was asked to be on the competition team and was asked to be pulled up but none of my friends were. They all lost respect for me because they knew I was a great dancer and I turned down the opportunity to participate with more advanced kids. I knew my friends would kill for the opportunity that I had but to me it was just a huge that I wasn't willing to go through with. Whenever I stepped foot on the dance floor I felt as though I could do anything and that was the best feeling on earth. Throughout the years I quit dance I have lost that feeling of confidence that made you feel good inside and now I am constantly worried about if I am doing something or not. I also lost that feeling of accomplishment after working my butt off and doing a great job. I a huge part of my work ethic, when I decided to quit and now I am lazy. If I didn't quit dance I probably wouldn't try to take the easy way out of everything like I do rather than put my all into what I am doing. I have lost a lot in this decision and I can't say I have gained a
On Wednesday, November 18th, I had the pleasure to attend and watch the Dance Plus’s Fall show. The Dance Plus was performed at the Douglass Theatre, Victoria Mastrobuno Theater. When I entered the show the theatre seemed a little small for such big crowed. I immediately thought there would not be enough seats for all the audience, but somehow it fitted everyone. As everyone got settled down, the dance performance had started. I chose to write about the first performance that was choreographed by the amazing director, Jessica Lange her work was simply wonderful! I loved every little piece of the play. It put a smile on my face watching this amazing work of art. So with that said, I would now like to talk about the dance performance. There were
One of the first famous Hip Hop Deejays was Dj Kool Herc. He was an 18 year old Jamaican immigrant who introduced huge sound systems of Jamaica to many parties in the city of New York. He used two turn tables to blend percussion based beats with older songs and popular dance songs to create a continuous flow of music. Along with Kool Herc other Deejays such as Grand Wizard Theodore, Afrika Bambaataa, and Grandmaster Flash. These Deejays were also known for being the first to isolate the break beat (the part of the song where there is just drums keeping the beat) to open up the dance floor freestyle dancing. This later gained its title Break Dancing. Often time’s contests were started to see who the best Break Dancer was. This style of dancing
As I began my journey as a dance major, my life slowly started to change before my eyes. I didn’t enjoy dancing anymore, and I felt less and less like myself. I could feel a void growing larger with every class I took.
I learned a lot of things that lead me to who I am today, and yes maybe I am not the best girl in the world, maybe I am not the kindest, or the prettiest, but I am who I am and if people are not okay with that then I don’t need those people in my life. People who don’t dance just see dance as it is. Steps, and more steps. Us, dancers see the movements of the dance and go deeper into their story. To us, each little movement we make means something and as the audience is looking at us and seeing our pain and or happiness, they see the story we are telling behind the movements and the music. I can say I learned how to be someone that anyone can trust, someone who is there for you no matter the situation. I learned how to overcome my worst fears, and learned that is okay to fail. What’s not okay is to be a shadow when the light is in the stage pointing at you. To shut yourself down, and not accomplish what you
I have been pouring my heart into six different types of dance, for twelve years now. Starting at the young age of five, dancing was always the one thing that came easily to me.Throughout elementary school, I was constantly bullied and picked on by my classmates. Even at home I was in an unsafe environment. I had to call the police multiple times on my mentally unstable step siblings because they had either hurt my sister, mother and I, or they were going to. Every night I would lie awake, behind my locked bedroom door, frightened that something bad was going to happen once I fell asleep. Growing up in a life of utter chaos caused me to struggle with many insecurities and bashfulness. The one steady thing in my life was dance. Going to dance
Everything has good sides and bad sides, but I would say that dance had very extreme good sides and very extreme bad sides. I was not very confident as a child, and the fact that I had two dance teachers, Jennifer and Jeanette, who would constantly put me down only made it worse. The problem with my teachers was that they had a group of girls at my dance studio that they favored over everyone else. I would get yelled at for things that they would never get yelled at for such as doing a dance move incorrectly, and I would always be placed in the back. I kind of got used to hearing the mean voice in the front yell “Hannah, what are you doing? Stop doing that!” I have a vivid memory of one of my friends doing a move
Unfortunately, I did not enjoy it so my mother allowed me to quit. Then a few years later when I was in fourth grade I saw that my elementary school had a dance team/drill team and it looked like tons of fun. I then realized that dance seemed like a hobby that I would enjoy. So my mother let me tryout as long as I promised not to quit. Of course I made her that and I auditioned for the next dance season and made it. I was extremely shocked that I had been asked to join the team seeing as I had no previous dance experience. Now ever since that moment dance has been more than just a hobby for me. I continued to dance through the rest of elementary school. However I did discontinue when I reached middle school due to my mother getting divorced and my family and I moving to a different town. I did try tumbling and cheer for a while, but it wasn’t befitting. I recognized I did not have a connection to tumbling and cheer like I did with dance, and that’s when I realized dance was my passion. After I came to this realization I auditioned for my high school dance team and this was the point in my dance career where I became extremely involved and also when I began to take it more seriously. I began to take it more seriously because at this point in my life I was out of shape and my body was not built to be a dancer. This was because during the time my mother had gotten divorced it was a difficult transition and I
I did recreational dance for 2 years and then the 3rd year I finally talked my mom into letting me do competition. I did competition for 2 years a this one studio. That was also the studio I did recreational at for 2 years so I danced at this studio for 4 years. In the middle of the year I was talking to my mom about how I not really in love with this studio there’s too much favoritism and so I wanted to move. When it got towards nationals I didn’t want to go and I was having some drama at the studio so it made it even worst. I wasn’t excited for nationals at all and at the time my brother had state baseball in St. Louis and I really wanted to there. Then the season was over and something incredible happened. There’s these twins that danced at my old studio and they are the nicest people ever and they are so positive, young and have all the new styles instead of old stuff. They opened up a studio. When they announced it I knew that I wanted to go there then and there. So yet again my path changed
I was never really much of a dancer. At a young age, my movements were always stiff and slow and never matched the beat. It was hard enough that I could not dance, it was even harder on me when people pointed out that flaw, despite what people thought, I kept dancing because it became my thing.
I really love dancing, and I wouldn’t know what I would do without it. I feel like dance has changed me a lot, because I used to be a huge couch potato, and I was super lazy. Don’t get me wrong, I still get really lazy from time to time, but not as much as I used to. I have bad anxiety, and when I’m with my dance group I feel like it helps me lose it a little, piece by piece because they don’t judge me for who I am. I also feel like dance has made me watch my weight more and exercise so I don’t have any problems in the
From a very young age, children in our society are taught that if they work hard enough, stay focused on their goal, and want something bad enough then they will get it. I learned in a difficult way that this is most definitely not the case. I have been dancing since I was about seven years old. It’s nothing competitive and the program that I’m in requires me to not focus on others, but rather to focus on improving myself and push to be better than the day before. I joined our schools dance team in hope of becoming more competitive and involved in my school community.
I started taking dance lessons at the age of three and once I started you couldn’t get me to stop. I was at the studio more than I was at home, if I wasn’t dancing I was watching the older girls, wishing I could be as good as them. Although I almost quit when I was eight, after my mom left. She said she just couldn’t do it any more and the next morning she was gone. After
I started dancing at the young age of two years old. My parents tried to enroll me in many different activities. Such as soccer, play ball, judo, horseback riding, basketball, and more. Yet, there was nothing I loved more than being able to dance and prance through the studio, in my pink bodysuit, tights and shoes, during ballet class.I started as a Mini, then was moved up to junior level, then to intermediate. That’s when my parents starting asking me if this was for sure something I loved to do, because this was the level where the nights started getting later, and the costs increased. Of course, my answer was yes. My love for dance soon greatly grew, I started taking tap, jazz, and then started moving into taking more challenging styles, such as lyrical, and pointe. Dancing makes me happy when I am down, relieved when I am stressed, and I can honestly say that I have made friendships that I will cherish for the rest of my life through dance.
Dance has been apart of my life ever since I can remember. When I was young, before I officially started my dance training, I was always up on my feet and moving. No matter what hobby I took interest in (whether it was cheerleading, musical theatre, or jump rope), I would always find a way to choreograph little routines a show them to my friends and family. Even when my parents tried to put me in sports, I would do cartwheels and dance on the playing fields, completely oblivious to what was going on during the games. When I look back at how I started my dance training, I just smile and laugh because I was so naïve and unaware that it would become such a huge part of my life. In 5th grade I was put into my first dance class as a hobby. It happened because I watched the Disney Channel movie High School Musical and immediately fell in love with it. I showed the movie to my parents and told them, “This is what I want to do.” At the time I thought I excelled in both signing and acting and that all I needed were dance classes. So in 4th grade I was put into my first dance class and I began to scratch the surface of the basics of dance. What I didn’t know then is that dance would slowly but surely influence my entire life and
When I look back into the past, I see the immature, ignorant side of myself, who is always causing trouble with my short temper. There are countless actions which I regret, but I wouldn’t say that I want to change them since that is what made me into the person I am now. A few regrets I have are not taking opportunities when they were presented to me, or not giving it my all to complete/learn something new. As a child, I was sent to dance class every Saturday. I didn’t understand my parents’ difficulty of taking their time to bring me there as a child because I simply couldn’t process that thought. I refused to spend my time at home to stretch, but now I realize the importance of dance in my life, and the inability to meet my own expectations of flexibility. By reason of this regret and other events, I learned to appreciate what is given since not everyone has these kinds of chances. The lessons that I have learned now will help aid me in the future because it has influenced me to become an understanding